
Am I Going Rogue?

Back To Vivienne's POV:

"Lay another finger on her," I heard a dark rumbling growl shake through a distant and hard to familiarize voice. I've never heard such authority- In one's voice. He was daring someone. My eyes fluttered open. My neck was burning. The hands around my neck- the shock of them being gone made me touch a sore spot on them. I was already healing. I could tell by the angel I had fallen to the ground. I starred up at- Mr. Dragavei. He held Emmett by his hair and was cutting into his neck with a letter opener. Emmett's feet barely touched the ground. Eder wasn't playing by his threats. He pushed the letter opener and was about to slice Emmett open like a piece of papper. But, his eyes met mine. For a second they flashed gray.

I was trembling- not because I was scared... but because I was still struggling to breath. This pain was just hiding the anger I felt. Eder's face held an expression of anger suddenly on his lips and forehead. He dropped his weapon- and pulled Emmett until his feet were on the ground and his ear was just touching his lips.

"I will make you suffer for the next serveral centuries if you ever put your hands on a lady again," he warned. "If you've got problems, take it out on a battle field- not under my roof," he rumbled.

Lamia's lips were curled in a jealous sneer. Her eyes locked on her husband. Her eyes were angry and filled with hatred. I weezed as I felt my throat swelling. My breathing seemed to break everyone's mood. Eyes snapped towards me. My two brothers both were by my side in a heart beat. Cal-  beating the other as he swept me up into his arms and looked over my injuries. Cole- only looking me over because he had medical experiences.

"You old bastard," Emmett coughed out. He yanked free from Eder as he glared him down. "SHE!" He pointed at me. "Is the reason why I lost EVERYTHING!"

"But gained so much," Lamia insisted quickly. "You've got me now as your-" Emmett interupted her.

"I lost it all," Emmett yelled at the top of his lungs. He looked like he was throwing a fit. He turned to look at me. "YOU made me loose my place as BETA! I lost my wolf! I lost Cole's respect for me! NOW LOOK AT ME!" He hit himself in the chest. "The smell of you makes my blood boil," he threatened. "The thought of the last words you spoke to me- REJECTING ME?!" He exposed two silver fangs. They grew as his mouth opened- like a bat's grin.

"You can't just reject someone and immedientaly sleep with their best friend, Vivienne! It does stuff to people. If gets in their heads. My best friend kicked me out of the pack because of pussy. And, the moon goddess took your side! Can you believe it? She took your side! She cursed me to be a human!" I didn't want to look at him.

I looked at Cole instead. His eyes shinning- a glimmer begging me to be okay. His neck was bruised and little scars ran across it- from that monster's bites.

Eder's eyes glossed gray as he stepped back and clutched Lamia's arms suddenly. As if to keep her still. He held a smile on his lips.

I felt rage growing in me as I starred down Cole's abused neck. How could he hurt the one he loves? I looked towards Emmett and gasped. "You think this is all my fault?" I asked him.

"Yes, you're a wicked slut," he said as his eyes stared daggers into my neck. Probably from where Brendon marked me as his. Cal rubbed my neck and I flinched in pain. But, that wasn't going to hold me back. I got free from his arms.

"What did you see?" Lamia asked Eder suddenly as they looked to be fighting. Lamia- loosing from getting free.

I'm going to rip this man's head off. I know Eder saw it coming. Arwen howled in excitement. She was with me on that.

"Cole come here," Cal said quickly and let me go to grab and take him out of the way.

I felt like a wolf.

"I'm not the slut here. You've been the deciever in our mateship! You knew what you were doing. Did you really think I wouldn't reject you? Did you really thing your best friend would be on your side after finding out who you really are? How long have you been pressuring my brother into your abusive love trap? And- the moon goddess was going to let you off free compared to this punishment I suggested. You don't deserve to be a wolf! You're the monster. Lamia doesn't even shape up in my eyes the way you do," I blurted out. I had no filter. I was angry! I felt powerful now! I wanted to be done with this fool for good. How long has he been hurting my little brother!?

I felt like hunting.

