
The Soul's Wanderlust

Helena and her family endures life in the dead lands of Aelmere, a land of drought and famine. Known as soul travelers, they possess the power of soul wanderlust with the use of their crests. As she grew, Helena developed elemental powers of the wind, water and earth - making her a Celestial Soul Traveler that holds the power of life passed on in their kind every generation. However, ever since Helena's powers were born, she was forbidden to use them as much as her parents restrict themselves from soul traveling. Secretly, with the help of her father, she feeds her curiosity and soul travels whenever possible. One day, Helena's carelessness cost her, her crest, losing her precious artifact while she was in a soul wanderlust. As she look for it, Helena got trapped in a world different from hers, a place of deviled creatures, magic, and men. Sadly, when she found her crest, its magic have already worn out. To go back to her family, she found an utterly outrageous plan. Only, she had to pretend not to be just any man, but a warrior who kills, something that is against her magic of life. As she hide under the armor of a knight, Helena uncovers the truths of her identity, falling in love and choosing worlds to live in.

rocksunxv · Lịch sử
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147 Chs

89 The Traveler’s Stone


In the heart of the razed Holy Land, I hurriedly made a pit of fire that slowly blanketed us in the cold night. The wind was biting my face everytime it blew. My clothes haven't completely dried, that I feel the hem of my coat frost. Umbriel tried his best to gather much firewood, but then, seeing him shiver through the chilly winds make me feel terribly blue. Besides, I couldn't let his delicate soft hands hurt which seemed to have only held books and quills all his life. The cold isn't much a bother, anyway. Eventually, I let him stay with the dubious priests who kept their prying eyes pinned on me while I keep the fire on the pit burning.

The priests preferred to stay at the mouth of the relic hall. Their lips were sealed, like it was plastered together. They looked mysteriously offish. Well, not all of them. The old man with a red mark on his face kept stealing glances on me and my scepter - as if he reads every move I make. The other priest who have a tiny red hat over his head looked like a cat who'd retract his claws when someone comes near. And lastly, I am greatly bothered on the priest who's losing his life force. At a distance, I could see his arm heavily burned that could be taking his precious mortality. 

Not an inch, the priests stood there unfazed until Atrius returned. And then I knew, they trusted him because he was able to get in the tunnels - one way to be secured that he isn't a soul traveler. Under the dark cloudy night, Ottis, Jac, Atrius, and I seated on the ground on one side of the bonfire, while the priests rested on the other side. We all shared the meat Jac and Atrius hunted. It was quite big enough for all of us.

Ottis and Jac gobbled down like rabid wolves who were hungry for days. They didn't mind the searing grub as they grab and munch with their bare hands. On the other hand, the priests who claimed have subdued to famine for days ate like a mouse. Nibbling on tiny bites, they ate in proper order quietly almost bothering to watch.

As I pay attention to these men around me, I wondered in silence how is it going be for all of us. We haven't even exactly figured out what we should do after escaping Brandenburg. Moreover, I was only told that Umbriel needs to tag along after witnessing a crime. And now, we have more company who seemed to be fearful of something… or someone.

"So how did you survived?", Ottis was the only brave among us to ask about the elephant in the room. "I mean… look at the aftermath here… even though I'm a great fighter, I won't survive this", he said as he chow loudly. The priests kept mum. We could hardly see what they were not saying in their sullen eyes. Have the traumatizing onslaught fed them fears that buried them in grief, or they wanted to remain dark horses in our point of view? Umbriel insisted that the priests wariness and silence is simply their social detachment due to trauma, fears and doubts. Hearing Ottis interrogate them tells us otherwise.

"One thing is for sure, you know. The ones that attacked this place? Didn't just want attention. They want something", Ottis continued to break the thin ice in the air.

"Ottis, stop it", Jac whispered as he shoved a mouthful of meat into Ottis' mouth and smiled forcibly. Atrius and I gazed upon the priests whom we were expecting a gripping response.

"What I hate…", Ottis chewed as he talk. "…the most are… vicious people… who have no motives for blood. You can't talk it out. You can't negotiate. They just… kill. But if they are looking for something, you can bargain", Ottis is possibly hitting the right notes which have noticeably made the priests feel uneasy. He continued to grind his food, while lifting his brows to the priests who started to gape at each other.

