

The wedding day. A moment that most women treasured with but not with her. She was poisoned on her own wedding day; Nathalia Carter died full of hatred for her father and fiance. How could she accept that they murdered her? Nathalia gaped at Evette Carter, her step-sister, who was now laughing at her stupidity. Evette is one of the culprits behind her painful death. Demons. They are all demons. Nathalia thought in silence while she closed her eyes as consciousness abandoned her. With rage and tears, Nathalia cursed them and promised to take revenge if given a chance to survive. Suddenly, God hears her prayer and gives her a second chance, and she is allowed to come back to seek revenge. This time, she will not be so naive. She becomes fiercer and eager to bring justice to her own death. She would make sure they got what they deserved in this life. Revenge. Torture. Take everything they had. Make them suffer ten times worse than what they did to her. Along the way, her life changed when she met the notorious playboy- Spencer Davidson. He aims to take her as his woman and help her to fulfill her desire to take revenge. Love, Revenge, and Mystery played along the way. Giving her the most challenging part as she journeyed through her new life. Cover Created by: Weilan Wanna know more about the story, follow me on Instagram: annashannellin

AnnaShannel_Lin · Thành thị
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Chapter 63: Today Will Be The Day Of Their Nightmare

Nathalia found it ridiculous and funny. Are they serious? Are they threatening me and still hoping I will just give up? Do they still think that I'm what I used to be?

No, I'm not. I will not give up this time. I will not be weak anymore. I will not compromise.

Today will be their day of nightmares.

She looked into their eyes, tears in hers, as she replied, "I know that having done what I did, I will probably get beaten, hurt, again, and even lose my life, but I've had enough. I can't stand it anymore."

There was helplessness, sadness, and loneliness in her voice, but there was also fearlessness.

This time, she would not tolerate or hide anymore. She showed her wounds, her scars, her pain.

"Why? I'm the oldest daughter in the family, but I don't even feel safe at home. No, it isn't even home to me. I'm bullied and beaten. I live in fear every day. I just want to live. Live a normal life. Am I asking too much? Why? Why?"