
When It All Began

It all began when Shantayvia was two months old. She borned as an unhealthy child, having 10% chance of living. As day passes by her Mom worried alot, she prayed and having faith brings hope to her. As days goes by, Shantayvia started moving around happily with frikles and smile on the face. Miss Parker, "the Doctor shouts" , Can I have a word with you? As kemeshia walked by, with fear on her face, she started to worry. Come! "the doctor project his voice", there's nothing to worry about, unfortunately I have some good news. As the doctor speaks, Sigh! she started to relief her fear. After getting the good news Shantayvia's mom was very happy about what she had heard.

Three weeks later, Beep! Beep! Beep!,"the phone rang". As she went by the phone friskly, with joy on her face praying it's a good new. Hello!"said kemeshia" Who is this? As the doctor replied, it's Doctor James, I'm calling to inform you that if you will be able to pick up your daughter? Yes!"said kemeshia". The Doctor replied with an okay. Cling! Cling! Cling!, She hurried outside to get a ride. One hour later as she arrived at the Hospital, Barged in, where's doctor james? "She asked the nurse. As she got an reply, she hurried to the location where she was told to. As she saw the doctor down the hall she ran towards him saying, where's my baby? She's in room two,"the doctor replied". As she went to room two in a hurry , she almost fell. As she stop to enter the room, she remembered what the past three weeks was like. As she went over Shantayvia with tears in her eyes, Shantayvia smiled at her. She took Shantayvia up and pamper her. While she was leaving the room ,she walked into the doctor. Thank you so much doctor james, I appreciate it. Doctor James smiled at her and kissed britanya on the forehead, while the doctor did she wishes there was a father around for Shantayvia. Goodbye! "Said doctor james". As she walked off she remembered she had no where to go. She tried to think of a place to go. As she exit the hospital she wondered which turn to take having no where to go. But yet she took a left turn going south street Ave. As she walked by not knowing where she's going she saw a old van, she looked both side left and right to see if there's was anyone watching. As she went in the back of the van, Shantayvia started to cry, she hurried and pulled out her breast to feed her.

One hour later, Shantayvia finally fell asleep, as she mad a space in the van for the baby she cried along. As the sun gets down and the moon started to rise, yawn! "kemeshia yawn". She had to bear the hunger each and everyday as day passes by.

One day a lady saw kemeshia and the baby in the van, she felt sorry for them ,as she approached kemeshia, kemeshia tried to protect her baby. Hello! "said the lady" I'm Saleisha and you are? Kemeshia didn't respond. I'm not here to hurt you, I'm here to help you, "said Saleisha". As kemeshia gets out the van with fear " I'm kemeshia". Come! Come! Come! "Saleisha said". She brought both kemeshia and the baby to her house,  you'll be comfortable here, make your self at home. As Saleisha took kemeshia and the baby Shantayvia to a room, kemeshia thank her.

The Next day kemeshia was sleeping and heard some kids voice, as she went outside she saw four children with Saleisha. Good morning! Kemeshia, "Saleisha said" kids come ,this is kemeshia , she's staying with us for awhile. As kemeshia smiled and waved at the kids, she heard the baby crying. She rushed inside to get the baby,  tooking the baby up from the crib ,"she smiled".

Two weeks later, her  mom was in the bathroom. She felt like someone was watching her, she looked behind her and saw Saleisha, Saleisha was looking and bitting her lips while staring at her. Uhm! Is there something wrong? I'm using the bathroom here, "said Kemeshia?". No! Do what what you're doing hun. While Shantayvia's mom was brushing her teeth, Saleisha took her time and walked behind her. Saleisha started to rubbbed down kemeshia legs, but kemeshia knew where it was going so she turned around and slapped Saleisha in her face and said, What do you think I am? You think I'm some hoe or those sapphist! I'm not "kemeshia shout at her in anger"..

    A few days later, Get out! Get out! You little bitch "said Saleisha in anger". Saleisha threw out kemeshia and her baby Shantayvia. Kemeshia begged to stay but Saleisha refused her to. Is this because of what happened the other day? "said kemeshia?". Saleisha hissed her teeth and slammed the door in kemeshia's face. Kemeshia cried while on her way back to the streets. Kemeshia walked a few hours, trying to find a spot or place to stay. It was getting so late, kemeshia stopped at a bus stop and rest there the night. Fowl crow! It was 5 am in the morning. Kemeshia  continued her journey again. Finally she found a old truck and she stayed there for couple of days.

   Six weeks later kemeshia went to a bar and leaved the baby in the truck. As she entered the bar she felt as if someone was staring at her, she looked across the bar and saw this handsome man looking at her with a smile. As she approached the man she saw that he was in pained and was suffering, because his left foot was in a critical condition. His foot was injured and has a lot of iron in it. Kemeshia felt so bad for him, although she had nothing she tried to help. What is your name if you don't mind me asking? "Said kemeshia" . I'm Horace Marshall, but can call me Tayon, "Horace replied" . Shoot! "said kemeshia" ,she forgot she leaves the baby alone. What is it? "Horace asked". Uhm it's nothing but I really have to go, "kemeshia replied. As she was heading out, Horace placed a note in her pocket without her knowing. One day after, while kemeshia was taking off her  jacket saw a not felt from her pocket. She took it up and looked what was on it, when she looked it was Horace phone number and Address. Kemeshia take a second thought and decided to pass by Horace house. Few hours later, knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! Kemeshia beats the door. Who is it? "Said Horace". It's kemeshia "she replied". Horace hopped to the door and took a peek, Come in " shouted Horace". As kemeshia entered the house with the baby in her hand, Horace was surprised. Is that your baby? "Horace Ask" . Yes! Her name is Shantayvia "kemeshia replied".

      As days went by Kemeshia would visit Horace and took care of him. Horace started to get a liked into her, when he told her to moved in with him. It was a shocked of what kemeshia was hearing. Kemeshia! Did you heard me? Uhm yes I did, but I will think about it. Because of what kemeshia is going through she didn't think it was a great idea because she thinks Horace would to the same thing Shantayvia's father did to her.

Horace couldn't believe that someone would touched his foot.. Horace went to visit his mother in Holland , Mrs. Marshall..Three hours later Horace arrived. Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeep! Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeep! Who could that be ? ," said Miss Marshall. She took a peek down the gate and saw that it was her son Horace. She was so happy to see him in a longtime... As Horace get out the car and his mother went to help him, she could see a change in his face and joy. She wondered what could it be. As they both went inside silently , Horace was quick to tell his mother about kemeshia. Who is kemeshia? "Horace Mother Ask". She is a girl I met in a bar, she's 17 years of age and has a child. A child!! "Horace Mother Shouted". Yes a child. But anyways here is the important part, can you imagine that she touched my foot when no one else would, she even come on day to day bases and took care of me. You know I think that girl is special , I want you to bring her the next time your coming, "said Mrs. Marshall". Well Mom I'm not here to stay I was just here to see you and give you the good news, so im gonna get my way back now before it's late, Muhwa! love you . Bye!