
The Sons of Lucifer

For almost 2000 years, Dean Lucifer was the Emperor of the Demon Empire, that is until he decides to see that what he had done min the past was a huge mistake and along with his brother and two other high ranking demons, he decided to go through a path of greatness and ultimately leads him to become one of the most powerful angels in the Holy Order. Soon enough he became the father of who will later become the most powerful angels of the millennia, a group of angels that will be later Known as "The Sons of Lucifer" and this is their story!

crazysquid1703 · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

Chapter 6

A/N: From now on, I am changing the way I write conversations between characters

"Before the characters used to talk like this" the author said.

Author: "Now they will be talking like this"

See the difference? If not, you will see it soon enough. AUTHOR OUT!


Evan is woken up by a blating alarm that calls him to the bridge. When he enters the ship's bridge he is greeted by Sherman and the rest of the senior officers.

Evan: "So what did you call me for?"

Sherman: "We're about to reach the planet, and I don't think we're gonna be the only ships in the system"

Sherman's worry is proven by one of his officers who calls him.

Sensors Officer: "Commander, scans are detecting three ships orbiting Numentus, they don't look friendly"

Sherman: "Put it on the holo-table"

The holo-table shows three large ships orbiting but only the silhouettes of them, no real image of them.

Evan: "Well, he was right about one thing, they are definitely not friendly. Heavy cruisers, and by the looks of it they're Nero-class, top of the line. And you said that their military capacity has dwindled."

Sherman: "Well it seems that the Unnamed King is very important to them. Ensign Ferdinand, put the ship on general quarters, and raise the shields to full. Have fighter squadrons Kilo, Gamma, and Charlie ready to launch as soon as we leave FTL."

Ensign Ferdinand: "Yes sir!"

Evan: It's gonna be hard taking out those cruisers, do you want me to go out there with the squadrons?"

Sherman: "Go, we'll have a fighter ready for you when you arrive at the hangar"

Evan quickly runs to the hangar, seeing the shipmen rush to their stations and hearing the alarms say: "GENERAL QUARTERS, GENERAL QUARTERS. ALL HANDS MAN YOUR BATTLESTATIONS." Evan reaches the hangar before they reach the planets on time.

Hangar Officer: "Sir, the fighter launch bay's are full, would you like to wait for them to launch, or do you prefer to launch from the hangar bay?"

Evan: "I would have launched from the hangar bay even if the launch bays weren't full"

Evan quickly enters the fighter and checks for every system in the fighter to be in good conditions, if even one of the systems was faulty, it could mean the death of him. he waited for the ship to go on a full stop before he launched from the hangar bay. Not a couple of seconds after he saw fifteen fighters spring out from the fighter launchers, rapidly moving towards the enemy fleet. Evan catches them and sees something that surprised him. The squad leader of Kilo squad was once an old man, but this time it was a Young woman (not that that mattered to him).

Evan: "So the old man finally decided to retire, what's your name Kilo Leader?"

Kilo Leader: "Cassie Grant, sir"

Evan: "You have the same last name as the old man, related?"

Cassie: "I'm his daughter sir"

Evan: "And here I thought he wouldn't have any heritage to pass his amazing piloting skills"

Cassie: [Chuckles] "He taught me everything he knew, and so far it has gotten me to fighter ace"

Evan: "Fighter ace, huh?"

The sensors of the squadrons suddenly detected three enemy fighter squadrons. Evan and every other fighter pilot got ready to get into a very hectic dogfight.

Evan: "Well, let's hope that gets proven today, all fighters fire flak missiles on my signal!"

As soon as they were close enough to the enemy fighters, Evan gave the order to fire the flak missiles and in an instant, a total of 20 missiles were launched and milliseconds after getting close enough to the enemy they exploded sending fragments of very dangerous metals to the enemy ships, destroying almost half of the enemy fighters. Evan quickly gave the order to scatter and not even two seconds later every single fighter had dispersed, looking for a target. Evan managed to get behind two enemy fighters and easily shot them down, but the fighters weren't his main concern, his main concern were the cruisers. Those cruisers were the most dangerous ships in the battle, armed to the teeth with a strong shield generator and on top of that, thick hull plating. Evan quickly contacted Sherman.

Evan: "Sherman, we gotta take down those cruisers, any ideas?"

Sherman: "We already have main cannons locked and loaded, they'll take down the shields long enough for some fighters to take down their reactor"

Evan: "Sounds easy enough, gamma leader, kilo leader, you two take down two of the cruisers, I'll take care of the flagship"

Kilo and Gamma leader: "Yes, sir!"

The three fighters began to head towards the three enemy cruisers when three massive projectiles passed them and damaged the enemy cruisers. A couple of cannon shots later and all three enemy ships had their shields completely disabled. All three fighter began to approach the enemy ships, and when they were close enough, they fired a *buster missile*. The missiles dug into the ships and exploded on the inside, destroying any of the ships systems close enough to the explosion. In a matter of minutes all three ships were destroyed, leaving nothing but big chunks of debris floating in space. Similarly, all enemy fighters were shot down.

Battle report: all ships sustained minor damages, and a total of 10 friendly fighters were shot down

Total casualties: 14 personnel dead or missing, 20 wounded.

But the battle had just begun, as the next step of the operation was about to begin, the invasion of the planet.


Buster missile: a missile specifically designed to destroy large enemy ships. These missile drill into the inside of a ship and explode when the missile is close enough to any major component of the ship.

Quick author's note: Some may not know but this is kinda my first novel in Webnovel. So any type of criticism is greatly appreciated.