
The Soul King of Infinity

When Ragnar, a man with a life filled with misfortune, solves a mysterious puzzle rumored to be magical, he is suddenly thrust into a world unlike any he's ever known. Stripped of his old life and with no memory of how he got here, he must navigate a perilous world filled with lurking dangers. The only guide he has is a system granted to him by a divine being known as "The Banished One." A/N: Hello, everyone! This is my first novel, and I'm excited to share it with you. I hope you enjoy the story and support my work. I'm doing this for fun, so the release schedule might be a bit irregular. Also, the beginning might seem a little slow, but I promise it will pick up in later chapters. I appreciate your understanding and thank you.

MrRyzen · Kỳ huyễn
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36 Chs


"Are you okay?" Ragnar asked, his voice calm and neutral.


The girl dropped to her knees, shaking with fear. Her eyes darted from the remains of the attackers to Ragnar, her whole body trembling.


"P-please don't hurt me!" she stammered. Having just witnessed Ragnar obliterate the three men, she feared she might be next.


Ragnar sighed, shaking his head. "Hey, if I wanted to hurt you, would I be asking if you're okay? I'm here to help, not harm." He spoke softly but firmly, trying to ease her fear.


The girl slowly looked up at him, her breathing gradually calming. She realized that he had saved her, not attacked her. "Y-yes. Thank you for your help, mister," she replied, her voice still shaky.


"Mister? I think we're about the same age. You can call me Ragnar," he said, offering a small smile.


The girl stood up, still a bit unsteady on her feet. She bowed slightly and introduced herself. "Thank you, Mr. Ragnar. Without you, I don't know what would have happened to me. My name is Erica."


Ragnar nodded in acknowledgment. "Nice to meet you, Erica. Let's get you back to the main road, then we'll go our separate ways."


Erica followed Ragnar as they walked through the forest back toward the main road. She stayed close behind him, her eyes darting around, still wary of any further threats. The journey wasn't long, but to her, it felt like an eternity.


When they reached the road, Ragnar turned to her. "Alright, Miss Erica, this is where we part."


Erica hesitated, then asked, "Uhm, Mr. Ragnar, are you by chance heading to Axiom City?" She had noticed he was walking in the same direction.


"Yes, I am," Ragnar replied. "Why do you ask?"


"If you're going there, would you mind if I joined you? I'm not used to traveling alone, and I'm worried that something like what just happened might happen again," she suggested, her voice tentative.


Ragnar considered her request. Traveling alone had its risks, and he could understand why she wouldn't want to risk it. Having a companion might not be a bad thing. "Alright, you can come along. But I need to warn you, I stop from time to time to train with my sword. If you're in a hurry, you might need to find someone else to travel with."


Erica nodded enthusiastically. "That's fine! I'm not in a rush. Thank you for letting me tag along." She seemed relieved to have found someone reliable to accompany her.


They began walking together along the road to Axiom City. Erica, slightly shorter than Ragnar, struggled to keep pace, but she did her best to stay beside him. Ragnar walked with a steady stride, occasionally glancing at her to ensure she was keeping up. It was a simple journey, but the presence of another person brought a sense of comfort to them both.


After about four hours of walking, Ragnar decided it was time to rest. The sky had begun to darken, and Erica looked visibly relieved at the suggestion of a break. She was exhausted from trying to keep pace with Ragnar. As they entered a wooded area, Ragnar started gathering dry wood to set up a campfire. The forest provided ample materials, and within a short time, he had collected enough logs and kindling to start a fire.


While Ragnar began hand drilling the wood to spark a flame, Erica watched with curiosity. Despite having spent most of her life in a village, she wasn't familiar with wilderness survival techniques.


"Uh, what are you doing?" she asked, watching him rub the wood.


"Trying to light a fire," Ragnar replied, his focus on the task at hand.


"Oh, I can help with that!" she said, eager to contribute.


Ragnar handed her the wood, wondering what she had in mind. Erica closed her eyes, concentrating deeply, then held out her hand. A tiny flame formed in her palm, flickering and dancing in the growing darkness. She quickly tossed it onto the woodpile, and the fire caught, spreading through the kindling and igniting the logs.


Ragnar was surprised to see Erica create fire with her bare hands. He hadn't expected her to be a mana user. "You can conjure flames?" he asked, intrigued.


Erica nodded, smiling shyly at his surprise. "I've been able to sense mana since I was a kid, and recently, I learned how to create a small flame. It takes a lot of concentration, though."


"Are there many people who can do that?" Ragnar asked, curious about the prevalence of magic users.


"Not where I'm from. In my village, I was the only one who could do it. That's why I wanted to go to Axiom City—to enroll in the academy and study magic." She seemed excited by the prospect, her eyes lighting up with ambition.


Ragnar raised an eyebrow. "Turns out we have the same goal. I'm also heading to Axiom to join the academy."


"What? You're not already a student?" Erica was baffled. She had assumed that with his skills, Ragnar must be a seasoned student or a trained warrior.


"Nope. Just getting started," he replied with a casual shrug.


Erica couldn't believe it. If Ragnar wasn't already a student, he must be some kind of prodigy. The way he moved and fought was beyond what she'd seen in her village.


By the time they finished gathering wood and lit the fire, it was completely dark. They ate a simple meal and settled in for the night, keeping a light watch. The forest was full of unknown dangers, and they needed to be prepared for anything that might come their way.


The next morning, after eating a simple breakfast and cleaning up their camp, Ragnar and Erica resumed their journey. The air was crisp and cool, the early morning light filtering through the trees. They walked in comfortable silence, each lost in their own thoughts.


Erica seemed more relaxed now that they were nearing their destination. She had been a little anxious during the night, but the fire had kept them safe, and Ragnar's presence provided reassurance. They walked for a couple of hours, the forest gradually thinning as they approached their destination.


Eventually, they reached the outskirts of Axiom City. A massive stone wall loomed before them, stretching as far as the eye could see in either direction. The wall's towering presence was both awe-inspiring and intimidating. A large gate in the center served as the city's main entrance, with a steady stream of people queuing to get in. Merchants with carts, travelers with heavy backpacks, and city guards stood in orderly lines, waiting for their turn to enter.


Ragnar looked up at the imposing structure. "Finally, Axiom City," he thought, feeling a mix of excitement and anticipation. This was the first major city he had seen since arriving in this world, and it represented a significant step in his journey.

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