

'Where...am...I?' A tranparent white orb that sometimes flicker here and there floats around the empty void. 'Where...w-where am I?' The orb slightly shakes as if trying to move.

'Last thing I remember was...' An image of a man wearing a military suit was pointing a glock in front of him before nothing is shown again. 'I...I was BETRAYED BY THOSE BASTARDS!!!' The orb turns to the color of semi purple. 'I HOPE THEY ALL TURN TO STONE AND BURN IN HELL FOR ETERNITY!!!' The orb's color turn darker and darker.

"My my, what do we have here? A betrayed soul that has so much darkness..." A voice echoed through out the void leaving the orb confused and turn its color to slightly light purple. "You are truly a poor soul that you even didn't know about anything. You have the right to be angry and thirst for revenge." The voice said but this voice was a deeper and tired not like the last voice.

"He would be an excellent Host and champion for us my brothers...our creations will pay for what they did to us." Another voice said with a venomous tone that even the orb shook.

'Who...what are these guys?' The orb silently asked itself not knowing that the voices heard it. "Forgive us for not introducing ourselves, I am the eldest of the 3, Vermillion Etheria." The voice that had a venomous tone turned into a slightly happy tone. "I am the second of the 3, Nyxetheon Etheria." A voice that almost resembles that of a girl introduced itself.

The third voice stayed silent for a couple of minuets before coughing. "I am the youngest of the 3, Ender Etheria." The voice sounded like a teenager with a slightly deep but normal tone. '3? 3 what?! finish your worlds for gods sake!!!'

A few hours or moments passed with complete silenced but before the orb got to say a word 3 figures appeared around it. "We are the Creators, we call our race as Met'rusia it means Creator of creators." A figure stepped forward but appeared to be a little shorter than the other two. At the exact height of 5'11 while the others are 6'ft. or maybe taller.

"You are extremely a poor soul but a powerful one that is acceptable in our standards." A deep voice said as one of the more taller figures move around. 'What does that mean?' the orb changes its color to bright yellow. "It means, my dear, that you've been chosen as our champion to take revenge on all those that have wronged you and carry our vengeance on those foolish gods." A feminine voice said as the second figure with noticable curbs rock its body side to side. 'What is this? A reincarnation cycle with a system? Bull$%#@.' "Not true my little friend, you see I gave you one and its currently asleep so the remaining thing is that of your body." The voice of the short figure said.

"We grant you an opportunity to return to your world once you have attained power and kill the ones you hate." The tall figure said as the rest agreed with it.

"You will be sent to a world made out of mana, but don't worry the system is not like the others that I have created a long time ago, this one will devour anything and turn them to any form of mass you want. That is all the hint you can get." The short figure suddenly waved its hand then darkness covered the vision of the orb.









Somewhere in an overgrown forest that covered for miles long suddenly burst of dark purple light so dark that it almost blocked out the sun's color and turned it into an eclipse.

"Ugh." A male voice came from a large bush before twigs and branches of the said bush start to crack and move.

A few moments later a teenage male exited the bush without any clothes on. "My head feels like its about to burst."

[System integration in progress, please hold.....System Integration successful.

Greetings my host.] A synthetic emotionless voice echoed withing the teens mind. "Who...what are you?" The teen asked looking around aimlessly while forgetting that he was naked.

[I...am the Devouring System. My functions are like other systems with Status, Inventory, Quest, Store, and many others. The thing that differs from me and other systems is the passive skill that devours life force all around you to turn into minerals, food, or possibly more while the other functions host must find its uses himself.]

'Hmmm...if what it said is true then.' The teen looks around before noticing a small pond. He went to its direction with the intention of looking at his features.

When the teen reached the pond, he knelt down and looked at his reflection. The water was clear so it let him see his hair that is mixed with white and black. his hair had white stems while at the very tips of it had black color making it look like a zebras stripes, his face was like a normal human. Soft and smooth pale skin, perfect jaw line, bright yellow eyes and others like a normal human, what differentiates him from other humans are the horns protruding our of his head and pointed ears like elves.

"System show my status." [As you wish, my host]

[Ding! Host's Status

Name: None (Mark Calliban)

Age: Immortal

Race: Arch-Demon

Level: 1

Health: 500

Mana: 2,000

Strength: 50

Dexterity: 30

Agility: 200

Vitality: 50

Intelligence: 79

Charm: __



"Hey, why is my charm blank?" Mark asked the system with a raised brow. [Are you kidding me? who would like you.] The system's words made Mark tremble in anger. "WHAT DID YOU SAY YOU PIECE OF--" [Sealing away all of host's stats.]

