
The Rise of the Domineering Son-in-Law

A beautiful CEO marries the disdained second son of a noble family, enduring scorn and ridicule without leaving his side. She stands by him until, after years of lying low, he rises to prominence in a single day, stirring up storms and becoming the most powerful husband. Marrying you was the wisest decision I have ever made in my life.

FromCat · Thành thị
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237 Chs

Yao Jing's Choice!

Monday is the busiest day in the company, because this day you not only have to face the day's work, but also a lot of things accumulated from Saturday and Sunday.

Yao Jing went to the company early, and was busy from morning to afternoon, even a mouthful of rice did not have time to eat.

If not at noon Lin Zhi sent a box lunch, Yao Jing forgot to eat this thing.

Lin knows not much, after the box lunch turned and left.

Yao Jing actually want to find Lin Zhimin a good chat, with Lin Zhimin an apology, but do not know why, the words are to the mouth, and finally did not say, can only look at Lin Zhimin leave.

Yao Jing's heart in a moment a little empty, she knows, to let Lin Zhi forgive her, may take a long time.

Just after dinner, the door of Yao Jing's office was pushed open.

Zhou Yanqiu came in through the door.

"Be quiet, look what I've brought you!" Zhou Yanqiu holding a thermos bottle, smiling asked.

"Mom, I am very busy in the afternoon, you just put things down, I have time to drink!" Yao Jing said.

"You say you this person, no matter how busy, that also have to pay attention to healthy diet is not?" Mom made you chicken soup! Drink it while it's hot!" Zhou Yanqiu said, put the thermos on the table to open.

The chicken soup is really hot and delicious.

"Mom, if you have something to say, you will not give me chicken soup, let alone send me to the door." Yao Jing said.

"This... Or my quiet sensible, it is so, your brother, going to buy a house in Rongjin City, mother, he gave him the money first, but he wants to buy a house may be a lot of money, mother sold the mother's house, hung up yesterday, last night someone saw, everything is going well." Zhou Yanqiu said.

"Do you mean to say that you sold the house to give your brother a down payment?" Yao Jing asked, frowning.

"I mean, now, the house is going to be taken away, and your father and I have no place to go." I just thought, you and the informed that the apartment below your house is not occupied? Your father and I can move there, because we don't talk about each other." Zhou Yanqiu said.

Yao Jing stared at Zhou Yanqiu, did not speak, but the face is not good.

"You gave all your money to your brother?" Ms. Yao asked.

"Yes." Zhou Yanqiu nodded.

"Including the wages you've taken from me all these years? Didn't you say you were just running things for me? Didn't you say you could give it to me whenever I needed it?" Ms. Yao asked.

'This isn't your brother? Want to buy a house? The woman's family conditions are good, if your brother does not even have a house, it is not let people look down on?" Ms. Zhou asked.

"What's wrong with contempt? When Lin Zhi married me, wasn't it also despised by you?" Ms. Yao asked.

"Lin knows his destiny is Lin knows his destiny, and your brother is your brother, can it be the same?" Zhou Yanqiu asked angrily.

"How is it different? What kind of house is he going to buy, and it's not enough for you to sell it with all your savings?" Ms. Yao asked.

"Just a villa, more than 10 million!" Zhou Yanqiu said.

"A villa? Over 10 million? Mom, when I wanted to buy a new house, you were not willing to give me the money, and now An An talked about a girlfriend, you took millions to buy a house for him, you can wantonly insult Lin Zhi life, but do not allow others to look down on your son, Mom, life really can't be like this? I have been trying to tell myself to love you, to respect you, but everything you do, but constantly let me look down on you!" Yao Jing said excitedly.

"Your brother is the descendant of our family, you are someone else's wife anyway, can it be the same?" Zhou Yanqiu said.

"So, I really understand now, mom, I turned out to be someone else's person in your eyes... Mom, don't say any more, for the sake of our mother and daughter, I ask you, don't bother me anymore, I just want to live quietly, I don't want to be humble because of you, the house thing, I will help you and dad find a single apartment, this is the last thing I can do for you as a daughter, but I also hope you can promise me one thing, from now on, No more bad words, no more contact with that Li Bin, no more attempts to take a penny from the Lin Group, if you can do it, then I will help you find a house, if you can't, then you... Let's pretend I'm not a daughter." Yao Jing said.

"Quiet, how can you talk like that, we are related by blood!" Zhou Yanqiu said excitedly.

"Mother, will you say yes or no?" Yao Jing looked determinedly asked.

See Yao Jing like this, Zhou Yanqiu this is the first time afraid, before no matter how she has no fear, because she does not worry about Yao Jing will leave her, she can wantonly get what she wants from Yao Jing, and now, Yao Jing so determined, it means that she will take Yao Jing days, will no longer exist.