"Now that's enough.. Pardon me friend, Fathers. My friend may have become nuts", Jacomus elbowed Ottis bringing a halt to his outrageous shrewdness. "Leave the priests alone", he said with clenched teeth.

"Sir Ottis, the holy people do not have enemies. We are the mediators for peace between the palace and the other kingdoms, the travelers, and even witches.", Umbriel said all of a sudden.

"Then, you are all in a very difficult position. You have placed your own heads in a garrote on purpose. One tight noose, I must say", Ottis said as he continued to eat his ration of meat. I almost lost my appetite seeing Ottis grill the priests. They are victims. How can they be placed by Ottis on the spot?

"If Sir Ottis is so wise on giving his judgment, what do you think happened here?", the high priest asked Ottis with his eyes on all of us. I shifted my gaze on Ottis who grinned widely as if he have more arrows to shoot.

"Heh. Me?", Ottis wiped his greasy mouth with hem of his tunic. He licked his fingers and smacked his lips as he leaned forward. "Here's what I think, Priest… The doors didn't show forceful entrance… means to say, they were welcomed. The priests knew who came that night… they let the enemy in. This place was their aim from the beginning", Ottis said confidently. We looked over the Holy Land's open portcullis which is neither burned or broken. Ottis is right.

"And why would they target the holy land?", Atrius asked.

"There were rumors", Ottis explained. "The travelers' artifacts are kept here… arranged in some kind of gallery for show, protected by witches. Some thought it was a diversion, leading enemies away from the palace where it's a general fact that there's a tribute built in there especially made for a soul traveler by an obsessed King", he said.

"Watch your words", the priest with the tiny red hat said. "More precisely, we've never heard such rumors!", he shook his head as he clutch on another priest.

"Well, you won't hear a lot in a convent…", Jac blurted out unconsciously. "Oops, sorry. Please continue", he said as he waved his hand.

"Thanks, Brother", Ottis uttered and winked at Jac. "I think, they found out where exactly what they're looking for. You made everyone believe that it is in the palace, when it is here after all", he said as he tossed a polished shiny rock in front of the priests that made them gaped with widened eyes. "I saw that in front of the gates. These are stone locators. I've seen one before", Ottis said. "They started setting the houses on fire. You know why? Because what they were looking for could only reveal itself through the flames. The weakness of the Traveler's stone. Killing your people was just an appetizer, a taste of an imminent victory", Ottis' eyes glistened in the flickering fires. What Ottis knew could be true, considering that I have once heard about the stone from the maidens in Tobias' Tavern before. Just like what Freya says, when people talk, the tavern hears. Could it be that the Traveler's stone is in the iron coffer left here in the Holy Land as what Umbriel referred to? Come to think it, I've already given up searching for the stone but here I am... ending up possibly getting it. I could hardly read the expression of the priests. They sat there with these indecipherable visage between the line of truth and lies.

"You might be implying that you are lucky to survive... I guess not. I think, you were all spared so you can point them to the right direction and deliver the package at your own volition. Did I get that right, priest?", Ottis squinted his eyes at the high priest. We all sat at the edge of our seats as we exchange glances between the priests and Ottis.

"Tha.. that's a fascinating assumption you have made there, Sir Ottis. Might as well pass for a good bed time story.", the high priest smacked his lips as his voice tremble. Ottis, you damn bastard. He's good at this kind of craft that he would know the truth with just hovering around coming across for clues.

"If it were true, the warriors and the paladins will do something about this", Jacomus said as he lift his brows.

"Seems to me the people that they trusted to protect them, haven't done the end of their bargain", Ottis said as he threw his piece of meat back to the fire. I guess he lost his appetite.

"You seem to know so much", the wounded priest said weakly.

"I didn't grew up in a nice home, or a palace. I was the eyes and ears of a cartel at a young age. Indeed, I know a lot", Ottis nodded.

We all remained completely still with only the sound of the fire has been the music to our ears. With havening arms, the piercing cold appears to be slippin in the priests thin cassock.

"That was an imaginative insight, Sir Ottis. If it is the truth, then we are facing a more perilous predicament", Umbriel said with eyes that have ceased to blink.