

"Mckayla, Truth or Dare." I said with a grin. She hummed to herself slightly, and said, "Truth." I thought to myself for a second. "Is it true that if Johnathan asked you out, you would cheat on Alex?" McKayla pushed my shoulder, and said, "Johnny is the hottest boy in school, but I love Alex! You know that, Lilac." I smiled at her, and said, "Well, still. Johnny is hot! I might dump Thomas if he asked me out. Thomas is being really weird, he keeps telling me we'll be together forever no matter what I do, in this really creepy tone. Like, as if he'll force me to stay with him if I try to break up with him. He is stalking me too, i think." She snorted. "We both knew he was a creep, why'd you start dating him to begin with? Anyway, let's just keep playing. Um, Truth or Dare?" "Dare, totally, girl." I replied, smirking. "I dare you to sit in your basement for an hour with the light off."

"Mckayla, you know I hate the dark! That's just mean!" I gasped. She looked at me exasperatedly. "You will never ever get over your fear of the dark if you don't try! Do you think Johnathan would want to date a girl that's a sophomore in high school and is still afraid of the dark?" "Ugh, I see your point. I still hate you, though." I replied with a huff.

I walked down the basement stairs and flicked on the light. "Mac, do I have to do this? It is so creepy down here! What would be the consequence if I didn't?" She thought for a minute, chewing on her lip, and then said, "You would have to ask out Johnny. And tell him that you love him." I stared at her. "Girl, that isn't fair! They're both terrible, and you know I don't have the guts to do either!" She flicked the switch, turning off the lights and started to close the door. "Bye, baby!" I groaned and sat down. It was so dark and creepy in here. I shivered, and pulled my phone out of my pocket. It still had 40 percent battery, so i turned on the flashlight.

Panning around the empty room, I noticed a small cabinet near me. I walked over and tested the handle, and it swung open easily. "Ew! Oh, wow this stinks!" I exclaimed. It smelled like sour milk and some type of rotting meat. It was filled with clothes, and a few pairs of shoes in the bottom. One of the shoes was a pink silk boot, and i pulled it out. It seemed to be the source of the horrendous smell, and it was stained brown on parts of it. I slid my hand in down to the bottom, and felt something wet and sticky. My hand kept slipping on it, so i sunk my fingers into it, feeling something hard embedded in it that I could grip, and I pulled it out. Looking at what was in my hand, it took a minute to register what it was. When the cold wave of realization hit me, I let out a piercing scream.

so yes I know this is very very short I promise the next few will be longer hope you enjoy!!

Apple_Snapple_98creators' thoughts