
The school prince (she) is only close to me (he) Remake

Tanaka Takeru is an unassuming boy, usually, with average looks, most of the time, who doesn't really bother socializing with other people, because of his old weirdo friends and siblings, and has a very introverted personality, he just prefers staying indoors whenever possible. Nanami Yuriko is a beautiful and handsome, yes handsome, girl, always catching the admiration of everyone around her, and with a great and very sociable outgoing personality. These two who by this description look completely polar opposites and have no reasons to interact with each other, and this is about how they got to know each other P.S: Some points from the original will be changed, some events will be changed or removed/replaced, and the pacing will also be changed, or so I hope, for more character development. But overall, the story is mostly the same as the original one Cover* Artist: irkawaza_haaw [Twitter] *Y'all better like the cover

Lazy_Author_san · Hiện thực
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81 Chs

Chapter 19

(A/N Notes: Late update, because my brain gave me a simple idea for a title, and I in my infinite stupidity had to write a chapter about that to free myself from that thought)


It was the morning of a Monday, and most of the students were already inside their respective classrooms, and that was true in Yuriko's classroom as her classmates talked with each other

"What do you think happened to Nanami-sama?"

"I don't know, but it was definitely something really bad to make her look so depressed"

"That's really concerning, I don't think I can live without seeing her smile"

" "Me too" "

The girls were worried both about Yuriko's condition and what they were going to do without her charming smile, meanwhile the boys…

"Hey, about Nanami-san… Don't you think this is an opportunity?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know, how in manga and stuff, the male leads always manage to get a girl who's feeling all depressed, so isn't that our chance?"

"Dude, that's evil"

"But I want to get a girlfriend! And if possible I want it to be Nanami-san"

"I know how you feel, but don't, you already got dumped plenty of times for being creepy"

"Don't make me remember my failures!"

They were mostly being idiots about how they wanted to go out with Yuriko by taking advantage of her current situation

"By the way have you seen, Nanami-same today?"

"No, she must be in the student council room taking care of that bastard tch ex-vice president duties"

"Makes sense, we should ask her what happened to try and help her"

"Yeah, let's do that"

But then the sliding door of the classroom was open, revealing Yuriko who was brightly smiling with happiness, so bright was her smile that everyone felt blinded by her


The girls screamed as Yuriko's brightness blinded them, while the boys…


Were not only blinded but their hopes were also being crushed as their souls took holy damage from Yuriko's brightness. Especially the creepy guy as he was being turned into dust, by the way, Daichi and Yamada were also back from their suspension, and they were also being turned into dust


Some time later


"…" <I can't solve this>

A girl was crying internally, as she was unable to solve an equation

"Do you need help with that question?"

"Huh!? N-Nanami-sama!? N-no, I don't n-need help!"

"Are you sure about that? You look troubled to me"

"… … …"

The girl's mind was almost giving up on staying conscious as Yuriko's face was close to hers

"T-then… Please h-help me s-solve it…"

The girl timidly accepted Yuriko's offer


And Yuriko cheerfully agreed and began helping the girl solve it, but the girl never paid attention to her explanation, as she listened in silence

"…" <Now I can die without regrets>

The girl still didn't get how to solve the equation, but she didn't care about it anymore either. The other girls who saw that began faking that they couldn't solve it as well

"Oh nooo… I can't solve this equation" *Monotone*

"What a coincidence, me neither" *Monotone*

"Hm? Do you all also need help?"

" "Yes!" "

And just like before Yuriko helped the other girls with their problems, but most of them were just faking it, so that they could have Yuriko's face to be close to theirs




The school bell signaled the start of lunchtime, Yuriko picked up her lunch box and left the classroom, as she walked down the corridor, she blinded and purified more students with her bright smile, as she made her way to the rooftop, she noticed a girl carrying some boxes

"Here, let me help you"

"Ah! Than- N-N-Nanami-sama!? Y-y-you don't-"

"Too late, I already picked it up"

Yuriko had taken all of the boxes that the girl was carrying without any problem

"So, where do you need to take these boxes to?"

"T-to the storage room near the rooftop, b-but let me carry half of it!"

"No can do, I can't let a cute girl like you carry heavy stuff"

"C-c-c-c-cute!? Awawawawa! I-I'm sorry!!!"

The girl after being complimented by Yuriko as she had a happy expression, became incapable of holding back her ecstasy from being complimented by Yuriko, so she ran away and she apologized while having the face of someone who could now die in peace


Yuriko looked at the girl running away, before turning back on her way to the rooftop, after some minutes, she put the boxes in the storage room, and then went towards the stairs that led to the rooftop, and there she saw Takeru seated on the staircase, clearly waiting for her to arrive


"Ah! Yuriko"

Takeru got up as Yuriko approached him, and was then tightly hugged by her, which he embarrassedly hugged her back in response

"You still remember your 'punishment', right?"


