
A Loser.

"Yes ma'am, your order is on the way. I'm stuck in traffic right now and would be..." *BEEP! The call ended right before Eloise could complete her words.

She sighed and removed the phone from her ears and placed it inside the back pocket of her wide-legged pants.

Although her short wavy dirty blonde hair was tied up in a messy bun, the soft wind still blew little strands of her hair around causing her to tug it behind her ears every now and then.

Not only was it windy but it was also a sunny Wednesday. 'Perfect for a wonderful nap.'

There actually wasn't any traffic, she just made that up as an excuse. She needed to deliver clothes to someone and her mode of transport was her best friend's old car which was parked in heaven knows where.

"I just feel like I'm the biggest fool for agreeing to her idea. How did I think walking to wherever she parked her car was a good idea?"

Eloise questioned herself while regretting her decision. But there was no going back now since she already agreed.

She held tightly to the box and continued walking when her phone vibrated.

"What now?!" She questioned in a frustrated tone, she pulled out her phone and saw it was her best friend calling and she picked up the call.


"Yo! I finally found a good spot to park my car while I wait for you, Meet me at.... I'll be waiting." The person on the other end responded.

"Why you? You could have simply picked me up from the house." Eloise laid out her frustration on her annoying best friend.

"Nope, Elizabeth can't be stressed, she's too delicate."

"You are sick," Eloise stated while feeling an incoming headache from all the stress she was currently going through.

"Whatever, just come quickly, I'll be waiting. And also, I'd like for..."

But whatever Leah said from then on couldn't reach Eloise's ears because her eyes had caught sight of what looked like a shooting scene just adjacent to where she stood and now she was lost in the sight of it.

She could hear the director shouting 'Action!' She could see the crews and the casts and this sight was way more than enough to bring back old memories.

"Hello?" Meanwhile Leah on the other end of the phone call must have noticed that Eloise wasn't paying attention to what she was saying.

"Did you hear what I said, I said we should..."

"Leah? I'll call you back." And with that, Eloise immediately ended the call and without hesitation walked into the shooting scene.

However, Eloise was so immersed in her thoughts that she was slow to notice how her presence was interfering with whatever shooting was going on.

Although the path she was walking on was not being filmed, it was still marked as the shooting scene which means outsiders shouldn't be there.

But Eloise had no idea, she now stood at a spot, not realizing she had garnered the attention of the whole movie crew.

"Hey, you! Young lady, do you need something?" A man who looked like the director asked Eloise from where he stood but she heard nothing.

That was when one of the photographers ran towards her, he stood before her and asked, "Do you need something?"

Seeing someone standing before her finally made Eloise snap out of her deep thoughts. "Huh? Uhh...it's nothing, I'll just leave."

She then realized everyone's attention was on her, her cheeks turned red from embarrassment and she quickly ran out of the place.

"What the heck was I even thinking? Walking into a shooting scene like that. Geez Eloise, you have to wake up, let the past be in the past. You have to..."

"Eloise?!" She was still in the middle of scolding herself when she heard someone call her name from behind and the voice definitely sounded somewhat familiar.

She turned around to see who it was. At first, she didn't recognize the person but soon her questioning gaze changed to one of surprise and shock and then to anger and pure rage.

The other person noticed Eloise's expression and smiled in contentment.

"You remember me?" The person asked with a toothy smile.

"How could I not?" Eloise responded under her breath with a piercing glare directed at the other person. At this point, she held the box so tight that it could crease.

"You wretched devil, how..." Eloise began only to be interrupted by the other person.

"Now now Eloise, I don't think you are in any position to call me that. I mean, take a good look at yourself, tch, how pathetic of you." The other person snorted while sizing Eloise up.

A look of disbelief was written all over Eloise's face. "Whose fault is it? You are the..."

"It's obviously your fault and nobody's. But your prideful self wouldn't agree, still so full of yourself. Ha! And what were you doing at the shooting scene just now?"

"Where you expected to be noticed and treated like a queen? How about you wake up and know your place? Loser!" And with that, the person turned around and left, leaving Eloise in a tranced state.

Everything the person had said to her kept ringing constantly in her head. They couldn't leave her head now.

And it came along with memories of the past, two years ago she was so different from what she was now. How did things take this drastic turn?

"Eloise! Eloise!" Someone from a distance was calling but it felt like a background noise to Eloise. She just couldn't snap out of her trance state.

"Eloise?!" The person now stood close to her and held both her shoulders and shook them, which was enough for her to snap out of her thoughts.

"Huh?" Eloise asked, looking at the person only to realize it was Leah.

"You, good thing I decided to walk around, who knew I would spot you admiring the beautiful city?" Lead said but Eloise heard none of that.

"Leah? Do you also think I'm a loser?" Eloise asked, causing Leah to pause for a moment.

"Huh? Out of the blue? Why?" Leah asked, wondering what was suddenly going on with Eloise.

"You also think I'm a loser, right?"

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