
The Scared Beauty and Her Determined Beasts

Being an 18-year-old Alchemist hunted down for the last Ten Years and was left for dead, Scarlet learns that the ones Responsible for the Massacre of her Entire Family were here. As she starts to discover that the true mastermind behind the massacre is here as well. On her travels she gets the help of a Black Tiger; a Pail Cream Cobra; a Green Tarantula Doctor, and a Dragon. Scarlet knows that she needs to become Stronger; but they ways to getting the strength that she will need was not something that any training had prepared her for.

Dianna_Maxwell_3125 · Kỳ huyễn
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 Taking a deep breath, he stood up and got his thoughts in order. Before he opened the door, he straitened his back and tried to have a confident and stern look on his face. As the door opened and the Messenger Male other side didn't look like he had half the confidence that the Young Chef did. 

 Of course, he didn't know what Young Chef Josh knew either. The Messenger Male said "Young Chef Josh, the Elder Chef is awaiting your arrival at the Great Hall. Please make haste the battle is almost upon us."

 Young Chef Josh began to hurry and make his way to the Great Hall. With his legs as being as long as they were, it still took some time to make it there. 

Upon his arrival his ears were bombarded with a great debate. Just as Holly Dragon Prinos said before, the traitors were trying to get the people on their side and those that were loyal to the 'Great Spirit' were trying to keep them from turning against their own people. 

Young Chef Josh took a deep breath and called out, 


As his voice carried throughout the Great Hall all those that were present became silent immediately. As he made his way through the crowd, they parted out of respect for him, he had almost made his way to his Father when he was approached by the led traitor himself.

Former Top Advisor Rob matched his way to him and said, "Young Chef Josh, I know that you liked the 'Great Spirit' and that she saved us from those Other Strange Males. But in the Last battle she was KILLED by One of them." He emphasized the work killed to make his point. "It is clear that she was too Weak to protect us. Even if she wasn't dead, she still lost the battle. We cannot stand against these Strange Males and make it out alive. There is only One choice now Young Chef Josh."

He looked around at the crowd, made sure to that they were all paying attention to him. Straitening his back, he was about to speak again when another One of the Trusted Advisors came up to him and said, "Young Chef Josh, what 'Head Advisor Rob' is saying is that we can't let the deceased 'Great Spirit' make decisions over how we handle OUR business."

He made sure to make Advisor Rob sound really important, disgrace Scarlet, and clam the Dark Rock Dragon Clan all in the same sentence. Young chef Josh was really impressed at how he worded everything. He had to hand it to him, he had a way with words.

 Others behind them began to make comments of agreement and tried to rally up the others to get them on their side. They were making a lot of noise as Young Chef Josh looked around at those that were speaking up and found that a lot of his information was in fact correct.

 There were so many of them and he had no idea. If it weren't for the fact that they were being attacked soon, he didn't think that he would ever be able to have weeded them out on his own.

With a smile he said "For all of those that choose the side of the Strange Males get out NOW! You are no longer welcome here!"

After he spoke, he held his hand up and signaled for his people to make way for those that would be leaving. Advisor Rob and the others were speechless and were unable to move from where they stood.

Advisor Rob came up and shuddered as he said "Young Chef Josh please think this through. I need you to understand what you have just said."

 He sat there blinking up at Young Chef Josh like he was supposed to just change his mind the moment that he finished his sentence. After a moment Young Chef Josh said "I believe in the World that the 'Great Spirit fought and died for. The One where we are able to be free and not become slaves to those that don't care about anyone but themselves. Don't any of you remember what it was like for us when Matt and Tony took over before? They tortured us and hurt our Females. If they take over again then we will not make it."

 Looking around at everyone present he continued "For those that want to be treated like that get out now! For those that wish to stay free or die trying to prepare for battle!"

 Motioning to the guards that he knew were on his side he said "Get these traitors out of here! They will never be allowed to step foot on my land again! If they want to return, they will be welcomed back as corpses!"

 Everyone in the room was unable to comprehend what Young Chef Josh had said, but the guards were able to come back to their senses and began to usher out the traitors from the Dark Rock Dragon Clan.