
The Secrets of the Ballroom

I'm Liddiexi of The Horde. I've been running from my past for years. Only thing is, I can't remember anything about it. My world has been torn apart and fractured into 5 kingdoms. Ice, Fire, Dark Death, Lost Light, and The O.T.H.E.R.S metropolis... Only, one has been burned to ashe. My kingdom. Will you help me with this journey to figure out how and who destroyed Flamealicor?

Jadyn_010 · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
15 Chs

Chapter 1- Fire starter...

I gasped and look at Arius.

" What did you do to them?!" I yell at him.

Ethan sighs and says,

" It's what he showed us."

I look again at Arius, who was drained.

" Show me. Now." I demand.

Arius sighs, and grabs my hand. We teleport through shadow magic.

I glance around at what it all looked like. Pitch black. No lights. Our shadows aren't even lighter.

" Where are we?" I ask him as I look at a castle ballroom form, and attempt to let go of his hand to move towards it.

" Don't, you'll be lost in the shadows forever if you let go. We're in the past. Or, rather, you're past. How we met." Around explained.


( My head... why does it hurt so bad?)

" Liddianna." I get shivers down my spine a....

I swoosh my head around, looking for who called out. I looked at Arius, who's eyes flickered black and pink.

( I can't. believe he saved me all those years ago... I should thank him later...)

" Arius?" I ask, my voice echoing.

He looks back at me with black eyes, and teleports us back to the cave.

" Who... what, explain what just happened!" I say in shock of what happened.

Omisha and Ethan look at me, worry written all over their faces.

Arius looks at me, and says,

" All your answers, are in O.T.H.E.R.S Metropolis."