
The S Classes That I raised:Geunseo( 근서) 218+

He was an F-rank Hunter. To top it off, he was a useless F-rank loser of a big brother who dragged down his incredible younger brother. While he carelessly lived out his messed-up life, he ultimately took his younger brother's life. He regressed back in time with the title, Perfect Caregiver. "Okay, this time, let's lay low and take care of the talented ones instead." He thought. But those S-ranks are acting a little strange. = Not the official and accurate translation of the novel. But I fixed some of it so it'll be readable at least, if you have suggestions feel free to comment, ENJOY!

notminee · Diễn sinh trò chơi
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
73 Chs

Chapter 219:showdown (3)

The water roared, sweeping across the ground, engulfing not only the soil but also the trees.

The Amaterasu guildmaster swiftly issued an additional evacuation order upon hearing Yerim's declaration. It was surprising that they would evacuate coastal houses and offer compensation, but maybe it was better to call it quits at this point.

"Well, if you're an S-rank hunter in combat, you wouldn't want to miss such a spectacle."

It was Han yoojin's opinion unless you cherished Gakuto immensely.Looking at the evacuation order and the laid-out board, it seemed like it was just a single guild member. On the contrary, it could be because they believed she could withstand for about an hour.

"Ah, it's exploding again, water is gushing out! This is Kouto Gakuto Hunter, skillfully avoiding it. Indeed, his speed is remarkable."

The Japanese commentary seemed to favor Gakuto . There was a palpable sense of regret and pity in their tone. Even though the broadcast was likely going to Korea, where though?

I searched for the Korean internet live broadcast on my phone.

"A pouring baptism! Hunter Park Yerim conjures consecutive water pillars! One, two, three! It's a dragon! A water dragon!"

The Korean broadcast seemed lively.

[Hunter Gakuto is not visible anymore! It's truly an overwhelming scale, like nature versus humans! Even though it's by the seaside, if she handles water to that extent, mana consumption must be significant. Director Song Taewon, how do you see this?]

...Huh? Director Song Taewon? Why is he there...?

"Kim rises from the water that just spouted! Is it a hot spring?"

"It's a hot spring! A hot spring has erupted! It's Park Yerim's hot spring!"

Looking up at the broadcast, I could indeed see a stream of mist rising from the water. I've heard that Japan has many hot springs, but erupting during a fight? Could that be Yelim's hot spring?

The original arena turned into a large water puddle, and Gakuto was fleeing along the coast. Yerim leisurely chased after him, though with a fierce momentum.

Around us, aside from Myeongwoo and me, only awakened individuals with A-rank or higher stats remained. Some A-ranks were repeatedly swept away by the water, returning after being pushed out to sea. Even I, relying on my younger brother's skill with the blue birch leaves, got soaked as water splashed.

"Here it comes again! Get ready!"

With Yerim's friendly warning, a stream of water shot up. The water pressure itself was tremendous, but when Gakuto swung his sword toward the wall of water blocking the way,


The water exploded as if it were a detonation, instantly transforming into ice fragments. It was hundreds of ice arrows raining down. And Gakuto himself unleashed this force.


using the Volcano Heat skill to the maximum, the ice arrows melted, and steam rose around Gakuto. But it was impossible to boil away all the constantly flowing water, not just the surrounding air.

Eventually, as the heat diminished, this time the high-rising wall of water froze entirely. It turned into a menacing wall of spikes, covering Gakuto.

"Damn it!"

"Park Yerim! Park Yerim! It's Park Yerim!"

Wow, they must be losing their voices. I should bring a placard and join the frenzy. The occasional glimpses of the ordinary spectators also added to the festive atmosphere. Drums beating and whistles blowing, it was chaotic.

"How much time has passed?"

Anyway, it seemed like roughly thirty minutes had passed. I had to check the time with my phone's clock since there was no watch... He hasn't said anything yet. It could happen, but still. Living through it, it might slip one's mind.


"Oh, nothing at all."

My brother gave me a puzzled look. Why ask? Should I just ask directly?

Regardless, about thirty minutes seemed to have passed. Conveniently, the broadcast also provided the time.

"34 minutes have passed since Hunter Park Yerim's one-hour warning! Now, there are about 26, 25 minutes left. Shouldn't they start capturing it soon?"

[Considering the significant mana consumption, but saying that Gakuto Hunter wins by enduring one hour in this situation would be truly absurd!]

