
The running

In a world with powers everyone is tested when they are 16 to see if they have powers And imagine my surprise when I found out that I have powers and I'm the soul mate of a quen who is extremely obsessive about what's hers. Observation she thinks I belong to her, and I don't like that idea at all. But how am I going to get away from someone with influence like hers? Not to mention the powers she possesses.

rute_rito · LGBT+
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3 Chs

The boss


I'm fucked up

I just broke the crystal ball I didn't even do anything I just touched this shit and it broke into pieces they're going to kill me I don't have money to pay for this shit.

"What did you do" the guard asked

I just touched it I didn't do anything elseThe guard simply looked at the woman who was calling names to go onstage, who by the way the guard looked at her she owes the boss.

"Rent it" said the supposed boss

Quickly two guards came over me and immobilized me on the ground while someone grabbed me.

"But i didn't do shit" i screamed

"I'm the boss here and if I tell you that you're going to be handcuffed you're going to be handcuffed, and in the future when you talk to me it's going to be with respect without those damn words you said. Understood?"

"Bitch"I whispered

Then all of a sudden I couldn't breathe anymore it felt like I was drowning I was about to lose consciousness when I felt air again.

Only then did i realize i was really drowning that bitch had just used her powers on meshe had made a kind of water ball around my fucking head I could have drowned.

"Show respect when you're talking to me, and don't even think about saying curses directed at me. Understood?"


"Good.Put her back on one of the chairs"

The guards simply dragged me to a chair in the nearest 1st row and placed me there.With that she just continued calling names as if nothing had happened.

Right now I have an overwhelming urge to kill but instead I have to be here waiting until this shit show is over. After a long time everyone had been tested and from what I could see most of what remained were nobility, few people who were not had stayed.

"If you are here and because you have some power that means you will be registered in a school that fits your power pattern."