
the Rise of the king of Mutants

In the beautiful comic world, superheroes are infinitely beautiful. Mutants who also have super powers are extremely sad. Lynn came across time and became a student of the Academy of Mutants with the ability to create magic. Apparatus, Avada Kedavra… Glacier Spikes, Ember Storms… God Slayer Magic of Fire, Dragon Slayer Magic of Thunder… True mirror image, dimensional leap, elemental mysteries, time stillness… After ten years of accumulation, Lynn has mastered countless splendid and terrifying magics, but he knows very well that it is meaningless for Professor X to let the students act as thugs to save the world in order to allow humans and mutants to coexist peacefully. The only way to change the living environment of mutants is to increase the right to speak! Where does the right to speak come from? Strength is the foundation! Money is on the left, power is on the right! So, he approached Professor X and proposed a package plan to establish a mutant consortium and gain power through money: The first step is to create “Oasis” and create a second world!

oni_Wolf · Tranh châm biếm
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28 Chs

Chapter 8

This is not as simple as one plus one equals two!

Two Lynns can definitely sweep X Academy with ease!

Although this mirror image can only last for half an hour, the magic level can be improved!

Six Rings·True Mirror Image can duplicate two mirror images!

Seven rings can copy three!

eight rings...

"One person is an army..."

Lynn is in a great mood to acquire a new powerful spell.

He has officially stepped into the realm of the Great Master of the Five Rings.

Although most of the spells mastered now are four-ring magic, there are not many five-ring magic, only a few such as Hydra and True Mirror Art.

But in the face of quasi-level five mutants like Professor X and Magneto, he is completely worthy.

In particular, the two constant passive magics [Steel Body] and [Spiritual Immunity] on his body have reached an astonishing seven rings!

In a word, it is meat!

Meat in both physical and spiritual senses!

The ultimate romance of Faye is to become an unshakable mobile fortress, and this is also Lynn's positioning for himself!

Just as he was thinking, Phantom Cat and Li Qianhuan came hand in hand.

The two girls didn't even have a suitcase at all, but each had a beautiful beaded bag hanging on their waists.

No need to ask, they have all been transformed by Lynn with the traceless stretching spell.

So, when Poppy the Iceman, Colossus, and 'Sunspot' Roberto (the fire man at the beginning of Reversing the Future) finally arrived with big bags on their backs.

The scene was inexplicably a little awkward.

"Lynn, you said earlier that if we want to go back to the academy, we must ask for leave in advance. I thought we would be outside for a long time..."

While looking at each other, Iceman still spoke and said with a sarcastic smile.

"You are right. In a short time, we will not return to the academy."

Lin En didn't feel anything, and after saying hello, he was ready to go.

Colossus looked at a loss: "How do we go? There is no car here? I thought I had a chance to take a Blackbird fighter!"

The Blackbird fighter is the car used by the X-Men to perform missions.

It was built by Professor X at a huge expense.

"I want to know this question too!"

A pleasant voice sounded suddenly, and everyone subconsciously turned their heads, only to see Qin Ge Lei, a phoenix girl in black leather, walking slowly on high heels.

She looked at Lynn and said with a smile: "The professor asked me to be in charge of the connection with the X Foundation, and also asked me to protect you."

Lynn nodded.

After all, Professor X has invested 100 million yuan. Of course, it is impossible to be a shopkeeper and let Lin En, a few students who have not yet graduated, operate at will.

So Lynn was not surprised at all by the school teacher's appearance.

I just didn't expect that this person would be Jean Gray.

"Phoenix girl who may turn black at any time, don't you keep it by your side and watch?"

Shaking his head, Lin En didn't think about this question, and lifted the box next to his feet with his left hand: "Time doesn't wait, let's go."

He didn't see any other movements, and ripples suddenly appeared in the void in front of him.

A mage who can't open space doors is not a good mage.

Lynn is clearly not on this list.

The next moment, under the stunned gazes of Qin Gray and the three steel warriors, a radiant space portal slowly opened.

Looking through the door, there are many tall buildings on the other side, which looks like...

"Xavier Building?!"

Phoenix Girl exclaimed, once again feeling Lin En's secretiveness.

Long-distance shuttle... This is obviously another brand new ability!

Seeing that Lin En and Li Qianhuan had passed through the door with the Phantom Cat, Phoenix Girl coughed lightly and looked at the three Colossus: "Go first!"

The three steel warriors took a deep breath and hurriedly followed.

The scene in front of him suddenly changed.

One second, he could smell the fragrance of flowers from X Academy, and the next second, he could feel the scorching and dull air of Twisting City.

And everyone was on the roof of a building at the moment.

The phantom cat stretched itself against the sun: "Lynn, you said the professor helped find a place to stay, where is it?"

"Of course it's here."

Lynn stomped his feet and replied with a smile: "The property rights of this Xavier Building belong to the X Foundation founded by Professor X. From today, it is the headquarters of the Second World Technology Company."

