
The Special Path To Divinity (Unedited)

......This version was created to know more about the readers view on the book, if you notice I used different writing styles, so I would advice you to read the edited one “The Special Path To Divinity” Alex Jackson a guy who came of age and became a strengthened like his parents and decided to go through a lustful path to achieve his goal of being the strongest awakened

Charming_immortal · Khác
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70 Chs

Chapter 66: Meeting An Ally

Coming Out of the elevator the view here was awesome, it had a cool relaxed atm....

' Officer Wee report to my office ' Someone voice sounded through a speaker.

' While I was about to compliment this place ' Alex thought

As Alex stepped out a lot of attention was directed to them, a group of people came to their side.

" Ass Team Captain, the captain of the team went to find clues concerning the subject matter if handsome man" A female officer was speaking but when she saw Alex she started speaking gibberish.

" *umm* *umm* " Emily cleared her throat to gain their attention.

" You were saying? " Emily asked after gaining their attention

"I am sorry, the captain is off to find clues but he left a note for you " She completed her words

" Uhm, who is this man? " A male in the group asked

" He is my .... " Emily wanted to answer but Alex interrupted

" She is my Woman " Alex said while looking at the guy who asked who also looked at him, it was about to start a stare down contest but Alex continued talking

" And you should better stay away from her " Alex continued, he knew probably this was one of Emily's Admirers

" You didn't tell me when you got a boyfriend " Another female that seemed more closer to her spoke but Alex allowed Emily replied her.

" It not that long we started dating " Emily replied

" And he is trying to.... " The same guy tried to speak but was interrupted by Emily

" I think I should get going, I need to report to duty the captain won't wait, also are you going now? " Emily asked while looking at Alex

" Yes I need to go now " Alex said as he walked away before he stopped like he forgot something

" I forgot " Alex said as he turned and walked back to Emily and kissed her gaining attention from people also while some admirers were looking at him with disgust and hatred.

Alex continued kissing her for thirty seconds which felt like an hour to some people, Emily was starting to get uncomfortable when it was getting close to one minute but Alex didn't stop only savouring her lower lips. A door sounded as someone walked out

" Umm Umm, This Is a workplace not a love hotel " The person said ending the people suffering, some were jealous while some were getting slightly aroused by his handsome face and the kiss. Finally Alex stopped.

" Ah, Mr James, how are you doing?, it been so long " Alex greeted ignoring his comments

" It been long but I didn't think the next time we see you will be making out in my station " The person called James replied

" Still so Work addicted, well I wasn't making out I was savouring my Girlfriend lips taste " Alex shamelessly said making Emily blush. Mr James only slightly furrowed his brow but loosened up later

" At last I gained it from you, why don't you step into the office I have something to discuss of slight importance " Mr James said

" Though I am busy but only just few minutes " Alex said while walking into the office

" See you in few minutes time " Alex said while looking at Emily as he walked away but not giving the male in the group a cold glare which sent shiver up his spine.

After he entered the Head Captain room, he took his seat.

" So Mr Lee said that you have finally became a Cultivator " Mr James said as soon as he sat down

" You could at least start with the greetings, Also what does you and that old man have?, he always tells you most things " Alex said expecting a particular answer.


" Nothing just friends " Mr James replied

....He got.

" Same as always, I doubt that the reason you called me " Alex said urging him to go straight to the point

" Well he also told me about the school, and as the head captain of this SRMO branch, I know that the school is going to the Nightwing.... " Mr James was talking but was interrupted

" Nightwing Forest, I know and there is a Cultivator beast there that is power is beyond this world " Alex completed his sentence

" As expected having an SRMO as your spy is working out well for you " Mr James said while smiling

" She is my Woman not my spy " Alex said rebuking him angrily

"...." Mr James was surprised at his reply

" You have never had a girlfriend once only work, also you always had spy everywhere, the only place you don't have spy in the SRMO and Power Cooperation " Mr James said stating the reason for his surprise

" I have never been intimate with my spy " Alex replied

" True but still you keep only female Spy " Mr James replied

" Because Male ones are boring and sometimes the female ones spy for me cause of my good looks " Alex said while smiling

" I will take it that she is the reason you are Cap-Free today " Mr James replied him

" And forever, also I do have spy in Necropolis and Power Cooperation " Alex said smiling again

" If you do then you should know they are launching a portal right and I can't just shake the feeling that it is dangerous " Mr James said going to the main reason for calling him

" You say I don't have spy in the SRMO but you tell me almost everything about this investigations " Alex said to him stating his mistake in his words earlier

" Only dangerous ones " Mr James tried to prove him wrong

" And almost all are dangerous " Alex replied

" Can you just answer me " Mr James knew even if they start arguing he will still win.

" Okay, Yes it was mostly Emily that told me and I investigated, but I plan on doing it personally when I level up more then pass this world's standard " Alex said

" How do you plan on doing that? " Mr James asked curiously

" Through the competition of course " Alex replied in a way that was saying that ' How else '.

" Just be careful they aren't normal, also I noticed that the world is improving,many people now know there is a cultivation level beyond this level so I plan on using them to fight those monsters but I guess they can be on standby " Mr James said

" I appreciate the offer but I will prefer my battle to not be watched " Alex said

" Also, there are dangerous people probably divine rank coming through the portal so this world is in danger " Alex continued, he was trying to make the situation known so that not much will be destroyed when this world become a battlefield.

" So that what I am sensing, still I am surprised how you know and I guess you won't tell me how? " Mr James said thinking probably Alex will answer but he was wrong cause Alex kept mute.

" Okay just know that I will be there if you need help " Mr James said with a serious expression

"...." Alex was confused why he said that, He knew the situation was great but the way the Head captain said it was like he was devoting himself to Alex.

" And you claim you aren't my spy perhaps Ally then, anyway I am leaving " Alex said while standing up