

Matilda's POV

My name is Matilda Marilyn José and I'm the youngest baby in my family. I have a brother who is two years older than me. My brother is the popular soccer player in our school, well, previous school. Anyways  I'm fifteen and he is seventeen. We live with our grandma and mother. My dad left us when I was a year older and my brother was only three. He doesn't know what I look like or what my brother look like now.

Grandma is a witch and so is my mom. George is a Wolf like his father and me? I don't know who I took after. Grandma said I'm an Earthbender but I should never tell so it's our secret. Everyday she will take me to her spiritual place and train me with her husband. He is dead but me and her can see him. Crazy right? I can control the elements of earth. Mom doesn't know but grandma said I'm not really her biological daughter.

She said mom was around fifteen when she had an accident and was pregnant with George and was in a coma. Grandma found me in her farm the other day. It was the same day mom was back to life so she lied and said she gave birth to me. Mom was confused at first but accepted. She was seventeen then. Technically I don't know my real birthday and nobody does but I celebrate it the day grandma found me.

I have blue hair that is just above my waist and blue-green eyes that looked almost like grandma's and mom's. I have an average body size of a teenager. I find it hard to make friends so I'm the shadow of my brother. I follow him wherever he goes. I used to follow him when he went to soccer practice when I was seven he was nine then. I followed him when he went to play soccer with his friends. His old friends always made fun of me and said I'm his slave since I would wait for him after school. But now we are in the new city and grown ups. I don't think he would allow me to follow him everywhere. He used to say I am annoying since I followed him even to the bathroom. I understand he needs his privacy but I can't make friends. How will his friends treat me this time? I really don't know. I really hope they're nice.

Then comes school next week. I hate school and now it's more far away from my home. Who build schools in woods? That's just crazy. I know most people are wolves and all but can't they try to make school in public and not in woods. You do know that wrong turns lives in woods right? I'm not ready to have my head chopped yet. What about those blood sucking vamps. Don't get me started on the owners of wrong turns. I still hate them no matter what.

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