
The Root of A Village

In a realm teeming with peril and unpredictability, one man finds himself reborn into the controversial persona of Danzo Shimura, an anime character widely despised by fans. Unfazed by the challenges that lie ahead, our protagonist confronts a world brimming with danger and intrigue. The question looms: will he succumb to the looming shadows, paralyzed by fear? Or, with unwavering determination, will he rise above the disdain surrounding his new identity and carve a path that not only defies expectations but also leaves an indelible mark on this new world?

MrITookAnotherL · Tranh châm biếm
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24 Chs

Elder Fugaku

Danzo POV

"Am I worthy now?"

The Hyuga patriarch looked at Fugaku and tried to speak, but his voice wouldn't come out, as he knew the power of the mangekyou Sharingan. Almost everyone in the room has an idea of the MS and the immense power it gives, as they are the leaders of their respected clans. Only a few know of such power, and they are mostly the elderly.

The Hyuga sat back down, bringing a smile to my face and the Uchiha Patriarch's. We met eyes and nodded, him closing his eyes, turning his mangekyou Sharingan back to his normal eyes.

I smiled as I looked around me; all the clan leaders still had their shocked faces while Hiruzen glared at me. I am guessing that Hiruzen is upset because I did not tell him about such a powerful individual in the village. After I looked at everyone, I began to speak again, "I believe that we can all agree that Fugaku is strong enough for such a position... There are more benefits in having Fugaku in the elder position if you are still in doubt... As you all know, the tension between the major villages is still rising, and if a war were to ever break out, then Fugaku can take the role of protecting the village while the Hokage can set off to the front lines, increasing the morale of our ninjas and letting them know the true might of our Kages."

The looks that the clan leaders had now were different from the start of the meeting; all of them now agreed with my point.

Hiruzen closed his eyes and began to speak, "I approve of this. Does anyone else disagree with the decision of making Patriarch Fugaku, an elder of the village?"

None spoke except for the other elders, but they were soon talked out of it by me and Hiruzen. The conclusion of the meeting was met after a few hours on the role of Elder, what the elder can do and what he cannot do. The public announcement of the elder position was going to be announced tomorrow, as the clans and the others needed to prepare.

In the meeting, it was also discussed that the Uchiha clan will not have the monopolization of the Police force and will now accept any ninjas from Konoha. The smaller clans were happy as they could now have some form of recognition. And in the end of the meeting, which took more than 5 hours to finish, it was finalized that the Uchiha would give some of their available ninjas to become normal ninjas that would do tasks and form teams just like the others.

After the meeting, I was heading towards the outskirts of Konoha, where a certain man does his research in secret.

"I wonder, is he already experimenting on that man? What will you do when you see me knocking on your door, Orochimaru?" I said, laughing at the end.

Uchiha Compound


Fugaku POV

As I went back home, a smile couldn't seem to fade away even after trying my hardest not to smile. I was getting weird looks from my escorts and my clansmen that saw me. However, I did not mind, as one of my greatest wishes had been granted.

Arriving at my house, I ordered my escort to leave and walked inside my house. I was greeted by a beautiful woman who is my wife. She was cooking something that made my stomach grumble, as I had just finished a 5-hour meeting.

"Why are you so happy, dear? Did something good happen?" asked Mikoto.

I smiled even more brightly and hugged my wife, startling her as I was acting differently than what I normally do. I responded to her by saying, "Yeah, I have been made an elder, and our Clan will be less discriminated against. I finally did it, Mikoto... I did what other patriarchs of the clan couldn't."

Mikoto dropped the utensil she was holding and got out of my hug, wide-eyed. She asked me, "I-Is that true? Did you really become an elder? B-But how?"

I just smiled and picked her up like a princess, walking towards our room.

(Unbeknown to Danzo, Itachi will be created earlier than canon because of him)


Unknown underground base inside Konoha

Orochimaru POV

I watched as the experiment in front of me worked. The experiment was a man with grey skin, bald, and had the Sharingan. He was an experiment that I had interest in but grew tired of. He was interesting at first because his body doesn't reject other people's cells.

As I watched the man, I suddenly felt a person nearing the lab. I frowned a bit and said out loud, "Have they found out about me already?" I quickly dashed towards the door and went outside to see who it was. And what I saw shocked me. The person that I didn't expect appeared from the shadows and looked at me. He was Danzo Shimura, an elder of the village.

"Hmmm. Did sensei order him to arrest me? But why is he alone?"

Thinking out loud, I was suddenly in a different place. It was a dark place with a table and 2 chairs across from each other and a light bulb that seemed to hang from nothing.


I tried to release the genjutsu but nothing happened, and a man walked out of the dark, pulling the chair across from me and sat down. I smiled and copied him and asked, "What do you want, Danzo-sama?"

He smiled at me and said, "I want to make a deal with you."

"A deal? What do you need and what will I get?"

The lights flickered. "I want a new arm, from that test subject of yours and add Hashirama cells. In return, I will sponsor you, in money and test subjects."

"How... How do you know about Shin?"

"That doesn't matter. What matters is that you get me my arm... I will also give you a child that you will need to make into a wood style user. This child will be the last child you will be experimenting on, is that understood?" He glared at me as he said those last sentences.

I licked my lips and asked, "And What if I don't follow your orders?"

The scene changed, and everything went back to normal, with Danzo having his back turned and walking away. But before he left, he said,

"You have 1 year."


For those of you wondering why Shin Uchiha is here, he was a character that Orochimaru experimented in, and his arm is the arm danzo is using with Hashirama cells.


If you got reincarnated in Naruto, what is the first thing you would do?