
The Soul King of Infinity

When Ragnar, a man with a life filled with misfortune, solves a mysterious puzzle rumored to be magical, he is suddenly thrust into a world unlike any he's ever known. Stripped of his old life and with no memory of how he got here, he must navigate a perilous world filled with lurking dangers. The only guide he has is a system granted to him by a divine being known as "The Banished One." A/N: Hello, everyone! This is my first novel, and I'm excited to share it with you. I hope you enjoy the story and support my work. I'm doing this for fun, so the release schedule might be a bit irregular. Also, the beginning might seem a little slow, but I promise it will pick up in later chapters. I appreciate your understanding and thank you.

MrRyzen · Kỳ huyễn
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36 Chs

Axiom City

Erica walked beside him, her eyes wide with wonder. She had never seen such a large city before, and the sheer size of the wall left her speechless. She glanced at Ragnar, her curiosity evident.


"Is this your first time here too?" she asked.


"Yes. I'm just as new to this city as you are," Ragnar replied, keeping his gaze on the entrance ahead.


The queue moved slowly, but it gave them time to take in the sights and sounds. The bustling activity, the colorful banners, and the merchants hawking their goods from the back of carts—it was a lively scene, a stark contrast to the quiet of the forest.


When Ragnar and Erica reached the gate, they found a long queue of people waiting for inspection. Guards in uniform stood at their posts, scrutinizing the crowd as they checked documents and conducted searches. The city walls were massive, a clear sign of Axiom City's prominence and the need for security.


Ragnar stepped forward, a stern-faced guard holding a clipboard approached him.


"Name?" the guard asked, his voice clipped and businesslike.




"Purpose?" the guard continued without looking up.


"To join the academy," Ragnar replied.


The guard glanced up from his clipboard, his eyes narrowing as he examined Ragnar. He pointed to the side with his pen. "Go over there for a quick search."


Ragnar complied, moving to the designated area where another guard waited. This guard was broader and more heavily armed. He seemed accustomed to dealing with travelers and kept a neutral expression as he prepared to inspect Ragnar.


"Do you have any weapons?" the guard asked.


"Yes, a sword," Ragnar replied.


"Place it on the table," the guard instructed.


Ragnar removed the Sword of Anarchy from its scabbard and placed it on the inspection table. The guard patted him down, checking for hidden weapons or contraband. After a thorough search, the guard shouted to his colleague, "Clear!"


He then nodded to Ragnar. "You can take your sword back. Be sure to follow the city's rules and enjoy your stay in Axiom City," he said, giving Ragnar permission to proceed.


Ragnar picked up his sword, attaching it back to his belt. He was relieved to see that carrying a sword wasn't an issue within the city. It made him wonder about the regulations regarding weapons and what might be considered illegal.


Ragnar entered the bustling city, the noise and energy of Axiom washing over him like a tidal wave. He scanned the crowd and spotted Erica, who was waving at him from a distance. She seemed relieved to see him, and he quickened his pace to reach her. Her inspection had gone smoothly, much quicker than Ragnar's.


When he joined her, she asked, "Did they also do a special check when you said you came for the academy?"


Ragnar nodded. "Yeah, they were pretty thorough. Had to put my sword on the table and everything." He shrugged, not bothered by the extra scrutiny. The academy was a high-profile place, and it made sense for the guards to be vigilant.


"Whoa, they really are strict here," Erica exclaimed, then continued, "Anyway, did you see the size of this city? It's huge! It could fit, like, ten of my village in here."


Though Ragnar was accustomed to big cities in his former life, he had to give credit where credit was due—this city was stunning. The architecture, from the walls to the houses and even the streetlamps, all blended in harmony to create a truly picturesque setting.


The people in Axiom City wore a diverse array of clothing. Some dressed in coats and hats, likely merchants. Others wore casual outfits adorned with various accessories, while many had simple attire much like Ragnar's.


The houses in the outskirts of the city were made of wood, simple and functional. As you moved closer to the city center, the structures became more robust, with bricks and tiles forming the foundation of sturdier buildings. At the heart of the city stood an enormous structure that spanned nearly a kilometer in length. This was the Axiom Academy, a place known to attract young and ambitious individuals seeking to hone their skills and knowledge.