Yuriko's tone was a playful one, but Takeru still gave her a kiss on the cheek, improving her already good mood even more

"Now my turn~"

And taking advantage of Takeru looking away in embarrassment, Yuriko gave him a kiss on the cheek, which made him start pouting from the embarrassment. Yuriko seeing him like that simply smiled and patted his head, before they went to the rooftop to have lunch. Once there, they both went to the bench they usually sat on and began having their lunch

"*Munch munch*…"


Yuriko looked at Takeru's lunch box and at him eating, and after a few seconds, she moved her chopsticks to his lunch box and picked one of its contents

"! Hey!"

Takeru had noticed her doing that, but Yuriko was fast to eat it

"Mnnhmm *Nods* Yup, your food is delicious, Takeru"


Takeru simply looked at her in silence with an angry pouting face, and Yuriko couldn't help but giggle at how cute he looked like that, then she picked up one of her lunchbox contents, moved her chopsticks closer to him

"Fufu, here say 'ahn~', Takeru"

"!… … … A-ahn"

This time with some more hesitation, Takeru did as she asked and ate the food Yuriko offered him

"So? Is my homemade food tasty?"

"… Yes…"

"There, there *patting Takeru's head* I like honest boys like Takeru… No, I just like Takeru. Yeah, I just like you Takeru"


"? What's wrong, Takeru?"


Takeru had a surprised expression while his face was bright red because of Yuriko's actions, but especially because of her words, in an attempt to hide his embarrassment, he stopped looking at Yuriko and focused on finishing his lunch, not long after, he finished his lunch and took his leave

"I have some things to do so… If you excuse me, Yuriko…"

"I see, but I'll have you go back home together with me after school in compensation"

"… Sure…"


Takeru quickly gave his farewells to Yuriko while agreeing to her request, as his face was still red from earlier. And Yuriko was quick to notice how he was still feeling embarrassed when he would usually recover pretty quickly most of the time

"Hmm… I wonder why Takeru react like that after I said I only liked him?"

Yuriko still hadn't noticed what those words meant most of the time, so she was left wondering as she continued eating her lunch


After School


It was just a few minutes since the end of the classes, and today all of the members of the Student Council were in the stucco room, as they hastily worked to finish the documents accumulated during the past week, that were caused by the booting out of Daichi from the stucco and from Yuriko's sorry state from last week

" " " "…" " " "

And Yuriko was rapidly and dexterously dealing with most of the documents in silence, while the other three members could only look at her in silence and with surprise as they struggled to keep up with her pace, but then they noticed that her pace was slowing down until she stopped altogether

" " "…" " " < < <She fell asleep!?> > >

"… HAH!"

" " "AH!" " "

When the other members saw Yuriko falling asleep, they all stopped doing their documents as they looked at her, only making them get scared when Yuriko woke back up after a few seconds

"… … … Whew… I need some coffee"

Yuriko looked around from the surprise of having woken up, and after calming down and seeing that she and everyone else was still in the stucco room, she made a relieved sigh, before saying what was in her mind

"We all need some coffee, Yuriko-san. Also here"

"Ah! Takane-san, thanks"

Takane had just handed Yuriko another set of documents that required her attention. Takane was the former secretary of the student council and is now the vice president

"Usually, I would make some coffee for everyone, but now that I'm the vice president, I don't have time to do it"

"Haha… I guess, we'll need someone to fill the position of secretary soon"

"Yes, also it's good to see that you're back to normal"


And they all went back to dealing with the documents in silence, as they needed all of their concentration to finish at least a portion of the pending documents

Some hours later

"Haa… We're finally done with a part of the documents, but we still have much more to deal with… And not to say the new documents that we will have tomorrow… I really caused them a lot of trouble last week"

Yuriko was making her way to the shoe racks to meet with Takeru so that they could go home together, and once she reached there, she picked up her outdoor shoes and put them on, before leaving the school building and seeing Takeru seating on one of the benches along the wide path of the main entrance


"! Yuriko…"

And the first thing that Takeru did when he saw Yuriko was… Angrily pout at her

"You're late"

"Sorry, sorry, there was… No, there still is a lot of stuff that I need to deal with as the student council president"

"I know…"


"I passed there sometime earlier, but you all were focused on the documents… So I didn't call you out"

Takeru said that as his cheek blushed a little as he looked away

"I see, thanks for the consideration. So, shall we get going?"



When Takeru got up from the bench, Yuriko immediately hugged him and held his hand, and they both started walking


(A/N Notes: Holding hands? Yuriko is such a perverted girl)