
The Scourge of Altasia

Altasia is a huge plane in the universe where many species coexist. Nobody knows the true size of Altasia. A universal system came into existence and the race to choose the Monarch of Altasia started. Many members of different species like Demon, Dragons, Elves, Angles, Giants, etc. Start fighting to get to the throne of Monarch. 7 overlords needed to be selected for the final war to select the Monarch. To select these overlords cycles of world war started to happen one after another 24 times already. 6/7 of these overlord positions are already filled. It's time for the 25th cycle. Everyone is desperate to get the last seat of the overlord for themselves. Alliance form and break every few years. People betray each other. These things become common among every species. Join the 25th cycle of World war to see if this time Altasia selects its 7th overlord or not. Who will get the final seat of Monarch? WORLD WAR: The war between millions and billions of creatures, The place where thousand of behemoths like Giants, Dragons, Giamon, and monsters destroys. The place where many small but powerful creature shows their dominance like Elves, Humans, and Orcs. The place where vile creatures create chaos like Demon and Devil. The place where celestial creatures shine like Angles, and Fairy. This is the place where life has very little value, This is the place of Dreams. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THIS IS WORLD WAR OF ALTASIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ################## Note: Starting 20 chapters will have less detail. These chapters contain MC preparation before the main action start. I hope you will give this try for 30 chapters. WARNING: Not for below 17, There will be dark and gore stuff in the novel. ======================= English is not my first language. I hope if you find some problems let me know in the chapter comments. =======================

Champsing · Kỳ huyễn
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46 Chs

Condition for Advancement of Seven Sins

Eric and Jin stop going to other groups for the promotion of their gambling matches. They have been doing this for 2 hrs. Now it is almost time for Physical class to start. This promotion is a huge success, according to them almost 300 + students will come for gambling tomorrow.

They walk into the indoor ground where sir Jake's class takes place. Entering the class both Eric and Jin walk toward different corners. They decide to attend this class like this because this class is a good opportunity to collect information about which Arts other students practice. They decide to cover as many students as they can. Well, only Jin is interested in collecting information as he enjoys it. Eric is only interested in Nico and nobody else. This is the reason Eric decide to stay at Nico's back while Jin goes to the place where many alliance member gathers. After some time Sir Jake enter the class.

Everything remains the same as yesterday. In class, Sir Jake focuses more on Nico and his group. He also teaches top alliance members, Emily's group, and ignores everyone else. Eric smiled at this. This class is the final nail of success to their plan.

Eric goes back to the class and sits down to practice Hyper breathing. He stares at Nico and thinks.

' I think it will take 2-4 days for gambling to succeed and for everyone to know about it. If my plan works I may be able to start training for the next level. I need to wait until the war gets over. In this 1 month, my name has to spread.' Thinking this he closely examines Nico. He sees that Nico is practicing some kind of Sword art.

He looks closely at Nico. He finds Nico's sword style very smooth. Nico's movements are perfect without any waste of movement. From the art Nico is performing, he knows that this is an Advance art. He looks toward other members of the Nico group who are near standing near him. He finds that few of them are performing advanced art. They all are performing advanced art. Their art is different from Nico's art.

He is a little shocked to find that 5 members of Nico's group are practicing advanced art. He knows that someone must help Nico but still five other members of that group also get help from that party. There must be some higher-up who is backing Nico. He stops thinking about all this as he cannot do anything about this.

Instead, he starts comparing Nico's advanced art with other members' advanced art. The more he looks at Nico the more he feels pressured. He finds that the art that Nico practice is a league above other art.

Although both Arts are advanced, Nico's art has more smooth movements to it. While the group member art is more focused on producing force with large movement. He is under pressure after seeing this. To cool his mind he stops examining Nico and closes his eyes and starts practicing Mind eyes and hyper breathing.

While practicing this he thinks about his plan.

Eric's plan is not only to create trouble but also to do something about the advancement of his Lust path and Gluttony path. After coming to the academy there a change happens to his Gluttony cycle. As he did not eat after coming to the academy. With high mana and all the training, a mutation happens to his body.

