
The Spirit of Vengeance

Welcome to the world of Heroes and Villains, a world where becoming a Hero isn't a childhood dream anymore. Being a Hero means bringing justice, hope, extending a helping hand to those in need, and fighting Villains, those who disregard Law. Heroes are good, Villains are evil, but is it that simple? Do all Heroes deserve to be called ones? Do all Villains are truly evil as public opinion says? Where to puts Vigilantes, those who are hunting Villains, but are themselves hunted by Heroes? Are they good? Bad? Does something like "Good" and "Evil" even exist in our world or we just forgot their meaning? Who decides what is good and what is evil? Who gave a right to that person to decide? The answer is simple, there are no good people, there are no bad people. There are only victims and guilty, and I must punish them, as I am the Spirit of Vengeance! ××××××××××××××××××× It's a Fanfic placed in the My Hero Academia universe. The MC is a teenager at the age of 17 but as we all know there isn't a second class in UA High School as our lovely Aizawa-sensei expelled the whole year, thus the MC will have to start from the 1st class, not that he cares. And, omg surprise incoming! He will have Ghost Rider powers! But don't expect super OP characters, NO! I will nerf it slightly, just a little because he is too OP, literally one of the top beings in MCU (probably). And what joy brings reading about someone who is too OP? Where is the struggle? Where is the joy of the unexpected happening?! Oh, and I will add some non-canon characters and events, Enjoy!

ReeviN · Tranh châm biếm
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

"You won't tell me what I can or can't do, bastard glasses! Now scram!"


"Shut it, Deku! Or I will kill you!"

"We should all calm down! This is not a behavior suitable for students!"

"I said SCRAM!!!"

'....' Adam just stood at the entrance still holding the door. He blinked a few times, trying to comprehend what was going on. He took a half step back to once again read a sign above the door. You know, just to be sure it's the right place.

"Perfect... Of course, they will put me to a special class..." Sighed Adam, complaining to himself.

"*Cough* Excuse me, may I come in?" A soft voice could be heard behind Adam.

"Ah, yes. I'm sorry." A little startled he stepped aside. His eyes met with the girl that walked past him. She was rather tall, black hair tied in a spiked ponytail, dark eyes, and light skin. 'She is pretty.'

"Thank you." She politely responded and made her way to her seat, stealing a curious glance at the student she saw for the first time in her class.

With a sigh, Adam decided to close the door and wait in the hallway for the first period to start. Why? First of all, he didn't know which seat was his and he wanted to save himself an embarrassing situation where he would be thrown out of his seat. He will just sit at whichever desk will be free. Second, he joined a week after the start of a school year, so as a transfer student he should introduce himself when the teacher comes in. And the third reason, he didn't want to get involved in whatever was going on right there, the quarrel he meant.

So like that, with a few more minutes to wait, he did what he could. He leaned on the wall, played music on earphones, and pretended he was doing something on the phone. With the corner of his eye, he saw students walking past him and entering the class, some of them didn't even glance at him, some just looked at him probably thinking he is someone from the other class. And like that, the bell rang, announcing the start of the classes.

Adam took out his earphones and stuffed them in his pockets. He wiped his face using his hand, trying to prepare himself mentally. Not long after a sound of steps reached his ears, coming from the direction he came from. His eyes met with those of man.

"Aizawa Shota, your homeroom teacher." Said the man after coming near enough Adam, with a monotonous voice.

His hair was black, reaching past his shoulders. Eyes dark as coal, with bags under them. Aizawa's overall expression was that of someone bored or tired, hard to differ. Around his neck was something akin to a scarf and goggles, with a black shirt, pants, and shoes. He didn't know why but by just looking at him Adam could be sleepy if not for small detail. The voices around that man.

Hearing their whispers, Adam unconsciously took a step back clenching his fists. Aizawa seeing the reaction narrowed his eyes.

"It's your quirk? The principal told me about it, so you don't have to be worried." Aizawa said with a sigh. "I want to ask you to not use it unless necessary, even during training and practice classes don't use it unless I'm near. Got it?" His eyes changed from bored to stern for a brief moment, enough for Adam to catch a difference.

"Yes, sir." Responded Adam, relived that in this school teachers at least seem to care. Unlike his previous high school where let's say, they didn't give a fuck when he informed them his quirk was getting weird. But that's a story for later.

"Good. Now go in, introduce yourself and get it over with." He yawned and walked inside the classroom.


"Attention kids. Starting today we have a new student joining us. He couldn't join us a week ago due to personal reasons. Come in!" Aizawa said to his students as he slumped on his chair right after, with his head on the desk.

Murmurs were spreading across the class until it's stopped when the door slid open and the newcomer walked in. He walked next to the board, holding his backpack with his right hand he looked at everyone sitting.

"Hi, my name is Adam Blaze, I'm a foreigner who recently moved to Japan. I like music and motorcycles. I hope we'll get along." He smiled wryly thinking he must have sounded weird, but a second later a small applause was heard and a few people said it was nice to meet him.

Adam sighed in relief, thinking that the worst part is already done. Suddenly the noise of a chair screeching on the floor was heard.

"Hi! Wha-?"

"No, Ashido. Sit down. You can ask him questions during the break." A muffled voice of their homeroom teacher interrupted the pink-haired girl. But what caught Adam's attention wasn't her hair, but rather her skin in the same color.

"Fine!" A girl named Ashido sat down with crossed arms and a cute pout.

"*Sigh* You can sit there, the seat closer to the board." Pointed Aizawa as he stood up and basically pushed Adam away from his desk.

Finally in his seat, he looked around at his "neighbors". On the left was a guy with black hair and a smile on his face. He was slim but Adam's attention immediately landed on his elbows. 'Probably his quirk?' The boy looked at him and waved his hand in a greeting which Adam casually returned.

In front of him was another boy, but he seemed more build-up than the other, though what was remarkable of him right now was his spiky red hair.

On his right was the same girl who got shut down by Aizawa a moment before. When he looked at her, she was already looking at him with a cheerful smile, waving her hand quickly. Adam awkwardly returned the gesture with a half-smile on his face.

The seat behind was empty, it looked like the seat's owner was absent.

"Alright, let's start where we finished last time..."

And like that the first day of school began.

sorry for the slow pace of the story

ReeviNcreators' thoughts