
The S Classes That I raised:Geunseo( 근서) 218+

He was an F-rank Hunter. To top it off, he was a useless F-rank loser of a big brother who dragged down his incredible younger brother. While he carelessly lived out his messed-up life, he ultimately took his younger brother's life. He regressed back in time with the title, Perfect Caregiver. "Okay, this time, let's lay low and take care of the talented ones instead." He thought. But those S-ranks are acting a little strange. = Not the official and accurate translation of the novel. But I fixed some of it so it'll be readable at least, if you have suggestions feel free to comment, ENJOY!

notminee · Diễn sinh trò chơi
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
73 Chs

Chapter 281: Upon Exiting (3)

"Please explain in detail. No, just contact the Amaterasu Guild and Tokyo."

Myeongwoo and the kids are worried. Even if they can escape to the blacksmith shop, it will be difficult to deal with a sudden monster attack. Myeongwoo lacks practical experience. He wouldn't have tried to escape alone, especially leaving Chirpie and Velare behind.

I should have suggested exploring more dungeons for experience. It should have been fine. If those guild guys couldn't protect their guests properly, they'd better prepare to face the Pacific Ocean as a group.

"Um... we can't contact them."

"Huh? No cell phones?"

"The communication tower has been destroyed."

Damn it. Well, it's understandable in this chaos.

"No radios either? Satellite phones or something?"

It took three hours by helicopter from Tokyo to here. Even with Noah-ssi's help, it would take a similar amount of time.

It's not a long time, but still unsettling. We might make missteps, so we should confirm things first before moving.

"Well, we have the equipment, but the batteries..."

"Sung Hyunjae!"

I quickly turned to Sung Hyunjae.

"I always wanted to team up with you if we end up on a deserted island! Electricity rules!"

"Hyung! I..."

"Ahjussi, water is essential!"

"I can get you out of here right away!"

"Huh? Why bother following us to a deserted island? You could be chilling at home with the air conditioning. Same goes for Noah-ssi."

Why bother going through all this trouble? Although I'm just saying. I handed Sung Hyunjae the satellite phone I received from a Japanese hunter.

"Since this is the only one, please be careful not to break it."

"I think I mentioned before that it's not easy."

"It doesn't mean it can't be done. We should check if Guild Master Seseong is safe and sound."

"Just once, wonderful Sung Hyunjae! After receiving the satellite phone, Sung Hyunjae checked the battery specifications. Then he delicately adjusted the magic to start charging it. Frankly, his abilities are really impressive.

While he was charging, we heard the situation report from the Japanese guards.

"So, monsters suddenly appeared around 10 a.m. today?"

"Yes, yes. We tried to contact the Amaterasu Guild continuously, but we didn't hear any detailed explanations. It's said that even SS-class monsters appeared and they're trying to divert the monsters' path towards the sea."

They wouldn't be trying to send them towards Korea, would they? They said they exhausted the satellite phone battery while requesting rescue, so they installed barricades and bunkers in relatively conspicuous places and were holding out.

"It took a few hours to escape from the Black Cow Forest dungeon. It might have been around 10 a.m. when those jellyfish jerks interfered."

Most likely because of that damn jellyfish.

"Have monsters appeared again since then?"

"It's not certain... but we heard that they didn't reappear in the areas where they were lured and driven away."

Seems like the chain shielding was effective. It's good that it ended after one round. Otherwise, we might have been completely overwhelmed without a chance to intervene. Japan's already halfway gone, it seems.

When the battery was somewhat charged, Sung Hyunjae handed me the satellite phone.

After expressing my utmost gratitude, I contacted the Amaterasu Guild number. At first, the Amaterasu guild members were hesitant, but they were surprised when they revealed our identity.

"Yes! Hunter Myeongwoo is safe. He drove most of the monsters out of Tokyo."

They didn't defeat them, huh? Then what about the people outside the capital? They wouldn't just push everyone out of Japan and call it a day, would they?

"The direction the monsters are gathering is obviously towards the Pacific Ocean, right?"

"Uh... it depends on the situation..."

These guys, always beating around the bush.

"Please connect me to the Awakened Beings Management Office in South Korea. Ministry of the Interior."

Not long after, the call was connected to Korea, and then I heard Director Song Taewon's stern voice. Just hearing his voice made his tired face come to mind.

