
Raion's Precious Memories

Raion "So many emotions were going through my mind at once. Anger, fear sadness but most of all defeat. I feel defeated and hopeless. So fucking hopeless that it scares me. There's nothing I can do but stand here and stare at my friends. Fourth... I'm letting him down what would he think of me now. " He thinks to himself.

Raion begins to think back to Fourth and himself.

Fourth "Raion! Seriously what am I going to do with you?" He drops his head down and rubs his hand on his forehead. "You're giving me a major headache right now. "

Raion "You said you would teach me how to use a bow and arrow! You promised!" He yells and stomps his feet on the ground.

Fourth "I said when I'm done with my work. "

Raion "That's taking too long!"

Fourth stands up from his chair and heads over to Raion who's slumped down on the ground with his arms crossed around him. He kneels down to look Raion directly in the eye. "I'm almost done here Raion, don't worry." He rubs the top of Raion's heads messing up his hair.

Raion huffs, turn away from Fourth and doesn't say a word to Fourth.

Fourth "I have to go down to Sakio's place for a quick minute, stay here. I'll be right back. "

Fourth grabs his stuff and heads out the door.

Raion angry and upset about the situation as a young boy his age would be, decided there was only one thing he could think to do at that moment.

Raion "It always works this or work that. He never has any time for me now. He doesn't want anything to do with me!" Raion in an angry fit smacks his arm across Fourths desk, knocking off his papers and spilling the ink all over them. Just as the bottle of ink crashes onto the floor Fourth comes through the door.

Fourth "Raion I decided my work can...."

Fourth taken back by what he just witnessed tries to remain calm but instead, he lashes out at Raion.

Fourth "Raion!"

Raion, attempting to hold back his tears "I... I didn't mean to. "

Fourth "These papers are extremely important! Do you know how long it took me to get this information?!"

Raion "Can't...can.. you rewrite them all...?" He says timidly.

Fourth "No Raion it doesn't work like that! You always ruin everything you touch! Just get out of here! No one wants to see you!"

Right after Fourth said his last sentence he instantly regretted it. Raion who was trying hard to hold back his tears. Could no longer ignore the feelings he had at that moment. He started baling his eyes out.

Fourth "Raion I didn't mean any of that."He reaches out to console Raion but Raion swats Fourths hand away from him.

Raion " I know when I'm not wanted! I've known my whole life!" Raion then rushes out of the room.

Fourth "Raion! Please don't go! I was just stressed..." Raion had already disappeared from Fourth sight. "You are wanted Raion... by me"

Raion keeps running until his feet start to ache and his breathing gets heavier by the second. "I know when I'm not wanted. He doesn't have to say anymore. I'll just leave this place...find a new home. A new family. "

Raion wanders around until he reaches a small village on the outskirts of Kanido. "I should probably find some place to rest for a bit. But I have no money..."

Fourth "He's been gone longer than usual. Maybe I should call him again? A banana cream pie might tempt him to come back quicker." Fourth goes to the kitchen and whips open the fridge pulling out a freshly made banana cream pie. "Smells heavenly. He can't turn this down." He sets the pie on the open window sill. "Raion!? Come on home! I have your favorite made. I'm going to eat it all by myself if you don't come home now." A few minutes past, turning into a half hour later.

Fourth "He's...he's really gone. He left! How could I have been so vain? I told him no one wanted him. Of course, he's not going to come back. I have to find him he could be in danger."

Raion "I suppose I'll have to just sneak into the Inn. I hope I don't get caught." Raion heads over to the back of Gunther's Inn.

Raion "There's the back door, good no ones watching I'll make a run for it. " Just as he was about to make a run for the door someone grabs hold of his shirt, yanking him backwards.

Guy "Now what do we have here?"

Another guy "It looks like a little boy boss! Am I right?!"

The guy still holding onto Raion's shirt turns around punching the other guy in the stomach. The other guy clenches his stomach in pain.

Another guy "Boss that really hurt why did you do that for?"

Guy "Because you were being a fucking idiot and annoying. "

Raion starts to kick and yell "Put me down! You're hurting me."

Guy "Now you're starting to annoy me. Ghost Binding Magic: Spirit of invisibility. "

Raion entire body becomes petrified unable to move a muscle. Next to him is a ghost wrapped around his whole body.

Fourth "He has to be around here somewhere. If I know Raion he wouldn't stay out when it gets dark. He would most likely try to find some places to rest. "

Fourth continues to pace down the road right until he reaches the same village Raion is at.

Fourth "A village? He must be here. I'll ask around. "

Fourth starts to ask around the village if they've seen an eight-year-old boy wandering around. It begins to get dark, the moon becomes visible in the night sky lighting up the village. With no luck on finding Raion's whereabouts, he decides to head to Gunther Inn.

Fourth "Maybe he made it to another village... I hope he's doing okay. Raion I'm truly sorry. I wish you could feel how much guilt I have. " He thinks to himself.

Fourth "The doors locked? Is anyone here?!" He yells. "Hmm, no answer. Perhaps I should try the back door." Fourth makes his way to the back of the Inn, he turns the corner than notices Raion. "Raion! I found you!" He comes to a halt noticing the two other guys with Raion. Though the most important thing he can't ignore is the look of panic in Raion's face. Fourth decided a long time ago that he would never use his ability on his friends, though during that moment he could not bare to see Raion like that.

Fourth "Raion don't worry I'm here. Emotion magic: Pain Paradoxical." Raion's face turned from panic to a wide smile forming on his face. Fourth had used his ability to change Raion's fear, into happiness. "I won't ever let you feel like you're not wanted. You're my family and I'll never abandon you."

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