Upon arriving at the entrance to the academy, Ragnar and Erica were approached by guards holding spears. They wore white uniforms with black patterns, their expressions stern and focused.


"State your business," one of the guards said.


"We wish to take the test to get admitted," Erica replied.


The guard nodded. "Well, you came at a good time. The entrance exams will be held in two days. Go to the counter to submit your information and pay the two-copper entrance fee."


Ragnar and Erica exchanged a glance and headed to the counter to complete the registration process.

They both nodded and walked up to the counter, where a woman sat engrossed in her work, her pen moving quickly over the paper. Ragnar cleared his throat to catch her attention.


"Oh! Sorry, I didn't see you there!" she said, quickly regaining her composure. "How can I help you?"


"Hello, we're here to sign up for the upcoming entrance exams," Erica replied.


"Of course," the clerk said with a professional smile. "Here's the form. Please fill it out with your information, and there's a two-copper fee for the application."



They both nodded and took the forms. Ragnar felt a twinge of worry as he glanced down at the paper, unsure if he would be able to understand the language. To his surprise, he found he could read the words without any difficulty. What shocked him most was that he had never seen these symbols before, yet they made perfect sense to him.


'How much change did I went through to come here? Stronger body, sharper sense, no remorse and now can read and write?' He thought inwardly.


After filling the form, they left the counter and stood right outside the academy.


"Thank you helping and accompanying me Mr Ragnar. Is there any way I can repay you?" Erica said.


"Uhm, a nice meal someday would do." He said with a smile.


"Okay! Its a promise and good luck with the exams. See you on exam day."


Ragnar waved goodbye to Erica as they parted ways. Now that he was on his own, he needed to find a place to stay. Elder Moran had given him some funds to help with his journey, which would come in handy in the bustling city. After wandering through several streets and checking a few places, he finally found a cheap inn.


He paid for two nights and went up to his room. It was small but tidy, with just a bed and a desk. The minimalist setup didn't bother him—he wasn't planning to stay long. The inn served food downstairs, but he had already eaten, so he decided to skip dinner and rest instead.


He called for the status window to check his current progress.




[Name: Ragnar] 

[Trait: Soul Eater] 

[Constitution: Celestial Body (Locked)] 

[Rank: Unawakened] 


Strength: 19 

Agility: 27

Intelligence: 22 

Mana: 0



- Tribute (Passive)

- Soul Collector (Active)


[Soul points: 72] 

[Status Points: 0] 




He remembered that there was another option for the soul points. He decided to test it out.


"System, consume 12 Soul Point to strengthen my soul."


[Soul points converted. Soul will be strengthen. Host is advised to bite something.]


'Bite something?' Ragnar was confuse at first then a thought came to his mind.


'Fuck! Something Quick!'


In an instant, panic gripped Ragnar as the system's warning became painfully clear. His eyes darted around the room for something to bite, and his gaze landed on the pillow. He grabbed it and sank his teeth into the fabric just as the searing pain hit him like a bolt of lightning.


It felt as though his entire body was submerged in boiling water. Sweat poured from him as if his skin were melting. His muffled screams echoed through the small room, each surge of agony more intense than the last. The walls seemed to close in as if the room itself was reacting to his anguish.


The noise he made was enough to attract attention from the adjacent rooms. He heard someone pounding on the wall, shouting, "Hey! Keep it down in there!" But Ragnar was too far gone to respond, his consciousness slipping away with each wave of pain.


Despite the chaos around him, Ragnar's mind had only one thought: he had to endure it. There was no turning back now. The more he resisted, the worse it became, so he bit down harder on the pillow and rode through the storm of agony. He felt the intensity beginning to overwhelm him, his vision darkening as he lost control of his body.


In a final surge of excruciating pain, Ragnar's eyes rolled back, and he went limp on the bed. The last thing he heard was the distant echo of his own screams, muffled by the pillow, before everything faded into black.


The next morning, Ragnar jolted awake, gasping for air. His heart raced as he quickly scanned his surroundings, disoriented and on high alert. The remnants of last night's pain lingered in his body, a harsh reminder of the agony he'd endured.


"Never again!" he swore to himself, still shivering from the memory. It was a level of torment he'd never experienced before, and he couldn't fathom going through it again.


As he took a deep breath to calm himself, the system chimed in with a notification.


[Soul strengthening successful.]

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