
I'm a skeleton?!

An old man who seemed to have his skin melting was in a dark room while he laughed madly. The walls appeared to be of jagged stones, while on the floor there were bones of all kinds.

The old man with a twinkle in his eye looked at those bones as he laughed even further.

"Hahahaha. Finally!!! I have everything I need to have my eternal life!!!" He said, while behind him, some zombies appeared and looked at him reverently when he turned to the zombies. "Soon, I'll be able to summon thousands, no, even more!" He screamed, while once again falling into a distorted laugh, it looked like a scene from a horror movie, once again he turned to look at the bones.

"Bones of the black dragon, skull of the twilight wizard, bones of the king of hell, and beyond all, bones of the greatest necromancer that ever existed, I! I'm going to become a lich and mark the history of the world!" The old man said loudly, when a gleam of madness escaped his eyes, he repositioned himself, while clapping.

After clapping, a zombie came in holding a staff as he knelt down and delivered the staff to the old man. The old man picked up the staff, then looked back at the scene, while once again laughing, while hitting the tip of the staff into the pile of bones.

A bright purple magic circle, with many complicated symbols appeared, when all the dark-colored bones seemed to melt, while this 'liquid' began to rise and gather, while taking the form of a human skeleton, the only skull on top of the pile was put where the head was supposed to be, when the 'liquid' solidified into a set of bones that formed the shape of a human skeleton.

The skeleton stood still, standing, while his face was facing the old man. The old hunchback was small in compared to the large skeleton, which was the size of a tall person. The old man looked at this as his smile widened in a way that would not be possible if his skin was not deteriorated to the point of presenting such elasticity.

The old man walked to the front of the skeleton, which did not move and remained static. "The body is ready..." The old man said, as he lifted his staff and took the crystal from the tip. As soon as he removed the crystal, the staff disaded into particles, which were caught by the nonexistent wind of the room and gone.

The old man looked at the crystal, when using his free hand, he placed it on the crystal, when another magic circle, this time smaller, but with many more symbols appeared. The magic circle split up into three, when one went to the crystal, another floated to the forehead of the old man and another to the forehead of the skeleton.

The old man laughed, when the magic circles began to rotate, the center of the circle rotated faster than the edge, when the red crystal would pulverized, which its powder levitated and formed a line, connecting the old man's forehead and the skeleton's forehead.

The old man's body appeared to be limp, but it did not fall, his forehead appeared to be stuck with the floating red powder line. The light in the old man's eyes very much went away, leaving place only for the dead eyes, while the skeleton's eyes suddenly ascended, with a purple fire.

The dust remained for a while, before being carried away by the wind, leaving the old man's lifeless body on the ground, when the old man's skin fell apart, leaving the bones, which melted as well and joined the skeleton. The skeleton's head moved rigidly as he took a stiff step forward.

The skeleton looked around, while a hoarse laugh came out of his mouth, which opened.

"Hahahaha Finally!!!! Finally I becam-" The skeleton's voice stopped, when a strong wind entered through the living room door, carrying with it a black ethereal dust, which accumulated around the skeleton.

The skeleton fell backwards as it desperately tried to go further back.

"No, no, no, no, no, No!!! I've worked hard for this!!" The skeleton screamed asperaously as it crawled in the ground and thousands of purple circles appeared in front of it... But it all shattered like window panes.

The ethereal dust did not seem to care about the laments of the skeleton, when it headed for its forehead with tremendous speed, causing once again the winds to crash against the wall. The zombies at the door had fallen to the ground for a long time, and they could not lift due to the force of the wind.

The dust completely entered the center of the skeleton's skull, when the flame of the eyes went from a purple color to a black one.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, You didn't even say what is the gifts th-" The skeleton spoke, as he looked forward, but soon his hand quickly rose to his head. "Where the fuck am I?" The skeleton thought, as he looked around and saw zombies on the ground, that they rose successfully and looked at him curiously.

The skeleton that was already on the ground crawled further back, before feeling the walls on its back. "Did he reincarined me in some horror movie?" The skeleton, now, Theo, spoke, while looking at the zombies looking at him.

He felt the cold walls, but they didn't seem to bother him as he looked down...

"Ahhhh!" Theo screammed, as he realized that his hands were bones, and all the rest of his body too. "What the fuck is that?!" He got up while inspecting his body, as if he were not on the ground afraid of the zombies a few seconds ago.

"Did he reencarned me in a skeleton? A fucking skeleton?!" Theo thought, when his head began to hurt, even if it didn't make sense, because he is a skeleton.

He sat down, when his head began to accumulate knowledge in an unusual way, making him understand things as if he were reading quickly, leaving nothing knowledge behind.

'Ok.... What the fuck is that?' He thought, when he noticed that one of his memories was about a cultivation method. "How the fuck am I going to do it? Skeletons at least have a dantian?" He spoke aloud, outraged at what was happening.

The zombies at the door bowed their heads, as if they were trying to understand, they were like dogs. It was a comic scene.