Iceman, Colossus, and Roberto gasped.

The phantom cat's stretching movement suddenly stopped.

Li Qianhuan opened his mouth in surprise.

The two girls looked at each other and said like a ghost: "Didn't you say that Professor Charles is very cautious and just invested 100 million?"

"That's right, 100 million is the start-up capital."

Lynn shrugged: "This building is the office location, what's the problem?"

The second daughter was completely dumbfounded.

With Professor X's big handwriting, is he still lacking in courage?

"Lynn, please don't keep half of the next time you speak?"

Not surprisingly, two resentful eyes fell on Lin En.

The last phoenix girl who came over smiled slightly when she heard the words. At this moment, he felt a youthful aura from Lin En.

"Let's go, I'll take you to meet the person in charge of Fund X!".

Chapter 11 Crazy plan!

As we all know, Professor X is rich.

This is reflected in at least two aspects.

One is the super-large manor where Xavier College is located, and the other is an unknown technology laboratory that helps the X-Men develop various equipment.

For these two items alone, huge sums of money are invested every year.

Where does the money come from?

X Fund!

Unlike most of the mutants, Professor X is a very far-sighted person. Many years ago, he obtained a considerable amount of family inheritance, but he did not sit and eat, but used the funds to make various investments.

Over time, this wealth has grown larger and larger.

Later, when he founded the X Academy, his energy was more focused on helping the mutants, and he had no time to take care of the commercial landscape, so he established the X Fund and handed over this wealth to professional managers.

Over the years, there have been losses and gains.

Up to now, it has a scale of more than three billion.

Compared to Stark Industries, of course it's a drop in the bucket.

But in the eyes of Phantom Cat, Li Qianhuan, Colossus and others, it is already the kind of existence that is so deep that it will explode.

So much so that sitting in the luxurious office on the top floor of the building, looking at the Twist City outside the panoramic glass, the five students who had just left school were unconsciously a little restrained.

Lynn didn't realize it.

Calm eyes fell on Louis Cameron, the person in charge of X Fund: "When will the 100 million funds arrive?"

Louis is in his forties this year, with a suit and leather shoes and shiny leather shoes, he looks like a business elite.

He obviously didn't expect that Lynn would talk about business as soon as he came.

Not even the slightest pleasantries.

He was stunned for a moment before he realized: "Received a call from Mr. Charles, I have asked people to go through various procedures for company registration. After the procedures are completed, the funds will be in place immediately!"

As he spoke, he raised his wrist, looked at his watch, and added, "If there are no accidents, we should be able to finish everything before we get off work today!"

As expected of a talent that Professor X valued, he spoke and acted in an orderly manner, and his efficiency was quite high.

the most important is.

He knows what to ask and what not to ask.

Just now, for example, when Lynn took out two investment contracts and handed one of them to him, he clearly saw Charles Xavier's investment accounted for shares...

A fund of 100 million yuan actually only accounts for 10% of the shares?

Is Mr. Charles crazy?

In Louis' eyes, there was a clear flicker of astonishment.

But he didn't say a word.

Lynn glanced at him appreciatively, and then asked, "How long will it take for this building to be completely vacant?"

"The purpose of purchasing this building was to optimize the asset allocation of Mr. Charles. Therefore, except for the top floor, which is used as the office space of X Fund, all the other floors are rented out."

Louis thought for a while and replied: "The rent is paid annually. After the expiration, we have the right to choose not to renew the lease, but if we terminate the contract early now, we will definitely have to pay a lot of liquidated damages..."

"Don't care about liquidated damages!"

Lynn said resolutely: "I want to clear the entire building in the shortest possible time, and then recruit aggressively to expand the various departments of the second world technology company!"

A game company needs so many people?

Louis was full of doubts. In his opinion, this had no meaning other than wasting unnecessary funds.

If you really want to waste like this, let alone one billion, one billion is not enough!

"Mr Lynn, with all due respect..."

He hesitated for a moment, but persuaded: "If this plan is implemented, the financial pressure will be extremely high, and if you just start a game company, you won't be able to use so many people..."

Lynn smiled.

Smart Louis stopped immediately.

"Two questions."

Lynn raised his hand and raised a finger: "First, the second world's main business "Oasis" will be released, updated and promoted simultaneously around the world, that is to say, every department of the company will Corresponding to hundreds of countries around the world!"

"So, we need people... lots and lots of people!"

Louis' face changed immediately.

Obviously did not expect Lynn's ambition to be so great.

In this way, isn't every department in the second world equivalent to a small company?

The cost is too high? !

Louis has been in the mall for a long time, and he thinks he is well-informed, but he has never seen Lynn like this...

Just don't follow the routine!

This is not like rushing to make money!

Could it be that Mr. Charles did not hesitate to spend 100 million just to have fun with this young man?

Rich people have a new game?

Thoughts tumbling.