Now his body absorbs little mana and converts it into energy. Most of this energy gets stored in his body and whenever he does exercise his body uses that stored energy. This thing helps to extend his hunger cycle time. As it has already been more than 3 months since he eats something.

He still does not feel weak or anything. If he has to guess that he can go like this for 3 more months. This is a huge leap.

When He discovers this he talks to Lee about it. According to Lee, it is natural because of the mana. If he trains Lust's path in the academy then he will get more benefits than last time. Lee tells him that his lust path is in the beginner stage. Above the beginner stage is 6 levels from level 1 to level 6.

Lee told him that there is no guide on how to train any sin above the basic level. Training sins depend from person to person. Some can proceed smoothly by repeating the same steps others need to do other things. The main point to train sins is to follow your instinct and strengthen your willpower.

For Lust's path, he tries to feel his instinct or inner desire. Eric's instinct is that he needs to do something grand to reach level 1 in the lust path. Training lust path comes with the restriction that he needs to do it with someone at or above his power. He is a level 0 stage 1 warrior so if become stage 2 then stage 1 girl are of no use to him. Eric knows that to reach level 1 in lust his best option is to Finnish it at the early stages.

Now he knows that he needs to do something grand but he is still confused as to what this grand thing can be. Is he needs to do it with multiple girls or is he need to do it on a grand stage where many people can see it? Or maybe like Basic I need to do sex with different girls on different days? Or does he need to do it with someone above his leagues or something? He needs to find the answer to these questions this month before the Regional war ended.

'So for doing something grand sexually and coming out unscratched I need fame and power. I feel that I have to do something grand but what that grand thing is I do not know about it. For now, I will raise my fame and try to find my target. Among the most powerful girls at stage 1 apprentice warriors present in the academy are Chole, Emily, and one A+ potential girl in Emily's group.

I know that at the time of the ranking tournament after 4 months teachers' children will join us. Maybe there will be some stronger girls among teachers' children but I cannot touch them. Emily is S rank so it is also riskier. Chole and that girl in Emily's group is the only possible option I can think of if that grand thing is the last option. It's all in my head for now. I do not even know what that grand thing is. I need to explore as many possibilities as I can.

I will wait and see if I ever get a chance. I also know about slaves maybe a slave will do the work. Don't know but at least I need to be ready If I get the chance.' Eric stops thinking and starts focusing on the training. Train Lust's path needs him to do some experimentation and Gluttony's path still needs more than a year to reach at the beginner stage.

Just like that class get over. Nothing major happened in that class. After the class, Eric went back to his building with Jin. They go to the training ground in front of the building and start doing some light exercises. Eric is in bad mood after finding out about Nico's art. As he looks toward Jin he finds that Jin is also very serious mood.

' I guess Alliance and Emily group has their own support in the academy.' Eric thinks to himself. He speaks to Jin.

"Don't worry Jin. Once our gambling plan becomes successful we can also get advanced arts."

Jin replies in a weak voice.

" But Eric they have someone to back them in the academy. We do not have those privileges."

"hahhahahahah, Privileges are for strong Jin. I already said that this is a jungle. You do not know who is a hunter and Who is prey until the very last movement. All we can do for now is sharpen our claws and teeth the movement they made mistakes we will strike at their weak point. If your claws are not sharp enough then you will not be able to take them down even if they show their neck to you. So train and have patience."

Jin shakes his head and speaks.

"Eric's life is much more complex than a simple jungle. Here there are some case where a hunter is ready but prey never come into his range. Due to all that waiting for prey hunter died from starvation but the prey never give him the chance."

"hahahahah that may be the case but we have to try our best right? So stop slacking and start training."

Saying that Eric put his blade in his hand. Seeing this Jin smiled and took out both twin swords from his scabbard from his back. Both of them leave the tension for the future and started a hardcore sparring session.

Yo guys, I need some comments about what you like or dislike this will help me improve the chapter's qualities so do comment.

Champsingcreators' thoughts