
The Story About Me and the Girl Who Asked Me Out ver.2

So basically this is the story about our Mc, Matsuki Satoro and this girl Kira Miyoko. Kira asked him to go out with her, but , Matsuki hates the opposite gender. Matsuki accept her confession due to his own selfish and unreasonable reasons and that reason is, he wants to get his revenge on all girls. While Matsuki plans to use her as a stepping stone along the way for his goal, something went incredibly wrong. What could have possibly happened along the way? Will he be able to execute his plan or will someone get in his way? Find out by reading "The Story About Me and the girl who asked me out" [Note from the Author] This is the second version of the story I once wrote as a pantser, now I wrote it with plot, although I don't know if it is better or not, hope you find it enjoyable read despite my lackings Cover is mine

sm_yesa · Hiện thực
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36 Chs

Chapter 2: Lunch

[2023- November 07]

"Hey,do you mind if I borrow your pen?"

as soon as I noticed a guy coming towards my direction, I immediately hid my phone under my desk.

"Do you mind?"

A guy who has a cunning smile outstretched his hand out in front of me, kinda confused in his behavior, "Are you talking to me?" I asked.

"Yeah, who else is in front of me?"

I squinted my eyes, "Why would I let you borrow my pen? Do I even know you?"

"Eh? What do you mean? We sit next to each other for almost a year now, what do you mean, you're being harsh, Matsuki-kun?"

"Ha? Why would I know?" I exclaimed?

"Huh? Why won't you know? That's cold.."

"Either way, I won't lend you my pen."

"As cold as ever, fine, I'll just ask a kind person, unlike you.."

"..Uh, there she is, a kind person" with that, the annoying guy is gone.

Sighed, hope, he didn't see my phone screen..

Worriedly, I checked both of my sides before bringing my phone out again, and when there's no one near, I took a look again at my phone screen.

What I'd tried hiding in was what was on my phone search bar, one particular forum thread that caught my attention. It had the exact same question as mine, and the responses seemed intriguing.

[ What will hurt girls the most mentally and physically? My girlfriend cheated on me, and I want to get back on her, any Idea guys?

Anonymous: If you want to hurt a girl emotionally and physically. Just bang her!

Mister Revenger: No, no! Torture would be more accurate!

The Sly One: You guys are the worst, Just made the girl feel the love and leave her when she finally fallen in love with you! ]

All of their answered was totally fine but what if I did the third one? It seems more interesting than the rest and that's exactly what that bitch did to me...

Just you wait, I'll turn the tables on...

I couldn't help but grit my teeth and bury my face on the table.

Hiding my face from my classmates, a smirked form on my face.


I continued browsing the web for a while, but then heard a sound of approaching footsteps, which suddenly came to a halt. "Matsuki-kun?"To my surprise, a voice called out my name, and in an instant I looked up, my phone was already hidden. It was a voice unlike any other, possessing a unique blend of firmness and elegance.

"Oh? Kira, do you need the assignment now?" I rummaged through my bag, searching for the portfolio we needed to submit.

"Here!" I pulled it out of my bag, wanting to get over it quickly, I handed it out to her. "It's all complete, so you don't need to check it like before."

Kira, our class rep, her job is to collect the assignments and check if everyone is doing it properly. To other students she seems like a proper student but to me, she just look like an errand girl, a poor one, who happens to be unlucky that the teacher made her do his work.

"Uhmm... Yes, we need to pass it today..." She paused for a moment, her expression turning slightly pouty. "But that's not why I'm here... Y-yesterday, you left right after letting go of me and didn't even say goodbye."

"Eh!... S-sorry, I didn't mean to. I had to work early yesterday," I quickly replied, trying to come up with an excuse.

Ow, that's a perfect lie, Good job me! I don't have a shift yesterday, but I don't have anything on mind yesterday that I went home as soon as I finish hugging her. After all if I tried to stay longer with her I might have... Ugh let's forget about that..

"Uhmm...y-you...n-number, I still don't have your number." She brings out her phone out of her pocket, "Y-your phone?..G-give it to me."

Isn't she getting aggressive today? Yesterday she's trembling, but now she seems fine; she's still beet red though.

I hesitated for a moment, thinking whether I should give her my actual phone number or create a fake one to maintain some distance. But... yeah, we need to contact each other, I forgot that. Okay, let's let her do it. I pinch myself to calmly handle the situation and gave her my phone. And Kira quickly saved my number as soon as I handed it to her.

"Here," she handed my phone back to me. "Later... Uhm... Uh... Let's eat together." She turned her face sideways, her cheeks tinted with a blush. She must be pretty embarrassed asking me out in front of others. After all, all of our classmates has been staring at us.


Kira didn't say anymore and started going back to her seat. My classmates started murmuring with each other as they watched curiously Kira returning to her seat. It was clear that they were puzzled by her sudden interaction with me and her invitation to eat together.

Hmm.. They must be confused why Kira came to me and said "Let's eat together."

Hehehe, I couldn't help but find their jealous and irritated expressions quite amusing.

They probably don't know that we're now going out.

Hmm... If I remember correctly, Kira is quite popular among the guys and girls on campus... Although I only learned about her when she become my classmate this semester, I'm pretty sure about that info. Ah right, she's also often praised as the favorite student by most of the teachers here.

Wait, doesn't that mean she's actually popular with everyone? Doesn't that just makes her more like her?.. Her beauty and admirable qualities must be the reason. Same reason, huh. Tsk.. I bit my thumb nail in frustration.