[In reality, as it stands now, it's Hunter Park Yerim's victory, isn't it?]

Normally, if Gakuto leaves the arena, it would be considered a defeat. But Yerim set the conditions first. Even though she seems confident, capturing him won't be easy as he's exceptionally fast. Given that she can block around her with heat, holding onto him seemed challenging.

She tries to use the shadowless noon at the end. If she adds a mana buff to the attribute, even with cold resistance, it won't freeze unless it's at least S-rank.

"Hoo, huk!"

Gasping for breath, Gakuto leaped over the broken ice pillar on the ground. He seemed tired from constantly avoiding and blocking attacks. Nevertheless, his speed hadn't diminished. Despite dealing with accumulated water and occasional freezing, Yerim, who only dealt with water, seemed to consume more mana. Yet, she managed to hold up quite well.

Still, without the ability to replenish with potions, it wouldn't last much longer.

"How much time is left?"

Yerim asked, looking around.

"19 minutes!"

I quickly shouted after checking the timer displayed on the Korean broadcast. Yerim expressed gratitude, forming a heart with her fingers.

"Heard that? There's still a bit of time left, but we've had our fun, so let's finish it!"

"Who says so? Catch me if you can!"

He can probably endure about 19 more minutes. Thinking that way, Gakuto's movements became even faster. Perhaps he deliberately left some room to spare.


he started running to widen the distance. He quickly moved away. Gazing at him, Yerim moved her fingertips. The sea in the direction he was heading began to ripple.

Swish, in an instant, Yerim's figure disappeared and reappeared right above Gakuto. As if waiting for this, Gakuto swung his sword. Shaaak, water droplets scattered as the water blob collided with the sword stroke. Gakuto tried to widen the distance again, and at that moment, a massive water mass surged from the sea.

It was like a whale leaping onto land. An immense amount of water, like a small meadow, blocked Gakuto's path. Although they were allowed to leave the arena, they were confined to the seaside, making it impossible to go back. Even if they tried to break through or jump over it, it was practically the same as throwing themselves into the enemy territory.

No one knew how this enormous water would attack.

Almost simultaneously, a similar-sized water mass blocked the path from the opposite side. Yerim seemed to struggle this time, as she let out a small exhale.

Two meadows made of water shimmered in the sunlight. Both Japan and even Korean broadcasts fell momentarily silent at this surreal sight.


"No, the path is just blocked!"

Gakuto seemed confused but yelled obstinately. It seemed almost impossible to find a solution. Even Yoohyun who handles much hotter flames than simple heat, wouldn't be able to handle this quantity. Of course, Yoohyun could escape with his birch leaf skill, but this guy doesn't have any flight-like skill.

Despite making a loud noise, looking down at Gakuto, who became virtually immobile, Yerim smiled.

"Okay, then."

A part of the water mass moved. Not very quickly, it approached Gakuto. Once again, heat flickered, and steam overflowed. Sword strokes that pushed away water forcefully poured out, but it was more like cutting through water with a sword.

How can one deal with water itself, not ice? No matter how strong the force, it can only momentarily push away some of the water with sheer physical strength. And only a fraction of it at that.

They're right next to the sea, not a lake. Even if they were an SS-rank hunter instead of S-rank, it would be impossible to dry up the ocean.


Amidst the receding water, Gakuto staggered and sat up. Yerim, coughing, descended towards him.

"Well done. It was fun. Really swung everything around."

Feeling a headache coming, Yerim took out a potion and drank it just before running out of mana. Gakuto's expression twisted, but he obediently lowered his head.

"I admit defeat, Hunter Park Yerim. I will acknowledge your strength and work harder to improve my skills for a fair match in the future."

...Claiming to have used all his strength, but he didn't use the shadowless daylight. In reality, excluding the SS-rank skill, the buffs from attributes and stats, and the additional buffs tied to the opponent's state, it was essentially two-thirds of Yerim's actual skill. Gakuto, that guy, is becoming a bit pitiful.

Gakuto stood up from his seat and once again bowed his head towards Yerim.

"You were more than enough to be called the goddess of water."

"A goddess? No way."

Yerim spoke towards the camera approaching.

"The Mistress of Water! That's the only title I accept!"

Waving the spear with the Water Dominator skill gem embedded, Yerim grinned broadly.
