
The Runaway Princess is Alittle Lost

Here magic can make the impossible possible, and even the craziest of dreams into reality. Magic can even allow someone to your nothing but will power to will something into existence. Amiria is the only daughter of the King of Lou. A prosperous kingdom that makes it wealth by invading other kingdoms and stealing their land and resources for themselves. The king is a selfish cowardly man, who locked up his only daughter in to tower allowing her to never be free of those walls. The only way she could see the outside world was threw using a magic sparrow that she could see and speak threw. Magic came easy to her, even without the help of a teacher. All that she knew was reading from old books, and simple trial and error. Once she had finally built up enough magical power after cultivating for the last seventeen years, she was ready to make her grand escape and take her revenge while she was at it. Freedom didn't come easy, the world was full of people and things that continuously catch her by surprise. Like a certain demon man that wont seem to leave her alone. Will she be able to grow strong and take back her Kindomd from her father? Or will her challenges prove too much for her to bear? Will she be able to kill those that threaten her and her loved ones and keep her adopted son safe.? The adventure begins. *Disclosure- I do not in any shape or form own the art used for the cover photo. The credit goes to it wonderful and talented creator. *

robinbanks725 · Kỳ huyễn
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21 Chs

Kidnapping or Catnapping?

- caution, there is graphic violents within this chapter that might be disturbing to some readers. Please proceed with caution. -

When her eyes finally reopened, she found herself standing alone in a brick styled alley way. The sound of bustling people and moving carts rang in her ears, temporarily overwhelming her senses.

She had always been locked away in a tower with little to none contact from other people. The way she built her personal army of followers was through magic, she had never actually met any face to face before. There had always been a wall to keep her away from others, but now there was a swarm of strangers only steps away making her alittle uneasy. It was nothing like she had expected. She didnt think it would be so.. loud.

Suddenly, a thought hit her like brick wall. Where was Mikel? He was just in my arms! Where is he?!

Her face became white as a ghost, and she frantically squn around in circles only to be disappointed with the lack of clues around her.

The alley was empty, no signs of Mikel being there at all.

Did the transportation spell mess up? Why would they be separated like this when they casted to spell together? Mikel had never be away from her like this before. It terrified her!

She tried to calm her mind.

Don't worry. You know the spell surrounded all three of them, he had to be here in the city somewhere. Mikel might look like a weak little boy, but he knows how to protect himself. His fire magic is very advanced for his age, so he can handle the majority of none magic users with little to no problem.

A less important thought suddenly popped up in her mind.

Oh.. Zevran is missing too.

Wait a moment... did he use the smoke of the teleportation speel to kidnap my child? HE BETTER OF NOT TAKEN MY SWEET MIKEL! I'll rip that nasty Tomb Rat's arms off if he so much as dared!

Her beautiful face contoured darkly, making her face twist into a menacing frown. The alleyway's almost seemed to drop several degrees around her, making the air feel as hostile as she felt.

I'll kill anyone who dares to touch my child.

She turned on her heels to face the end of the alleyway. She could see people walking pass the end of the alley in union. All of them seemed to be heading toward the same direction.

I won't find him here, I better look for him out there in the crowd. How hard could it be to find a child with cat ears roaming around a city? Someone must of seen him at some point, she'll just have to look a round alittle until she picks up his trail.

Now out in the street, she was swept up in the moving current of the crowd heading to what looked like a market place. There was an abundance of buildings and stalls selling a variety of different things. Some sold jewelry, others clothing, tools, and even food. The street was busy, and the vast amount of people talking all at once made her ears ring.

No one looked the same. People of all ages and statuses were spread out infront of her. Too many people for her to feel comfortable. In fact, she even felt like she would be sick but quickly suppressed it. There was no time to be overwhelmed by her surroundings, she was looking for something too important to her.

How could she find one little boy in such a crowd? It would be like looking for a needle in a haystack! It was times like this that she regretted not making a blood pact with Mikel when she first summoned him to this world.

If she had made a blood pact with him, then she would of been mentally linked to eachother and would beable to sense his location. She only chose not to because she had fallen in love with him at first sight, just like a mother would when they see their child for the first time after child birth.

She wanted him to be able to live his own life one day, and make his own decisions for himself. To marry a pretty girl, and even raise children of his own. None of that would of been possible if he was bonded to her soul by a blood pact. His life would only be for her, and she felt like living like a slave would never be a fitting life for her child.

She slowly made her way down the street, scanning her surroundings as she went. The streets and buildings were all well made, and the people seemed fat and happy.

The City of Gold really lived up to its name as the wealthiest city of all the seven kingdoms. She picked the right place to form the Thieves Guild. Lots of stupid rich people with too much money to miss. They would fund her needs in the future quite nicely.

"What's up with those ears, kid? You some kind of freak or something?"

The slurred words of a man echoed over the crowd, bringing her line of sight to a group of men standing infront of what looked like tavern.

Their faces were red from alcohol, and they swayed back and forth unsteadily. They looked middle aged and on the plumper side of men. Too much beer must of inflated their bellies after years of drinking.

"Maybe we should sell that thing to a circus! No one will miss the little freak like that. I bet his parents would even thank us!" The group of men began to laugh in unison, like a horde of cackling hyenas.

One man stumbled backwards revealing a small boy around five or six years old hunched over on the ground, smack in the middle of their ridicule.

He had bright yellow eyes, and black curly hair with two tiny black cat ears poking out from it. Tears ran down the boyish face, making his chunky cheeks flushed red.

Those ugly bastards.How dare they pick on Mikel? I'll kill them!

Her body moved swiftly threw the crowd until she stood firmly behind the biggest man in the group. He was the one who said that they should sell Mikel to a circus just seconds ago, his words echoed in her mind.

Sell Him? You don't even have the worth to look at him! They should claw their eyes out for redemption!

He was an older man, probably in his mid forties with a bald head, fat belly, and smelt strongly of beer and body odor.

Before anyone noticed her ghost like presence, she grabbed the bald man by the throat, and crushed his jugular with her bear hands in one seamless motion.

The whole crowd went silent, with the exception of a distinctive 'Crunch' sound echoing threw the air. An overwhelming and murderous aura released itself over everyone within a 30-foot radius, freezing the men and bystanders in their place.

All eyes stared on in terror at the beautiful magician with long silver hair. A man's bloody throat still clinched in her hand, while throat's owner's had already crumbled to the ground infront of her in a pile of lifeless flesh.

No one would would of guessed that such a small framed, innocent looking girl could kill a man with just her hands! She did it so effortlessly, like the man's throat was just a grape being squished.