
The Scourge of Altasia

Altasia is a huge plane in the universe where many species coexist. Nobody knows the true size of Altasia. A universal system came into existence and the race to choose the Monarch of Altasia started. Many members of different species like Demon, Dragons, Elves, Angles, Giants, etc. Start fighting to get to the throne of Monarch. 7 overlords needed to be selected for the final war to select the Monarch. To select these overlords cycles of world war started to happen one after another 24 times already. 6/7 of these overlord positions are already filled. It's time for the 25th cycle. Everyone is desperate to get the last seat of the overlord for themselves. Alliance form and break every few years. People betray each other. These things become common among every species. Join the 25th cycle of World war to see if this time Altasia selects its 7th overlord or not. Who will get the final seat of Monarch? WORLD WAR: The war between millions and billions of creatures, The place where thousand of behemoths like Giants, Dragons, Giamon, and monsters destroys. The place where many small but powerful creature shows their dominance like Elves, Humans, and Orcs. The place where vile creatures create chaos like Demon and Devil. The place where celestial creatures shine like Angles, and Fairy. This is the place where life has very little value, This is the place of Dreams. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THIS IS WORLD WAR OF ALTASIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ################## Note: Starting 20 chapters will have less detail. These chapters contain MC preparation before the main action start. I hope you will give this try for 30 chapters. WARNING: Not for below 17, There will be dark and gore stuff in the novel. ======================= English is not my first language. I hope if you find some problems let me know in the chapter comments. =======================

Champsing · Kỳ huyễn
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46 Chs


There is a huge vast land. Brown Land is barren with no greenery to it.

On that Barren land lay the dead bodies of multiple organisms. Blood is flowing out of these bodies which paints the whole land in red color. This is a battleground where there are multiple large holes and crack present. These cracks and holes in the land are proof of the brutal war with has taken there. As we move toward the center of the land the amount of dead bodies increases. These bodies vary from humans, Giants, Dragons, Demons, Angles, monsters, and many more. Some has their head sliced and other have one or two limbs missing. But one thing is that all are dead. No one is alive.

Right at the center of the land, there is a massive mountain made of corpses and skeletons. At the bottom, there are dead bodies of small creatures which act as the base of the corpse mountain. The higher we go to the mountain the dead bodies of larger creatures like giants and demons take the place of Small bodies. Those bodies form the middle part of the corpse mountain.

The top of the corpse mountain is made from a huge massive body of a dragon. That dragon's body has multiple wound marks. The Head of the dragon's body is limping in the air on the edge of the corpse mountain. On top of that mountain at the back of the large dragon's body sit a young man with black hair and blue eyes. He has armor on his body that is completely red from blood. At the edge of his small black hair red blood is still dripping down. On his side is a huge blade that is buried to the hilt into the dragon's body. Although he is sitting on the corpse mountain, his one hand is on the hilt of that blade. He looks in the front at the edge of the barren land where the land is still brown as their no dead body present there. Looking there he has a smile on his face.

On the edge of the barren land, a huge amount of creatures gather there. There are giant, Massive creatures, Demons, Humans, and elves standing on the ground. Whereas Dragons, Angels, and many other winged creatures fly in the air. They are all shocked seeing the site in front of them. They all stop just before the land has turned red from the red blood of dead creatures. This red bloody land causes fear in them.

A boundary forms where the red bloody land end and the large plain brown land starts. All the creatures stopped on that boundary. Nobody dares to enter that red hell. They all are looking at the bodies of their colleagues. Seeing the state of those bodies causes anger but the smiling reaper sitting on the corpse mountain cause a more massive fear than anger.

They are so many but still, no one dares to move toward red land. They do not want to become part of the mountain. At this time a huge flying creature came. That creature to not stop and enter the Red land. All the thousand creatures look at the creature. No more especially they are looking at the man present on the back of that creature.

Unlike the grim reaper, this man has shiny golden hair that sparkles as sunlight touches them. He wore silver armor and has a long sword in his hand. The creature he is riding is a golden dragon. This dragon is far larger that the dead dragon present on the corpse mountain.

Seeing this man other creatures also got hope. The hope to survive the hope to avenge their college and the hope to kill that reaper. Golden dragon stops 1000 meters away from the corpse mountain. The main in the silver climb on the top of the golden dragon's head. He first looks around the bloody seen than at the man responsible for this scene.

Both of them look at each other without saying anything. The man on the mountain still has a smile on his face. He tightly grabs the hilt of the sword and from his other hand, he motions to the golden dragon to come closer.

On the other hand man with golden hair has a frown on his face. He takes his sword out and motions to move forward. Seeing this motion Golden dragon loudly roars and started to rush forward.

Other creatures all are looking at the man who is sitting on the corpse mountain like a throne. Golden Dragon roar removes the fear from their hearts. Gathering their courage they all roar at the reaper and start rushing toward the corpse mountain.

Thousand of creatures big and small. Some flew in the air while others run on the bloody land all toward the corpse mountain. No, They rush toward the blue eye black haired man. Leading this massive army is another man with golden hair and silver armor.

Even after seeing all this reaper still has a smile on his face. He gets up and pulls out his blade from the dragon's body. He swings the blade to remove the blood stick to it. Getting the blade somewhat cleaned he jump from the top of the mountain toward the armies of thousand with a smile on his.

------end of scene------

"There exists a huge plane where many different species exist.

Nobody knows the start and end of the plane. Many wonder mysterious places exist on this plane.

Many people live their lives in the struggle between different species.

Then comes The Universal system which gave power to every living being.

With power came the restriction that those who attain power must participate in the war to decide who is the strongest among them.

Those who get those power are known as a warrior.

For eons, the race to reach the pinnacle of power happened in the cycle.

With the start of a new era, the race to the pinnacle once again has its new participants.

Warrior of the past become things of legend, But the new era has the teaching of the past.

Those who want power Universal welcome them to the War. The War to decide Monarch of the world. 'MONARCH Of ALTASIA'".

Every person recites this para as a slogan. Everyone dreams to sit on the Monarch's throne.

Just like everyone Eric once also has that dream. It shatters under the betrayal of everyone's expectations from him. He has many few people in his life but they destroy and shatter his beliefs one after another.

Now Follow Eric 'The defeated'. Who will once rise in heat of the war?

He who once defeated will show the path of survival in the war. He will become the nightmare of the war which will fear by everyone in the war. But is this enough for him???


The prologue should be small right!!!!

Champsingcreators' thoughts