
The Scared Beauty and Her Determined Beasts

Being an 18-year-old Alchemist hunted down for the last Ten Years and was left for dead, Scarlet learns that the ones Responsible for the Massacre of her Entire Family were here. As she starts to discover that the true mastermind behind the massacre is here as well. On her travels she gets the help of a Black Tiger; a Pail Cream Cobra; a Green Tarantula Doctor, and a Dragon. Scarlet knows that she needs to become Stronger; but they ways to getting the strength that she will need was not something that any training had prepared her for.

Dianna_Maxwell_3125 · Kỳ huyễn
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218 Chs

Ch. 164


 Time passed slowly as they were just leisurely passing through their new routine. There was no set schedule but visiting the patients was the First, followed by training, Lunch, followed by light training, then rest.

 Rest usually consisted of naps, snacking, and visiting Emma.

 The Nightmare hadn't returned, and they were trying to find the right time to tell her about it. Since her Emotions have been out of control with her pregnancy finding the right tome had proven to be difficult.

 Since it had already been a Month since the Nightmare and now Scarlet was Three Months pregnant, they felt that they couldn't wait much longer. Her control with her Emotions has been better and they waited for One of her better days to talk to her about it.

 Scarlet could keep track of so many things at once just from habit, and since she knew that there was something that they wanted to talk about before she knew that she would find out soon.

 Nick had really outdone himself with not only Breakfast but Lunch as well. The rest over pampered her and the kids were extra attentive with her. Whatever it was that they wanted to talk with her about seemed like they were trying to make sure that she was thoroughly buttered up beforehand.

 Travis and Doctor Sebastian had her in the Bedroom sandwiched between them, Alex, and Nick each had either a hand or a foot and were messaging whatever they had.

Scarlet noticed that the kids were outside and said "Okay, so when are you going to start talking?"

Shocking all of them with her words Scarlet said "I know that you want to talk about that Nightmare. I promise I will do my best to be okay and stay levelheaded."

Doctor Sebastian said, "My Love, it's like this." Taking a break he continued "It was like there was something holding you there and it wasn't going to let you go."

Taking a Minute to see what she was handling it. Scarlet got impatient and said "What happened?"

Looking at her Travis said ". You were thrashing around and screaming. We couldn't wake up no matter what we did, I had to pull Power from Alex through you to get you to calm down. It became clear to us that you were held by something. But we didn't know if it was One of the Strange Males."

Nick took it from there and said, "When you were Finally awake you were completely overtaken by Emotions that we didn't get a chance to talk with you about it."

Taking everything in Scarlet absentmindedly rubbed her growing Bbaby belly. Thinking about it for a while she Finally said, "Scott…"

 Looking at each of them in the eye Scarlet said "Master's First Apprentice had an ability that he could connect his consciousness to someone else's. But he wasn't mature enough to work with it and mature the ability when he was Younger."

Taking a sip of the juice that was offered she continued "If he took the time to mature his skills then he can become more dangerous than when I last seen him. I'm going to need to train with Kitty more."

Looking at Nick she said "Fireball, Clear my schedule! Kitty and I have some work to do!"

Sending laughs throughout the room the group settled down, since they had Finally had the talk with Scarlet and the talk went will. It was like the 'Enormous Elephant' that had Finally just been kicked out of the room, and the weight as taken off of them.

Training was not a bad thing as long as they were able to keep her from doing anything strenuous. Since she was going to train Travis in the ways of the Mind if anything happened again, they would be able to be prepared to handle it.

After things settled down, they called for the kids to bring in some games and had a Family funday to help break up the tension that everyone was holding on to.

 The next Day Scarlet and Travis were in the Bedroom while the others were out there entertaining themselves while they worked.

 Travis was sitting in the room with Scarlet and lessoning to everything that she said. Things were not that difficult to understand when she explained them, and Travis was able to pick up on the tricks fast.

 Even though Scarlet didn't know much about it, that she did know was helpful. Once they had the steps down, they began to run practices trying to go against the other. Travis wasn't able to do much against Scarlet even though she said that he was supposed to be the Stronger One.

 It wasn't until Doctor Sebastian came into the room and said, "Hey I think you need to take a break Nick and Alex are barely able to keep their heads up out here."

 Looking at Scarlet with a surprised expression Travis cried out "You cheater!"