

It all started 8 months ago; when a 19-year-old Christien Anderson with the most beautiful visage was enjoying her tyranny with optimism. In the current situation, she is the hospital, hoping for a piece of good news. Christien: let’s hope for the best……….

MAHEK · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs


Christien: Oh God! Oh, God! Oh, God! What do I do now!? They will shun me, I know so. If he wasn't acting like a brat in the first place this will never happen. She thought

King: what is happening here?

Mrs. Lee went up to me and hold my hand while I tried to say something.

Prince Liam: She started on the commotion father! I was just speaking to her when she punched me.

Christians' mouth drop as he said that, he is such a fibber! She already despises him.

Christian: that was not the full story, he was overreacting. He should have been more polite.

King: okay enough, we will discuss this inside. Mrs. Lee gets Liam some clothes to wipe off his blood.

the worried queen was helping him to the castle while he was just looking at me. I feel his soul cursing me or something. (I don't know if that makes sense but okay let's continue).

After Christian explained what happened, the king sighs and looks at his son while he is looking down.

King: I am So disappointed in you Liam, I can't tolerate your attitude anymore.

He didn't respond and continues to look at the floor, Christian was feeling quite guilty but I guess he deserves it.

King: now go outside I need to talk to Christian.

As he Was walking, Christian had her eyes on him but he didn't look back and just keeps working.

King: Christian, I deeply apologize on behalf of my son. He can be such a delinquent every once in a while.

Christien: it's alright I am also sorry for punching him, it's so inappropriate.

King: Mrs. Lee already talked to us about replacing your mother, I see you are a nice girl. You can be the substitute babysitter of our children.

Queen: you can prioritize for our princess as for Liam just keep a close eye on him.

Queen added joining in the conversation.

Christian nods showing a little smile.

King: we must get going now, Mrs. Lee get her stuff and show her the room so she can move on.

Before leaving they smiled at Christian and wishing her a stroke of good luck.

Christian: I will go with you then Mrs lee.

She shakes her head in a decline.

Mrs. Lee: no need Christien just stay there I will go get it by myself. She left her in the huge castle, out of curiosity she started to explore.

Christian: what the heck this is a huge house, do they even see each other.? She kept on working until she heard a little girl.

It sounds like she was crying. Christian went to the room and slightly open the door.

Little girl: Brother I want my kookie back, bring her to me.

a guy was calming her down as she cries for "kookie". She stepped back until her back hit something hard.

???: Didn't you know mother told you that eavesdropping is bad? Wait wait wait a minute this Voice is familiar. As expected she turned around and saw his face the only joke Liam. He glares at her as she slightly backs away.

Christian: you again! How was your nose? Still, bleeding? She chuckled as he rolled his eyes.

Liam: You have ice right? Look at my nose are you that dumb do not see blood? He had a cocky look on his face.

Liam: why don't you just leave this country so that I could never see your face again.

Christian: does little prince despise me? Don't worry I feel the same way as you.

She felt her back hit the wall, he holds her wrist and his other arm traps her.

Liam: you like to play games Christian don't you? If that's what you want. He had an evil grin on his face as he hissed at her.

Christian: don't worry friends. The game is on.

She stepped on this food real hard as he groans in pain while she runs away from that place. She successfully escaped. From all the running she was tired so she sat on the staircase while panting, I think she hates him so much.

Christian: that jerk makes my life Such a living hell than it is! As she spoke someone chuckled behind her.

???: Get used to him, he is never going to change.

As Christian turned around to see who it was, she saw a man standing not too close to her. it was Ryan.

Ryan: Did I scare you? I'm sorry about that, Nice to meet you again Christian.

Christian: nice to meet you too I guess, he smiles, he is kind for all she knows. He sits beside her and looks at her with his eyes she could see through her peripheral vision as she was too shy To look back.

Ryan: you don't need to be that shy around me I promise I won't buy it. He laughs.

She looked at him in a small girl came out of her mouth.

Ryan: you look like your mother Christian.

Her face suddenly turned upside down as he mentioned her. Christian: why does everyone know her? Does she work here for that long?

Ryan: yes, so long that she is the most trustful made to the king and the Queen. She smiles. He smiles as he remembered the bittersweet memories of her mom. Ryan: When I was a child no one adopted me, not until I met Mrs. Lee, she raised me along with your mom. That's why you are so lucky to have her as your mother.

She was about to say something when someone interrupted it.

Mrs. Lee: Christian – – oh Ryan I guess you already met her again, I just want to say that your room is all done.

