1 the History Of The Crown

In 1429, the English army and its formidable and its formidable magicians were led to the victory by their Merlin, Emrys Myrddyn, defeating Charles VI of France and his dark witch, Jeanne of Arkk. Henry VI was crowned King of England and France.

Since the fifteenth century, the sun has never set on the France-British Empire. It is the most powerful in the world. with cast holding in Asia, Africa, Australian, and particularly North America, its rich territories comprising sixty provinces.

Almost five hundred years later, the one-hundred-and-fifty-years-old Queen Eleanor II is at the end of her reign. Her daughter Marie-Victoria, the Princess Dauphine, must marry and conceive an heir to carry on the line.

A marriage had been arranged between Marie-Victoria and Leopard VII, the Kronprinz of Prussia, the empire's most dangerous enemy. Truce has been called after the Battle of Lamac, which ended the Franco-Prussian War.

The engagement will bring peace to the Continent, and will be announced and celebrated at London's annual Bal du Drap d'Or, where eligible ladies are introduced to the society and presented at court.

The season opens at the beginning of the twentieth century, during what will be known in history as the height of magic's golden age.

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