
The Savior Is Dangerous!

With the world on the verge of destruction, a shelter that seemed almost like a utopia appeared. Charles Rinrey, the owner of this utopia of a community, is known to be ruthless. Being the world's savior, with a personality that matches a tyrant, how will the world turn with this development?

BrighterThanBlue · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Chapter Two

"This is a no-brainer." The first upgrade I did was to upgrade the shop.

I had no companions to shelter with within my safe zone, and given the current circumstances, the idea of inviting others into my home felt off-putting.

With the upgrade to the shop secured, I retained one skill point as a precautionary measure in case I found the upgraded shop lacking. Similarly, I saw no need to expand the boundaries of my safe zone, as I could easily lure more monsters nearby.

The orc's distress call had undoubtedly drawn more monsters to the vicinity, but I remained unconcerned, protected by my impenetrable barrier.

On a contrasting note, I couldn't help but notice an increase in my physical capabilities following the orc's demise. Though the extent of the improvement remained uncertain, I looked forward to exploring it further.

"Nice!" I exclaimed as I checked the expanded selection of items in the upgraded shop. Among the new offerings, my attention was immediately drawn to a pistol with bullets.

When I realized that the pistol's cost matched the amount I had gained from dispatching the orc, I hesitated momentarily before making the purchase. Despite the slight inconvenience of having to replace the entire firearm once the bullets were depleted, the necessity of an offensive weapon outweighed any reservations I had.

With the pistol and its accompanying 18 bullets, I acknowledged the unfortunate reality that I couldn't purchase bullets separately. The temptation to further upgrade my shop tugged at me, but I saw that it would require two skill points instead of one.

"Little shits! Become my source of experience!" I yelled out at the goblins that were nearby.

"Rwah!" A group of five goblins appeared, and they were more unsightly than the orc. Like the orc, which had green skin, their short frames, skinny bodies, and bulging stomachs made them the definition of ugly.

The five goblins banged at my safe zone barrier, wanting a piece of me. I couldn't help but smirk at how easy this is.

"Bang! Bang!" After firing two shots, I underestimated the pistol's recoil. It was a miniature hand cannon, packing more punch than expected.

[$832 deposited in your safe-zone wallet.]

[You have executed a goblin (Level 3 First Order).]

I had wasted one ammo, and now I had a feel for it. I felt more confident in killing more of these little punks. Seeing how one of their companions' lives had ended, with enough survival instincts, they immediately thought of the idea of fleeing.

"Bang! Bang!" Before they could flee, I fired more shots and ended up killing three of the five.

[$891 deposited in your safe-zone wallet.]

[You have executed a goblin (Level 3 First Order).]

[$842 deposited in your safe-zone wallet.]

[You have executed a goblin (Level 3 First Order).]

With six bullets being the maximum, I used two bullets for each. It was a shame that I had to reload. Otherwise, I would have blown their heads out.

After killing all three, I didn't seem to level. It was disappointing, but there was nothing I could do about it. Far away, I could still see some monsters. However, I would have to find a tool to make a loud noise to attract their attention.

"There's no need for me to be hasty..." I reassured myself, taking a moment to contemplate my next move. The realization dawned on me that electricity, while still functioning, was a limited resource. Its eventual depletion was inevitable.

With this in mind, I swiftly returned to my house and checked the news. To my surprise, there were many reports detailing the emergence of monsters. Numerous eyewitness accounts showcased the appearance of formidable creatures, including some of the strongest monsters imaginable.

One particular video captured my attention. It showed a dragon soaring through the sky. Its jet-black scales and colossal size dwarfed even those of an airplane. I could only imagine the catastrophic consequences if such a creature were to unleash its fury. Positioned on the eastern side of the world, straddling the boundary between Asia and Europe, I couldn't help but feel a sense of premonition.

"This system is the best. Instant delivery is so convenient," I remarked, savoring a large slice of pepperoni pizza after purchasing it through the system.

This impressive system protected me from harm within my safe zone and allowed me to enjoy it instantly, with top-quality food. Despite the big price tag of five dollars for just one slice, I couldn't deny that it was the most delicious pizza I had ever tasted.

"So the world is on the brink of destruction..." As I continued to watch the news, I stumbled upon another crucial piece of information that caught me off guard.

Contrary to common belief, the military, upon which many had placed their hopes for defense, had proven ineffective against the invading monsters. It appeared that conventional weapons such as guns, missiles, and explosives were utterly futile against these otherworldly creatures. It wasn't due to their lack of strength but rather their immunity to such human-made weaponry.

The realization struck me deeply. Why had my pistol managed to work against the goblins when other weapons failed? The system seemed to bypass this immunity, allowing me to eliminate the three goblins earlier.

"Holy shit! This orange juice is amazing!" I exclaimed, relishing the perfectly balanced blend of sourness and sweetness as it refreshed my palate with each sip. Despite its expensive price tag of three dollars for what seemed like a mere 300 ml, I couldn't help but praise the sheer perfection of this drink.

With flavors so satisfying, I found myself momentarily transported from the grim reality of the world's impending destruction. If I could indulge in such exquisite food and drink every day, the prospect of extinction might not seem so serious after all.