The bones breaking to reform into my wolf was the only thing heard. I transformed as I called upon Arwen's strength. A growl rumbled in my throat. My target's eyes changed from hating me to nearly pissing himself. He took off for the staircase. I guess someone told him I have a dangerous bite.

I guess he realized he couldn't hurt me if I'm ready to fight back. Arwen howled for us. I was too busy seeing red as she howled and my feet raced for my kill.

How dare he!?

SLUT shame me!?

He's the one sleeping with my brother- AFTER YEARS of knowing we were destined- soul mates!


This guy is trash.

He's a dirt bag.

A baby's diaper!

Arwen's excitment grew in me and took on my emotions. I was going to deliever this bastard to the depts of the darkest abyss. Even if it takes my own life.

Emmett ran- slamming doors behind him in hopes it would cut me off. But the rotton wood was easy to slam into and break apart. It only fueled my taste for his flesh and blood.

I followed him into a hudge maze outside of the castle. His scent took me in-ward and past the maze to a cliff. I tracked him down as he ran for the edge. I followed him in rage.

As I ran for him- I could feel the power in my joints. I was a fast wolf. Emmett was panting in exhaustion as he ran for his life. He took us to the cliff and looked ready to jump it to get away from me. I backed him up to the very edge- growling in anger.

"V- Viv," he said as he looked scared of me. He held his hands out to try to stop me from coming closer. "I- I was just being moody is all! It's hard for me to control my emotions," he tried to explain.

Hard to control his emotions?

MINE are on fire!

"I- I know this looks awkward that I'm here and all- Viv I can explain everything- listen to me-" I hesitated as I stepped closer to him. I snapped my jaws.

He could- should of lived a happy life as a human. Away from me, the pack, my brother, and this life! BUT HERE HE IS! I snapped my jaws and almonst got a finger as he shrieked and jumped from my teeth.

"V-viv lets call it truce," he suggested. I looked at his feet as they backed up to the last step before he'd fall off the edge.

I could see it.

A million ways to easily kill him now.

Which way will make him suffer more?

I should have just left him to be a rogue!



I lept for him in a heartbeat and found myself taking him over the edge of the cliff with me. I sunk my teeth into his shoulder and heard him scream. We tumbled- as I realized the drop wasn't that bad. We rolled down a large hill side- fighting teeth and nails. I gave him the bite of death but he was now- trying to kill me with him. We rolled straight into a briar patch. But it didn't stop me from going at him.

I didn't stop.

I wouldn't stop.

My father's fight skills haunted me.

I will not stop until I deliver the last blow.

I will not turn my back until I know he's dead.

Arwen was like a champion cheerleader. She lead me on in my defenses as she told me where I was open at and where to stop him from coming in at. He was strong in strength alone- but he was defeatable in combat. I towered over him- and ripped him apart. It started with an arm. I tore him apart as I found his weak spots. I tore his corpse apart. His blood brought adrenaline. It tasted desturbing- like a cockroach at first... but the taste grew on me and became a trantulas. It crawled across my body and took over my taste buds. More- I wanted more. I chomped him apart.

His words echoed through me.

The moment the life left his eyes.

I could hear him.

'The smell of you makes my blood boil,' he threatened. 'The thought of the last words you spoke to me-' and 'Yes, you're a wicked slut.'

'YOU made me loose my place as BETA! I lost my wolf! I lost Cole's respect for me! NOW LOOK AT ME.'

'You can't just reject someone and immedientaly sleep with their best friend.'

'It does stuff to people.'

'If gets in their heads.'

'My best friend kicked me out of the pack

because of pussy.'

'The moon goddess took your side!'

'Can you believe it?'

'She took your side!'

It felt like forever. But the blood in me- made me tomple over in a high. I transformed back and shivered from the night air. I laid wide awake- looking up at the sky as I thought on my actions. Did I just kill my ex- soul mate?

Was it justified enough?

AM I the bad person?

I ruined this guy's life and worse- killed him.

I'm going to rot in jail after this.

There's no getting away with this.

The moon goddess is going to reject me from running in her pack in the afterlife.

How could I do that?

Only a rogue would act- so impulsive.

He didn't have to die.

I wanted him to die.

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