

The second prince of Saltine, dies at birth and is revived after a cultivator's soul transmigrated to the supernatural world of vampires, is deemed weak by all and shunned by his father when he could not wield his bloodline abilities and his compassion for other lifeforms accidentally stumbles upon a treasure during one of his adventures after leaving his family behind. The treasure is not a thing but a person, a human. A man who greatly helps him throughout his life adventures. He slowly rises from the weak prince to the strongest in the supernatural world. However, in order to break through his mortal shackles, he needs to overcome one thing, his compassion for humans. He gains a slave, a female slave who turns out to be someone very dear to him. Would he be willing to sacrifice her for power?

Adelaide_Mante · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs


Soon, she fell into his arms with her eyes closed.

"I will take Sarvia back to her room. Take care of Sylvine, the healer will be here soon.", Wilburson said out loud. His voice carried no trace of warmth and you could feel slight anger in his voice.

It was obvious that he blamed his own son for what had happened to his daughter.

Then without looking back, he left, phasing right through the door. He teleported straight to Sarvia's room and lay her down on the bed gently.

He put the fringes of hair on her face behind her ear, oblivious to the fact that that was her most sensitive spot.

Her eyes opened immediately, and they were scarlet red. She held him by his hand and threw him on the bed before fiercely baring her fangs at him.

However, she recognized him by his scent and quickly let go. She got off the bed and stood a distance before bowing deeply, trying to hide her embarrassment.

"Apologies, My Liege. I just happen to get alert when my sensitive spot was touched."

Wilburson also got off the bed.

"Do not worry, Sarvia. I am not offended in any way."

"I will take my leave now.", he said.

His footsteps on the marble floor were strong and firm and it echoed throughout the room.

He paused when he reached the door.

"You can stop being so formal with me, Sarvia. You're my wife as well."

Then he left without waiting for a reply.

Sarvia was left in her room, stunned.

What had just happened?

The Vampire King whom she had always been formal to without any words of complaint for one hundred years had suddenly told her not to be formal with him?

For her entire life, she had been taught royal virtues of servitude and how to be a good wife and Queen and that included according respect to her husband.

All these years, though uncomfortable, she had been dignified and rigid, in hopes of pleasing him.

And now, he had told her not to be formal with him.

Sarvia was beyond happy with this development.

She was suddenly unsure of what exactly Wilburson meant by what he said.

'Does that mean he also accepts me now?', Sarvia giggled like a little girl when she thought of that.

Did it mean she could call him Will just like how Mira called him?

She suddenly imagined calling him Will and his surprised expression, then she covered her face, giggling softly like a little child who had gotten her favorite candy.

So that night, Sarvia slept peacefully and had a happy dream because of what the Vampire King had told her.

Meanwhile, in a certain baby's body, there was a whole wreck.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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