

Millie, a woman in her 40s, works as an interior home designer was returning home from her work. Suddenly her car started making a strange scratchy sound on the back of the windshield.

What was that?! she exclaimed?

It was eight in the evening and on top of that the street was empty. She found it better not to stop the car. After half an hour of driving, her car broke down close to a weekly market.

Shit!!! not now.

Like every market, there were lots of people. She got out of the car and started checking the engine.

Mrs. are you in any trouble? A dark tall man asked her in a deep voice.

ummh..yes, I think something is wrong with my car.

Can I have a look? He asked.

Ya sure, go ahead.

And guess what? he fixed the car within instants. She was astonished by his work and decided to give him something in return. But by the time she glanced at her purse, the man had disappeared. She started looking here and there for the man but couldn't see him anywhere.

Hmm...okay fine!

I think I need some water.

She went to a grocery store and asked the vendor.

Hello, can I have a bottle of water, please?

The vendor was an elderly woman, she replied with a Lil bit of hoarseness.

Ya sure, here you go.

Thank you, have a great evening mam.

You too, young lady.

Meanwhile, Millie's eyes went upon three people wearing creepy masks.

With a lot of confusion, she asked the elderly woman.

Ma'am, do you have any idea why those people are wearing such masks?

Well...what else can you expect to wear by street performers? the lady answered.

Millie, with a Lil bit of embarrassment.

oh ya ya, I'm sorry for asking such a dumb question. I think I need some rest.

No..no..its totally fine don't say sorry.

oh...okay... bye.

Ba-bye, dear.

Millie approached her car while unlocking the door her eyes once again went upon those street performers. But then she noticed something wrong.

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