Christian: thank you Mrs. Live for everything I owe you.

she smiles before patting her shoulder. Mrs. Lee: nonsense! You don't owe me anything I am glad to help a dear friend. Ryan leads her to the room where Mrs. Anderson used to leave and Christian your work starts from tomorrow. Ryan: so Christian shall we go? You are probably tired of your light. She chuckled as he was right she was pretty tired. here is your room I better leave so you can rest he was about to leave when she feels like she doesn't want him to go. Christian: R – Ryan. He immediately turned around it's like he was waiting for her to call his name. Ryan: yes is there a problem? She wanted him to stay, She just couldn't say it to him. Christian eight – are you busy? I just want some company it's okay – you quickly sit on the bed and laugh. Ryan: What did I say before? I told you not to be shy around me. She looked down she was shocked that suddenly you put her down on the bed. As they both comfortably sat on the bed Christian says: I like your attitude more than Liam, to be honest, he chuckles and sighs. Ryan: that's what they all say prints Leah is a kind of a person you don't want to be messing with. I also heard you fought with him earlier near Princess June's room and I got to say you have the guts. Christian: what are you that guy who was in the princess's room? He nods. Ryan: yes, that's why I followed you to make sure you are alright call her when we were at the airport she Lost her toy kookie. She remembered that stuff toy at the Airport maybe he is the man there. She was about to tell him but once again something interrupted her, or knock on the door. Ryan sighs and stands up before going. Ryan: it was a nice talk while it lasted, see you later Christian. There he goes again with his cute smile, she let down what is going. Christian Looks at the door to see who knocked. It was Mrs. Lily. Mrs lee : are you alright, Christian. Christian: Yes Mrs. Lee thank you for everything. Then Mrs. Lee leaves her alone. Christian takes out the stuffed bunny from her luggage. Christian: guess your name is kookie. I have to bring you back to her. She said as she stood up going to the princess room to being her stuff bunny back. As she faced the door she sighs heavily before knocking on the door. Christian: princess then I come into your room? The door opens and she hides the stuffed toy. A cute girl welcomes her to her room. Her eyes are sore from all the crying also had a nose and her face was red. June: Can I – I'll help you with something pretty girl? She Shoes her smile as Christian was attacked by the cuteness of it. Christian: thank you, cute princess, I am here to ask you is this perhaps yours? She revealed her stuff toy and her eyes sparkle. June: cookie! You found a cookie! Thank you Mrs? Her happy reaction makes Christians' hearts melt. Christian: you can call me Christian for short Christie. The princess hugs her toy as she has never seen it for years, it must be so important to her. Christian: you are too cute to handle. She giggles at her statement. June: Christy are you new here? I have never seen you here. Christian smiles at her Christian says yes, I am new here and I will be a temporary babysitter, is that good for you? She had a blank face for a split-second as Christian thought she wasn't going to agree like her brother but Surprisingly she hags her. June: Christie is nice so she can be my friend. Christian's slightly pinched her chubby cheeks as she chuckled. Christian: is the prince you are brother I mean you are an angel and him – just – never mind.

June: is Liam's brother have been bad do you stay? She looked at her innocent eyes and sighs. Christian, I guess you could say that. She looks sad at what Christian said. June: He is a good person Christie he gave me this bunny! he just has a little temper. Christian: Sure he is, Princess. Said sarcastically as she giggled. Christian: I will just be outside if you need me okay? I just need some fresh air. June: and I will be right here playing with kookie. The farewell before Christian closes the door. She was walking around the backyard when she heard a familiar voice which made her stop her track. Liam: for the last time where is the dam stuff toy!? Startled. she backed away and hide behind the bushes. Ryan: I don't know Prince Liam, please forgive me. Liam groans in frustration. Liam: forgive my ass, peasant. Did you stole it!? Just to have money exclamatory mark?! He holds Ryan's collar as Christiaan watched shocked and scared, Ryan who was still looking down helplessly. Ryan: no Prince Liam. Liam scoffed not believing what he just said. Liam: you are just like that, you're nothing but a lowlife farmer. He pulls away and grabs something. He grabs a blindfold, Apple, bow, and arrow from the bodyguard once again heading towards Ryan Liam: let's try something fun, shall we? If I hit the Apple it means you are telling the truth if not – you know what's going to happen. Christiaan: WHAT THE HECK IS HE THAT CRAZY!? Ryan nods and grabs the blindfold covering his eyes having the apple on to of his head while Liam positions himself for the shoot. Liam; Be ready in 3... 2..... - Christian couldn't handle this and she had to do something!