"Director Song! It's been a while!"

"[You contacted us just before entering the dungeon for confirmation.]"

"It's only been two days, huh."

Feels like it's been about two weeks.

"How's the situation in Korea? Is everyone okay?"

"[I can't give you detailed information over the phone, so I'll tell you based on the information that has already been announced. The average grade of the monsters appearing domestically has been quickly sorted out to B-grade. There are casualties, but it's relatively minimal compared to the sudden situation.]"

"That's really fortunate."

"In particular, Blue's performance was significant. Its hunting speed was truly impressive."

Seems like our Blue went wild. If they were average B-grade monsters, Blue would have treated them like toys. With its incredible flying skills, it would have been able to hunt monsters faster than any S-rank hunter in Korea.

"[There were no casualties at the Mana Breeding Grounds and the Haeyeon Guild.]"

"Oh, by any chance, did you bring the lamb babies with you? How are they? Aren't they cute?"


"Director Song?"

"[As for the peculiar matter, Hunter Ri Ete and Hunter Kang Soyoung trampled over the ○○○ Building and its surroundings...]"

They seemed unsure of how to express it. Trampled over, huh? Did they turn into dragons and dance or something?

"[Although there were no casualties after evacuation was completed, excessive measures were taken, and the Breaker Guild and Seseong Guild were going to be held responsible. However, Hunter Kang Soyoung insisted that she instigated it and demanded compensation only from the Seseong Guild. Our guild leader said if he's okay, then okay.]"


I don't know the truth, but Soyoung seems quite generous. Since Moon Hyuna is the one who temporarily recruited Ri Ete, Moon Hyuna should bear the responsibility. It's naturally not good to make such a mistake when trying to become independent. But still, for Seseong to take all the blame...

After listening to the conversation, I glanced at Sung Hyunjae as if to say he couldn't help it, and he shrugged his shoulders as if to say there was nothing he could do.

"Soyoung believes in me a bit too much."

"That's right. She trusts the Seseong Guild leader's face and abilities as much as steel. The rest should be disposed of, but..."

Yerim said. Even her face is involved. That's going a bit far.

"Director Song, what about the coast? I mean, the East Sea. You must also be concerned about the West Sea."

After a moment of silence, Song Taewon replied.

"[Depending on the situation, an evacuation order will be issued for the entire East Coast.]"

Just that alone gave a glimpse of what they think about Japan. They probably expect that Korea will be overwhelmed by the monsters pouring out of Japan.

A sigh escaped me. Since the West Coast wasn't mentioned, it seems that Japan's monsters came out with higher grades, and it became bothersome. Of course, we won't work for free, but still.

"I was planning to return home right away, but I'll have to stay for another day or so."

"[The Hunter Association hopes that Han Yujin and hunter Myeongwoo return home first. Since flying is dangerous, they'll be sent by ship under Park Yerim Hunter's protection.]"

"Oh, I developed a fear of ships after the last cruise ship explosion incident. I also have a seawater allergy. Then Director Song, please give my regards to our lamb kids. Please. Also, buy snacks for them. You can bill it to the breeding ground. You can also bill transportation expenses to and from the breeding ground. Since you're fulfilling my request, take a taxi. Should I buy souvenirs? How about S-rank wires?"

"[I hope you return safely.]"

"Have you thought of names for the lamb kids? If you can't think of any, then should I... Director Song? Director Song?"

Ah, he's cut it off decisively. Is he busy? He must be. Naturally, he must be busy. After finishing the call, I looked at the group. They probably heard everything even without me saying it.

"Let's go straight to Tokyo. Anyone want to return home first?"

"I'm worried about the kids, but wouldn't it take a long time by boat? It's obvious that airplanes won't be flying. Hyungnim, please decide quickly."

Moon Hyuna said with a worried expression. Although Song Taewon said there weren't any major damages, he still seemed concerned. There's also the issue with Riette.

Since we couldn't use cars, trains, or helicopters, we divided into groups and rode on Peace and Noah. It was fortunate that Peace had gained flying skills.

The Japanese hunters wanted to follow us, but what could we do? Since dealing with the monsters wouldn't take long, I told them to hide well.

"Sir, there's a monster horde over there."

While flying towards Tokyo, Yerim pointed below. A group of monsters could be seen running along the road. Despite having experienced dungeon breaks before, the sight was surreal and unsettling.

