Ohhhh really, I can't believe I got into success high school..... Why!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't want to go to school, I just want to sit at home and eat my life out what's the point of going to school.
Can't things just go well for me, I never thought I'll get into success high school but here I am in the school, come to think of it I didn't answer all questions on purpose so how come I got into the school.....
All this were running through a 16 year old girl who has given up on life. Getting into success high school has always been every teenager's dream but for her it is her worst nightmare.
Tina comes from a family of 6 she lost her mother and father at the age of 9 in a car accident and was left with three younger siblings to look after at a very young age.... Her brother died at the age of 7 because of malnutrition then as for the remaining two..... her mother's sister came to take the last born when she was just six month while the second to the last born fell inside a well when she was playing outside.
Now it's just Tina and her life, she runs a small store in front of the house her father built before dying and has just one friend called Emilia. when Tina finished junior high school she said she won't go to senior high school because she is really struggling but her friend Emilia's father is a friend to the owner of the school and helped tina to get in..... she purposely didn't answer the questions on the day of the entrance examination but who knew her friend's father has such influence to get her in like that....
Now she has to think of school books, school fees, money for transport and all of that because she can't depend on Emilia's family for everything.
Tina doesn't care about her looks, infact she doesn't have a mirror in the house, all she's after is to make money to eat just sleep. No clothes, no shoes, no makeup.... she lacks everything a teenager is supposed to have. As for Emilia, she's from a rich home but lives far from where Tina stays so Emilia only visits once in a while, a d brings clothes for Tina even she's coming....
but guess what ... Tina sells the clothes and the shoes Emily buys for her and uses the money to eat. She's not financially stable but trust me she eats a lot..... Now you might be expecting Tina to be wallowing in depression after everything that has happened to her..... yes she cries a lot at night and note that she's always alone so obviously she's depressed but there's one thing she's uses to distract herself *FOOD*. Tina can eat a lot but she doesn't get fat, she looks like someone suffering from malnutrition but trust me she has a great shape but she doesn't know.... she feels ugly and unwanted.
Lying on the bed facing the ceiling is Tina talking to herself.....
I can't believe I'm going to school on Monday... success high school for that matter.... Omg I'm so done for, I'm not even academically sound. How do I cope??
she looks at the uniform Emilia bought for her, the shoes, the money, the underwear, the school bag and other stuff.....
Emilia has always told her she's beautiful but she disagrees, she took the mirror her friend brought and looked at herself after a long time of not looking at the mirror and was surprised at how beautiful and grown she has become.... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh so I'm this grown , loom at my breast....Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh see my hips Omg I'm grown.
She lies on the bed and starts crying..... Mum look how big I've become Daddy look at how big I am.... I can't believe this is how I look
she cries herself to sleep
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