At present, she just sold the house, and there is no place to live, if Yao Jing does not care about her, then she can only go back to her mother's home!

Once she returns to her mother's house, she will be disgraced!

"I... I promised you!" Zhou Yanqiu said.

'Good! Yao Jing nodded and said, "I will immediately arrange someone to find a place for you to live, and I will give you the monthly living expenses, I only hope that you can do what you say, once I find that you can't do what I ask, then..." You will lose me forever, and you will never see me again!"

"Daughter, don't do this, mother knows that mother was wrong before, mother will change, you can not ignore mother ah!" Zhou Yanqiu excited grabbed Yao Jing's hand begged.

Yao Jing pushed away Zhou Yanqiu's hand, picked up the phone on the table called his secretary in.

"To find a single apartment, suitable for the elderly to live in, a little clean, should be directly reimbursed to me, do not go to the company account!" Yao Jing said to the secretary.

"Ok, Mr. Yao." The secretary nodded.

"Daughter, you are so handsome!" Zhou Yanqiu could not help but admire.

"All this is the son-in-law who does not attract you to give me, you have not changed a concept, Lin Zhimei can hibernate for more than 20 years and rise, he is not the person in your impression, you say what Li Shao all day, but how can Li Shao compare with Lin Zhi life?" Lin Zhi is now less than Li, but he has a great heart, has the ability to do great things, he can rise to take away the Lin family, can make the Lin family become more powerful in the future, perhaps three or five years later, the Lin family will surpass the Li family, even beyond the provincial city of those big families, what do you want then? Must at this time to Lin Zhi life? You have to pimp all the time? You're treating your daughter like a whore

v?" Yao Jing questioned with a black face.

Zhou Yanqiu face embarrassment, she is the first time to be so attacked by his daughter, is also the first time to hear Yao Jing say so to her? Harsh words.

"Vision determines vision, vision determines pattern, Mom, your vision is too narrow." Yao Jing shook her head and sat back in her position.

"I... I am not all for your good, you do not love Lin Zhimin, but Yao family in order to cling to the Lin family to let you marry Lin Zhimin, mom always thought, you just because of stubbornness so refused to leave Lin Zhimin, so mom will always advise you to divorce, whether you are married to Li Shao or Wang Shaochen Shao, in mom's eyes are better than marry Lin Zhimin, mom is very greedy, very snobby, But Mom also wants you to marry someone you can trust. You said Mom was wrong about Lin, and Mom agrees, but... No one knows what Lin Zhi's future will be, he may rise quickly, but he may also fall faster, Mom just hopes to leave you a few more options." Zhou Yanqiu sighed.

"If all a husband and wife think about is leaving room for each other, is that still a husband and wife?" Ms. Yao asked.

"Quiet, you obviously do not love Lin Zhi fate, why do you insist on being with him?" Was it the Lin who threatened you?" Ms. Zhou asked.

"I do not love him, but I enjoy the time with him, he is quiet, does not like to talk, and I also like to read quietly alone, sometimes we two stay at home for a whole day, we can not talk to each other, but even so, as long as I look at him, he can know what I think, which seems a little strange to you, But it is what it is, we have a rapture and attraction that doesn't involve love, and that's the real reason why I don't want to divorce him. I don't want to try something new, even to love someone." Yao Jing shook her head.

"I see." Zhou Yanqiu said, "It seems that the person who knows you best is not me, but Lin Zhixin."


"Mom doesn't know what to say, Mom also knows that they have a lot of problems, and these problems are impossible to change overnight, Mom only hopes that when mom makes mistakes in the future, you can be a little more patient with mom, after all, you are the meat that fell from mom." Zhou Yanqiu said with emotion.

"I have as much patience with you as you have with knowing your destiny." Yao Jing said.

"I'll try... But he can't let it go!" Zhou Yanqiu said angrily.

Yao Jing helpless smile, want to make Zhou Yanqiu suddenly change, it is too difficult, but she can see, Zhou Yanqiu, seems to have realized their own little mistake.

Awareness is a good thing.

Fish and bear PAWS can not be both, but Yao Jing always firmly believe that there is no ice in the world that can not be melted, there is no heart of stone that can not be moved, and then difficult things, as long as you are willing to do it with your heart, you can always find a way.

The only thing to remember is who you are.

She is a daughter, but also a wife, before she was always wandering, and finally the two sides do not please, but the day before yesterday after listening to Lin Zhixin words, she woke up.

She is Lin Zhimin's wife, but also Lin Zhimin is the only person who can trust and rely on without reservation!