A giant snake climbing up an old apartment, beasts rolling buses around like toys, a black unicorn galloping through the chaotic market street with thundering hooves, and so on. It all felt incredibly unreal.

Even though we were flying high in the sky, there were still monsters coming at us. A few flying monsters would appear from among the clouds, pecking and biting with their beaks. Of course, they would soon be charred black or frozen solid and fall to the ground.

Roaring, lightning struck, and another large grotesque monster plummeted downward. It still seemed to be A-rank or lower. Of course, even monsters of that level are overwhelmingly threatening creatures outside of dungeons. While we usually only gather S-rank or higher monsters, anything below that level is still a formidable foe.

We found the railway leading to Tokyo and continued flying along it, calmly reviewing our inventory once again.

"Fortunately, we should be able to handle them easily."

If we negotiate the rewards well, that is. Although our inventory was full, unfortunately, there weren't many weapons or equipment. Thanks to Sigma's generous contributions.

Since Sigma's inventory wasn't completely empty, I did have to retrieve a few items due to space constraints, but still, it was decent.

"The Lynx series items were given to me by the new recruit except for the shoes. I wonder if they're trying to take the road with them."

They were such useful items regardless of stats. Even as an F-rank, I could wield a gun that could output S-rank or higher attack power with just a bit of mana, a jacket that added stealth skill effects, and shoes that made walking on walls like walking on flat ground. They were all so useful that it felt like a shame to leave them behind. Moreover, gloves and a belt... Huh?

"...Why are there two more?"

I wanted to take them out and check, but this also required a reality check point. I can't even accumulate points anymore, this is ridiculous.

We encountered a few more monsters and finally arrived in Tokyo. Considering the high population density, there were probably many monsters of high rank, but surprisingly, everything seemed fine. Perhaps it was because there were many S-rank hunters.

Traces of battles remained here and there. Collapsed buildings, broken roads, abandoned cars. The streets were eerily quiet, as if everyone had evacuated.

" monsters!"

Someone shouted at that moment. Probably a civilian who hadn't evacuated, or maybe a hunter. Yerim quickly used teleportation to approach the shouting hunter.

"Those aren't monsters!"


"Uh, I'm a hunter! We are hunters! From Korea!"

"Oh, that, a dragon!"

"A dragon? Yeah, yes!"

It seemed like our rough conversation was getting through. Yerim is good at foreign languages too. Fortunately, they were probably from the Amaterasu Guild and contacted their own guild directly. Soon enough, members of the Amaterasu Guild rushed over.

"Master Sisio is currently luring an SS-rank monster to the seaside. Let's go to the hotel first."

"We can resolve this situation cleanly, so come with us right away."


"If you don't come back within an hour, we'll just leave."

Of course, that couldn't actually happen. If S-rank or higher monsters were to come to our country, it would be a big problem. It's much better to handle it in Japan. The Amaterasu Guild member nodded hesitantly but confidently at my confident words.


As we returned to the hotel, Myeongwoo welcomed me warmly. Even Belare had returned safely.

"Are you okay, Myeongwoo? Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine. But chirpie went missing this morning..."

"Oh, he came to see me. He learned how to teleport even inside dungeons now."

Myeongwoo breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at my words. Then he quickly glanced around.

"Are we going back to Korea right away? The atmosphere here doesn't seem good. It's serious, so it's better to be cautious, Yujin."

He said in a lowered voice, as if someone might try to take me hostage.

"There are four S-rank hunters here right now. They won't let anything happen."

As Myeongwoo said, right now in Japan, every S-rank hunter counts. Myeongwoo told me that the airport was already closed and ferry services were suspended. I heard a lot of things.

"Don't worry. We have a way to resolve this."

"...You're not trying to do something dangerous again, are you?"

"No, no. Oh, and my grace has gained a new skill. Can you check it out later?"

"A new skill?"

Myungwoo's worried eyes quickly turned curious. This guy likes this kind of stuff too. But still, no tentacles. Don't add anything like that.

"Hey there, folks. Did you contact Sisio?"

"Oh, we requested it. Please wait a moment."

"And gather a hundred hunters. The faster, the better."

Whether it's an S-rank monster or an SS-rank monster, we'll wipe them all out in one go. It's a premium service given generously..