
The Side Character Turned Villainess

Leia was a successful car salesperson who didn't care who she had to trample to climb up in the ranks. She was on top of the world. That is, until she was thrown into the body of 5 year old Seri from one of her romance novels. Now she has to deal with the annoying Prince and his sadistic friend. The worst part? She is just a side character who is bullied by everyone! The. least. favorite. character. How could anyone like this girl?! Now, she is stuck as Seri, but watch out world: This side character is actually a foul mouthed villainess. _______ Chapter release: Daily Words per chapter: 1500-2500 Disclaimer: Some chapters may contain mature content, such as violence. There will be a disclaimer at the start of each chapter with it. Full disclosure: This novel is 90% humor and 10% serious.

Nekoru · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
307 Chs

Audience With The King Pt. 3

Under the smug smile of Simon, I couldn't help but want to smack it off his face.

Well, two can play at this game.

I broke from the group and ran over to Simon. I outstretched my hands, "Big brother!"

The guards in the room flinched from my sudden action. They moved to stop me, but Simon shook his head. I wrapped my arms around Simon and felt him tense up in surprise. I looked up with a big smile.

"Big brother! I've missed you!"

Simon's face paused before he smiled, "I've missed you as well."

My father shouted, "S-Seri! Get back over here!"

Simon looked over at him and smiled, "It's alright Kane."

I looked over at my father while still hugging Simon, "That's right Daddy! It's alright because I'm gunna marry big brother!"

A quiet hush spread across the room. My father looked as if he had been hit by a car. Even Simon was shocked for a moment, but quickly got his face under control.

My father shouted breaking the tension, "MARRY?!"