Then, why did Kira asked me out and trying to get involved with someone like me? Did she hit her head, got bored on her life or something?.. perhaps all of that are not the reason, yeah.. That's not why...and I Know why...

Either way, I don't care. Heehehe.... I've thought of something really good.

Presuming that Kira doesn't really like me and only was force to make fun of me because she lost on a bet or something or whatever it is going on her mind, I won't let her do what she wants. She must he hiding the fact that we're going out because she asked me out yesterday when no one is around, then...

Take this! I stood up from my chair, slammed my hand on the table, and the sudden noise startled everyone in the classroom. All eyes were now on me, their gazes filled with surprise and curiosity.

Nice! I managed to get their attention! hehehe...

"Everyone! Listen, I, Matsuki Satoro.." even if it's embarrassing and kinda lame for me to say this, I confidently stood and continued "Everyone of you that still don't know, I am now dating Kira, our class rep, So if ever I saw someone flirting with her, I'll make you regret it!" My voice echoed in the classroom, and I could sense a mix of surprise, confused, and even a hint of curiosity among my classmates.

Sigh, what a cringe thing to say, I thought they're gonna laugh louder or something, but everyone was taken aback, Kira of course stopped for a bit and sat in her chair. I couldn't see her face, she was looking straight ahead, after all. But I could only imagine that she was feeling embarrassed. As for me, I tried my best to suppress my own nervousness and took a seat, waiting for the class to resume.

Hehehe.. I won't make the same mistake again...

Looking at Kira, I noticed her turning to glance at me. Her face was flushed and red. Hehehe she must be angry... I couldn't help but smirk to myself, thinking that she didn't expect it and now in shocked, It was quite amusing to see her in such a state.

Every girl in the room had their eyes on Kira, and even some of the boys couldn't help but steal glances at her. As for Kira herself, she was visibly blushing and seemed to be caught off guard by the attention. Her composure wavered.

"Is that really true, Kira-san?" a classmate asked, their voice filled with disbelief.

"Really?" another chimed in, their eyebrows raised in skepticism.

"For real?" a third classmate questioned, their eyes wide with surprise.

"He must be in delusion," someone whispered, casting doubt on my announcement. The room buzzed with uncertainty as everyone tried to process the unexpected revelation.

Kira, just sat there silently and then nod, telling them what I had just said was true.

Other guys stared daggers at me and I'll probably get in trouble later on... But that doesn't matter..

Once again, I buried my face on my desk and smirked.


"Ah..." I couldn't help but playfully open my mouth, gesturing for Kira to feed me. "E-eh..!" Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she hesitantly picked up a piece of the unfamiliar Western food with her spoon and fed it to me.

The morning class is now over and now we were sitting together in our classroom.

Actually, Kira said she wanted to eat lunch together at the rooftop, but there's no way I'll let her have her ways. So I said "Why don't we eat in the classroom instead? Everyone is not here, just a few of our classmates, Don't tell me you're embarrassed to eat with your boyfriend in front of everyone?" I even acted as if I was doubtful about her.

"No, it's not like that! I mean, if you prefer it this way, then let's eat here." And now we're here, eating lunch in our classroom.

I don't know what kind of things she wants to accomplish before breaking up with me, but it seems like having a lunch with me is one of those. I'm not pretty sure if she's messing with me on her own volition or she was forced but whatsoever, I'll make her regret it later.

We sat facing each other, using the chairs as makeshift tables, and began to eat our lunches together.

"I-is it delicious?" she flusteredly asked.

"No, it sucks!" I lied, pretending that the food was terrible. In reality, the food she fed me was actually quite good, but I wanted to hurt her. Hehehe, even if it were me, I would be hurt if someone said something mean about the food I made.

"Eh! S-sorry" she held her hands together and lowered her head" I-it's my first time cooking, t-that's why.. I'm sorry! I'll try to improve later."

What, it's her first time? Well, if that's true, I have to admit it's quite impressive.

Hmm..looking at Kira I noticed that whenever she's close to me, she's kind of fidgeting and her face will be full red. Is she arfraid of me? Or is she just nervous? And also why she always listen to me? I asked to myself but I just let that question unanswered because whatever the reason is, I don't really care.


"Finished, thanks for the food," I said, pushing my empty lunch box aside.

Kira looked at me, concerned, she asked, "Are you okay? Do you have a stomach ache?"

"I'm fine, I just need to go to the bathroom." To my surprise, Kira quickly stood up, her eyes wide. "Bathroom? Is it my fault? Is the food I made, really that bad?."

"No, I'm fine i just need to pee." I averted my eyes and said indifferently.

"B-but your face, you're sweating a lot", bringing out her handkerchief. She gently attempted to wipe the sweat from my forehead, but I quickly stopped her. "Please don't. I'm fine," I said firmly, unintentionally glaring at her. She immediately halted her actions. "O-okay," she stuttered. Feeling the need to escape the situation, I grabbed my lunch box and hastily left the classroom.


"Uwoahgh!" I vomited into the basin, located near the bathroom. It was a public facility used for washing hands but I can't hold back anymore so I release it there. I felt nauseous. Damn it... This again?...I thought I had finally overcome it. I was certain that I could handle being around a girl now. "Haaaahh.. hah."

Shit! You can't be serious, this must be because I didn't get enough sleep, yeah, that's the only reason.

It's not like that symptoms of mine is going back... Shit..

Taking deep breaths,I splashed water on my face to regain my composure.