

Remember when you were a kid and some questions were just impossible to answer? Questions like, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" This is the same question that has been asked of children for decades, and their answers are always reflective of the time period.

Well, Kunoichi, *the kid* answers that question by saying, "I want to be a superhero." Let's jump right into his world. First of all, her nickname isn't "The Slice of Life"; not really. She has a real name. But in a world where secret identities and hidden pasts are incredibly important, knowing her real name won't really help us understand who she is. So, for now, he's the kid, just as she was, when she was first starting out.

Now, this is a story of a kid. A lot of people seem to forget that. When the Kid is spoken of, people imagine a sort of enigma; an idea, more than a reality. They imagine a swift and deadly shadow, a dangerous, unpredictable force. And to a lot of people, that's all they really want the Ninja, Kunoichi Kid to be.

But that's not this story. This is a story about where the Ninja, Kunoichi Kid came from, and what sort of person she was. This is a story about blood, sweat, and tears. It's about broken bones and broken dreams. It's about the past, the present, and the future.