
The Scared Beauty and Her Determined Beasts

Being an 18-year-old Alchemist hunted down for the last Ten Years and was left for dead, Scarlet learns that the ones Responsible for the Massacre of her Entire Family were here. As she starts to discover that the true mastermind behind the massacre is here as well. On her travels she gets the help of a Black Tiger; a Pail Cream Cobra; a Green Tarantula Doctor, and a Dragon. Scarlet knows that she needs to become Stronger; but they ways to getting the strength that she will need was not something that any training had prepared her for.

Dianna_Maxwell_3125 · Kỳ huyễn
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218 Chs

Ch. 176


 Every One of them tried to calm her down and tried to make things easier for her. But as things progressed with the delivery, they could only take the issues as they appeared in front of them.

 It was the Noon, and she still had a long way to go with the delivery. She was still nowhere near Ten Centimeters with only being Six since this Morning. The Males tried to keep her calm and her body wiped down because she was constantly drenched from being in labor.

 After another Five Hours of labor, she was ready to push. Being completely exhausted from all of this Nick and Alex were giving her their Strength a little at a time so they didn't overwhelm her and possibly hurt her or the Young.

 Doctor Sebastian said, "Okay, you are ready and it's time to push. I need you to take a deep breath and push when I tell you to okay?"

 Scarlet cried out in pain and said, "I can't do this anymore! It hurts too much!"

 They all stayed silent and let Doctor Sebastian take the stage at this time. He took her face in both of his huge hands so that she was looking at her and said in a Strong yet calm voice, "You are Strong, you can do this. We are all here for you, and you have lived through worse pain than this. My Love when this is over you can rest with your babies, but now I need you to be brave and take a breath it's time to push."

 Scarlet's eye searched Doctor Sebastians and found nothing but Strength and support in them. After another contraction had hit her, she cried out in pain,


After it passed, she barely had time to catch her breath before she looked into Doctor Sebastian's eyes and said, "Ready!"

With an excited look he said, "Yes you are. Now with your next contraction you need to push with everything that you got. Okay?"

Nodding her head in understanding Scarlet took a deep breath and as soon as she heard him say push, she gave it her all.


Doctor Sebastian said, "I can see the head. Keep pushing."


Doctor Sebastian was excited for this labor to finally coming to a climax, "Keep going you got this. The First One is almost here just give me One more big push."


"It's here! My Love you did it!" Doctor Sebastian said this as he placed the First baby in the baby bed that they had made before and did a quick examination on him. Then left him to Alex as he turned his attention back to Scarlet.

"Okay my Love. Now it's almost time for the next One."

Scarlet was already completely exhausted, as she heard what her Tarantula had said she replied with "I don't know… if I can…. do that…. again."

Doctor Sebastian grabbed her face again and said in a confident voice, "You have already done this once. You can do this One more time and you will be done. My Heart you can do this I know you can."

Scarlet was still crying but shook her head. Nick had adjusted his hold on her so that she was a little more comfortable and Doctor Sebastian said, "Alright get ready. This next One you will push with everything that you've got."

Trying to catch her breath Scarlet prepared herself for round Two and said, "Okay… I'm ready… let's… do this."

All of them were filled to the brim with pride as their Female got herself ready for the next half of her delivery.

When it was time Doctor Sebastian said, "Alright it's time and I need you to give me a big push."


Scarlet gave it her all with that last push and when the Last baby had finally made his appearance. Scarlet had passed out from complete and total exhaustion.

After making sure that the Second baby was okay Doctor Sebastian had turned his full attention to Scarlet. Seeing that she was fine after the delivery he told Travis to clean her up and for Nick to check on his Young.

Everyone was completely exhausted from this in their own different way. Since it was only a couple of hours before dark, they realized just how hungry they all were. Alex went to go check on the other kids and make sure that they were fine. Then go and make everyone some food.

Nick was the Father, and it was most of his Power that was used, so they weren't left completely defenseless. But when he opened the Bedroom door Parker was already there and he had a bunch of food ready.

There was Three tear cart that was packed full of food. Alex was so happy that he didn't need to cook that he almost collapsed.

As they were ushered in with the food, Doctor Sebastian made Nick a plate and handed it to him, so he didn't need to leave Scarlet or the babies. While Parker was helping Travis make his plate he said, "Daddy Travis can Fuzzball, Soft Spot, and I see the babies?"