
The school prince (she) is only close to me (he) Remake

Tanaka Takeru is an unassuming boy, usually, with average looks, most of the time, who doesn't really bother socializing with other people, because of his old weirdo friends and siblings, and has a very introverted personality, he just prefers staying indoors whenever possible. Nanami Yuriko is a beautiful and handsome, yes handsome, girl, always catching the admiration of everyone around her, and with a great and very sociable outgoing personality. These two who by this description look completely polar opposites and have no reasons to interact with each other, and this is about how they got to know each other P.S: Some points from the original will be changed, some events will be changed or removed/replaced, and the pacing will also be changed, or so I hope, for more character development. But overall, the story is mostly the same as the original one Cover* Artist: irkawaza_haaw [Twitter] *Y'all better like the cover

Lazy_Author_san · Hiện thực
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81 Chs

Chapter 38

It was morning, and Takeru was already in his classroom, he wasn't at the student council helping Yuriko, because their activities were also suspended due to the coming midterm tests. The classroom was already lively as most of his classmates had already arrived, but different from everyone talking about different topics, instead, they were all talking about Takeru. More accurately, they were talking about the fact that he was Yuriko's boyfriend

The girls had mixed feelings, but they were mostly in favor of it, though they were only in favor because that meant they would now have a lot of opportunities to see Yuriko acting like a prince with Takeru, which was very helpful to their wild imagination. While the boys were burning with jealousy and envy toward Takeru

But for now, no one had yet bothered Takeru about that yet, mainly due to the fact that the rumors were more focused on Yuriko having a boyfriend rather than on who it was. So he kept doing his own things as he waited for the lessons to start





Yuriko was happily humming as she also had a very happy and stupid smile on her face since she was able to spend a lot of time alone with Takeru yesterday, as she was reviewing some of the subjects that would be in the upcoming midterm tests

And around her, everyone in her classroom and from other classrooms as well were whispering to each other, about the ongoing rumor that she had a boyfriend. But so far, no one had the courage to ask her anything, especially the boys, as most of them were maidenless virgins that were too cowardly to even dare approach her

Then a girl decided to approach Yuriko to ask her

"H-Hmm... N-N-Nanami-sama!"

"Hm? What is it? Do you want to ask me something?"

Yuriko turned her face to the girl and showed her a beautiful and charming smile. A smile so perfectly fitting for a prince, that the girl almost passed out from over-excitement

"Erm... Y-You know... ... ... I-Is it... Is it true... T-that... Y-you have a-a bo-boyfriend, N-Nanami-sama?"

"If I have a boyfriend, you say? Yup! It's true!"

"!? *Shocked*"

When Yuriko confirmed the rumors with a smile on her face, everyone got shocked, her classmates were less shocked but still felt that it was hard to believe that it was true. The girl who had the guts to ask Yuriko, almost passed out again, but this time from the shock she felt, but she still endured and asked Yuriko again

"A-And h-how d-did you started g-g-g-going out, Nanami-sama?"

"How we started going out? Well, it isn't all that interesting. We just started having conversations back in the first day of school, we hit off pretty well, and we started going out recently"

"I-I see... A-And d-do you like him?"

"Of course, I love Takkun! If I didn't I wouldn't be going out with him"


Then the girl fell silent, alongside everyone else, seconds later the girl fell to her knees as she started foaming from the mouth. Which caught Yuriko by surprise

"What's wrong?! Are you fine? Do you need to go to the infirmary?"

Yuriko caught the girl in her arms, which made it look like the scene of a prince holding a girl he had just saved. Which was something the girl always wanted to see Yuriko doing to her

"I... I... I died..."

And the girl finally passed out, losing all the strength she had and leaving her limp body in Yuriko's arms, who in turn was making a concerned and confused face at what happened to the girl. As for everyone else, most, if not all, of the boys were also foaming from their mouths as they passed out, while the girls some were the same as the one in Yuriko's arms, some were doing their best to hold back their anger of losing their chance to be in Yuriko's arms right now, and some had mixed feelings about Yuriko having a boyfriend

After some time, everyone had recovered right in time to attend classes


Hours later


The school bell had just rang, signaling that it was now lunchtime, but just as the bell rang, the sound of thunders at a distance could be heard followed right after by the sound of rain

With the rainy season approaching and the dark clouds that had been gathering since morning, it wasn't unexpected to have rain today. But no one expected that it would start raining right during lunchtime, as everyone looked outside the classroom windows

"..." <I guess, we won't be able to have lunch on the rooftop today... ... ... Then let's have lunch in Takkun's classroom instead!>

When Yuriko saw the downpour happening outside, she initially felt a little sad that she wouldn't be able to have lunch on the rooftop with Takeru as usual, but soon after she got happy at the thought of having lunch with him in his classroom. So Yuriko grabbed her lunchbox, and made her way to Takeru's classroom, as she walked down the corridor everyone looked at her, with a few even following her to see where she was going




Takeru was looking at the heavy rain happening outside the window of his classroom, knowing very well that going to the rooftop would be impossible

"..." <Hmm... Should I go to Yuriko's classroom?... But what do I do if she decides to come here, but I'm not here? Should I send her a message?... ... ... Wait... Did we even exchan->


As Takeru was about to realize something important, his thoughts were interrupted by Yuriko calling his name in a very happy tone, and when he turned to look at her, Yuriko was already by his side

"Shall we have lunch here today, Takeru?"

"... Sure..."

And Yuriko showed a very bright smile at Takeru's answer, he would've preferred to eat somewhere else with fewer people. But he found it hard to refuse Yuriko showing him a cute happy smile, so he meekly accepted her idea. Yuriko asked permission to take the desk of one of his classmates, who immediately agreed, and she joined the desks and sat down right beside Takeru