
The Shelter Game: Me, Starting with a Tenfold Drop Rate

The apocalypse arrived, and Irving was betrayed and killed by his own girlfriend. After his rebirth, he was chosen by the Will of the Blue Star to be an internal beta tester of the Shelter Game, starting with a [Tenfold Drop Rate] and becoming a [Necromancer]! Ferocious and brutal exotic beasts are all tamed by him, gradually forming a powerful "Exotic Beast Legion" under his command! Building sanctuaries, hoarding supplies, upgrading outer walls, setting traps... Constructing the most powerful fortress in the apocalypse! "Since I have been given a second life, I will trample those who've betrayed me once under my feet!" ... When the Dark Lord descended, Irving's shelter had become the strongest on the Blue Star! "You evil creatures, dare to covet Blue Star?" "Come on! Let me show you what true despair is..." "Remember, from now on, Blue Star is under my protection! Got it?"

BigWhiteGoose · Thành thị
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264 Chs

A Unique Way of Leveling Up

"You mean to say, he annihilated that squad all by himself?" The masked man in black suddenly looked grave.

The kneeling servant in black was streaming with cold sweat. He could feel the oppressive atmosphere around him growing.

This castle was the sanctuary of The Brotherhood of Night Blades, and the masked man was their leader.

During the daytime battle at the junction, numerous bystanders had filmed videos. Though Aron and his people later found those who had shot the videos, ordering them to immediately delete them from their phones and maintain strict secrecy about the incident. 

However, the servant in black had managed to obtain the actual footage.

As the video could not be viewed in-game, the masked man temporarily exited the game. After watching the entire clip, he brought the image back up, stopping it on Irving's frame.

"It really is him!" The man in the mask recognized him at once, the chill in his eyes turning even more icy.