Mark immediately knelt down on the ground while saying forgive him over and over again. [That's what I thought.] You can imagine that the system is like a boss that's just about to fire an employee. 'Why is this damn system sentient?' "Hey, system is there a starter pack or something along the lines?"

[System congratulates host for finding out about the starter pack, host is so 'smart'. +100 Dp, ×1 Starter pack.] Once again Mark was silent, fuming with rage from within. 'Did it just....you know what, I'll let it slide.' "Open the pack."

[You know you can ask nicely, but fine.]

[Ding! Host has received starter pack materials:


| Dark Dust | : User is able to manipulate people using the dust like puppets as long as it stays inside them.

User is also able to manipulate it to User's will. Level: 1

| Atom Manipulation | : User is able to create anything as long as the User concentrates fully, User will be able to act like Apocalypse from the movie X-men. Level: 1


Necromancer's Cloak

Necromancer's shirt

Necromancer's skull belt

black boots


Host it is optional you for you to wear your clothes now.]

the clothes appeared next to Mark.

'Well, it is getting cold.' Mark thought before grabbing the clothes.

A few moments later, Mark has fully dressed himself with a Necromancer outfit. The black shirt had ribs outside as a design, all of it pointing at the center where a small skull of a bull with glowing green sockets that holds the shirt from falling off while the sleeves of the shirt had two spikes on each side.

The pants are like skin tight black pants so nothing to note about along with the boots, the cloak however manage to hide the face of mark with a Dark shadow the thing that can only be seen was his bright yellow eyes that glows within the darkness with his intimidating horns.

'Wow, I look cool.' Mark thought as he kept on checking himself out from the puddle. [Host, need I remind you that you are deep inside of a forest filled with monsters that can kill you, so please prepare for anything.] The system reminded Mark about the dense forest around him. 'Oh right.'

Mark stood up properly before having an idea of trying out his new acquired powers. "Hey, how do I use the Dark Dust?"

[Host simply needs to release the dust from his mouth or fingertips. Do not worry if host wishes to release the dust from host's mouth the dust will just appear floating above the tongue before bursting out.]

Mark thought of blasting the dust from his mouth as a test. Mark opens his mouth wide.









Nothing happens for a minuet.

Before Mark was able to close his mouth and berate his system a sudden burst of dark dust escape his mouth spreading from the surrounding area.

[ Ding! Host has manage to kill and take over a leve: 2 Wolf...200 Exp gained]

[Ding! Host has manage to kill and take over....

[Ding! host has manage....



for a few more minuets the noise made Mark's head dizzy before he was able to stop the skill. 'Ow...my head what happened?'

[Host has manage to kill 2 packs of wolves each at level two while the alphas are at level 5. Host has also taken over their bodies by ingesting too much of the dark dust.]

'Let me see my level.' Mark looked around him noticing the dust is still there but inactive. Mark looks at the screen that popped up.

[Host's Status

Name: NONE (Mark Calliban)


Race: Arch-Demon

Level: 10

Health: 3,590

Mana: 5,700

Strength: 345

Dexterity: 300

Agility 400

Vitality: 96

Intelligence: 105

Charm: ___


| Dark Dust | Level 5

User is now able to kill and take over deceased opponents one level higher than User while easily killing and Taking over weaker opponents.

| Atom Manipulation | Level 1

User is able to create anything as long as the User concentrates fully, User will be able to act like Apocalypse from the movie.

Devour points: 3,000]

'Wow, that's a lot of points. And the Dust's skill is too Op.' Mark began to have dark thoughts of taking over kingdoms slowly from within.

The surrounding bushes began to shake while a few soft growls can be heard from inside it. Mark was pushed out of his thoughts as he notice the 20 or so wolves that are sitting around him looking like normal wolves. 'System, why do these wolves still look like their former selves?' Mark asked the system while he kept on petting the closest wolf that had a skull armor on its head with a horn while the other was snapped. [Host skill works from inside the body of the opponent, as long as the dust is able to penetrate the skin and enter the blood stream even a sliver of it, will continue reeking havoc and multiplying.]

'Isn't that too much of an Overkill.' Mark sweat dropped at the systems monotone voice.

[Store now usable]


please forgive me for my bad grammar english is not my natice tongue cant even spell right

MASTER_ENDERcreators' thoughts
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