Theo put his esqueletic hands on his skull as he looked down... "Even my precious is gone..." He said, looking at his groin. "Well, it's not like I used it anyway." He said, like he doesn't care.

Theo was a teenage inmate, he just went out to buy manga. Despite liking girls, none had really awake his romantic interest, as they all seemed very irritating, and a relationship could not be maintained only with sex, he was dreamy and wanted something more romantic.

For him, sex was just a consequence, he wanted to have it, but not to the point of being desperate for it. "One day I'm going to fix it..." He thought, being a skeleton now, he knew there must be some method, not least because if he's alive being a skeleton, this world isn't normal.

Once again rummaging through his memories, he vaguely saw the memories of an old necromancer who longed to become immortal. He saw it as a movie, but he seemed strangely connected to this crazy old man.

He looked forward while doing something that was in his memories and impressively, something appeared in front of him.

A black magic circle formed with a few symbols, not so complicated, when a translucent black screen appeared in front of him.

[Name: Theo.

Race: Lich weakened. Souls: 0 / 30

Life: -/- Mana: 349/350.

Strength: 10 Resistance: 10

Magic Power: 30 Magic Resistance: 25]

It was like a game screen, but there was no function. It only showed simple things like this, it was a magic used to quantify its characteristics. In the memories about the old necromancer, he noticed that all the wizards in this society used it. Although theirs seemed different, there was nothing like statistics of magical power and magical resistance, only life, mana and strength. Not even resistance was quantified, but for him it was all clear.

"My life..." Theo grumbled as he snagged his life statistic. "Null? Does that mean I'm immortal?" Theo thought it made sense because he was a Lich... Looking once more into your memories. He realized that the overall strength of a beginning mage was about 10.

Letting out a sigh. "I seem to have a long way to go..." He thought, while he was still rummaging, until he found something interesting. "Storage magic?" He thought, as he put his hand forward and tried to use it.

Some small magic circles appeared in front of his palm, forming an imperfect black cube, with strange symbols that he did not know the meaning of. But soon the circles shattered.

[Mana: 200/350]

"Looks like it's not going to be that easy..." He thought, as he felt drained, as he sighed, but before the circles were gone in particles, the particles joined together, while they formed a small black ring, with no noteable characteristics.

"Hm?" Theo noticed this as he held his hand to the black ring floating in front of him and held it in his palm. As soon as he picked it up, something popped into his mind. It was something inexplicable, but he somehow he knew what was in the ring.

'This is a gift from me, for you.' He heard something in the back of his mind, almost imperceptive, but he still heard clearly while feeling happy. He even wanted to smile, but he was a skeleton now.

Looking at the ring, he knew how to extract, when on the ground in front of him, two things appeared out of nowhere.

A transparent and round white fruit, with spirals all the way, and beside this strange fruit, another fruit even stranger, was blue and contained the same patterns in spirals, but the spirals were darker.

"..." Theo looked at it wide-eyed as he realized that the black ring began to dissolve in his hand. "Okay..." He said, as he looked at the fruits knowing clearly what they were.

"And how would a skeleton eat that?" He wondered, a little frustrated but anxious. "I think better test with this one first..." He thought, as he held his hand to the white fruit and carried it to his mouth.

Taking a bite with his skeletal teeth, the fruit entered his mouth when he felt a taste of shit and even want to vomit, but the food did not go through his body.

'Can a skeleton feel disgusted?' He thought, while biting the rest of the fruit strangely. But unlike what he saw in the anime... He didn't feel full after eating, only halfway, as he held out his hand and grabbed the blue fruit and did the same thing.

Despite the taste of shit, he felt strangely satisfied after eating. After finishing, he felt his body different, but he couldn't tell how...

"I don't think I'm going to die from having ate two of this..." He thought, while somehow, he felt that his belly was full, and he sat on the floor.

"So... Goro Goro no Mi and Soru Soru no Mi? I'm not a little strong now?" He spoke aloud as he turned his sight to the two zombies who observed the whole event with their heads tilted to the side.

Looking at those decomposing human bodies made Theo want to throw up, but he was a skeleton, so he couldn't ...

"Now what do I do?" He spoke loudly, considering his options ... Strangely, he got used to everything very quickly, before he died he had no family ... Actually he did, but he left home after his parents said it was better to sell him to pay for accounts, because he was useless on the spot.

He also had no girlfriend or friends, as he was an isolate and worked at home on the computer he bought with the money he stole from his parents before running away from home.

His life was not good, so he had no trouble getting used to it now, except for the fact that he is a skeleton.

"First ... I have to take care of these things ..." He looked at one of the three zombies at the door, and at that moment, a piece of skin from one of the zombies fell to the floor, signaling how putrid he was ...


A/N: Thank you for reading... Well, i'm working hard on this one, and i'm with some world ideas, so... I think that this one will go well, i hope so.

Thank you for reading!!!!

Leave some power stones, that is what motivates the author!!!

Kitsounecreators' thoughts
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