
The Revenge of Rana يؤيؤن ㅛㄴㅎㄴㅓㄷㅗㅑㅇㅓ

Mature Content 21+. Please be wise! Kirana must swallow bitterness when Adrian, her fiancé, betrays her love. Adrian married another woman while she was pregnant. Not only did Adrian betray him, but Adrian's family cheated and seized Kirana's family-owned company. Kirana's father even died because he could not accept that reality. Not quite there, the mother even suffered from depression. Kirana was desperate. Her world collapsed until someone came to lead him to get back up and prepare to demand revenge. However, can Kirana settle her revenge? When love comes back, it grows even wilder.

Yuanda9 · Thành thị
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24 Chs

10. Caught lying

Sintia obeys her mother-in-law's orders, and she sends pictures of Kirana with Zayn to Adrian. "It's done, Ma. I wonder how he'll react after seeing this."

Just as Sintia finished talking, Adrian called her. "What do these photos mean?" asked Adrian.

"You can see for yourself, can't you see what the photo is? And you know what will happen next with them. Your mother and I saw Kirana at the restaurant, and we followed her," replied Sintia.

Julia grabbed the cell phone in Sintia's hand to talk to her son. "Adrian, it's obvious. Mama saw it for herself, and she's a cheap woman. From the outside, she looks innocent, but it's just a mask. I'm sure if the child in Kirana's womb is not your baby."

"Where are you guys now?" asked Adrian.

"At Realheaven's apartment!"

Adrian immediately hung up the call and immediately went to the place that Julia mentioned. He firmly believed that Kirana could not be as her mother said. That man must have trapped Kirana in his trap. Adrian still remembers what the man said at Kirana's father's funeral. Adrian thinks he has to save Kirana as soon as possible.

"I'm sure he'll follow us here." Sintia is secretly annoyed that Adrian is still watching Kirana and has not been able to forget her.

"Let Adrian see with his own eyes." Julia is sure Adrian will hate Kirana after seeing it for himself.

It wasn't long before they saw Adrian's car arrive. In a hurry, Adrian got out of his car and went straight in to ask the apartment receptionist.

"Have you seen this woman with this man?" Adrian shows the photo that Sintia sent to him.

"Sorry, sir, I can't provide information on the apartment's occupants!" The receptionist refused to tell. Zayn was one of the VIP owners on the premises there. Therefore she didn't dare to say to him.

"He has framed my girlfriend. It's a criminal act. Say it quickly before I call the police and make a fuss here!" Adrian threatened.

Julia, who was already behind him, tried to calm Adrian down. "Patience, Adrian!"

Sintia took some money sheets from her bag and handed them to the receptionist. "You don't have to worry. We won't make a fuss. We want to ensure she's here or not," said Sintia.

The receptionist looked doubtful, but when she saw the money Sintia handed her, she finally gave Zayn's apartment unit number. They then went to the unit according to the information from the receptionist earlier.

Adrian looks restless as well as Sintia who has been watching her husband for a long time. She feels disappointed and annoyed with her husband's excessive behavior toward Kirana.

When the elevator door opened, Adrian went to the designated unit number. Julia and Sintia followed closely behind. After arriving, Adrian immediately pressed the doorbell. There was no reaction behind the door, and he tried pushing the bell a few more times impatiently.

Not long after, the door opened. Seeing Zayn who opened the door, Adrian immediately went inside.

"Where's Kirana?" Adrian looked around.

"What's this? You're so presumptuous!"

"I know Kirana is with you. We saw her earlier," said Julia.

"Why are you so sure Kirana is here?" Zayn asked casually. He sat on the sofa with his legs crossed, watching them one by one.

"Don't beat around the bush! Quickly tell me, where is Kirana?" Adrian approached Zayn and immediately grabbed Zayn's collar.

Adrian did not see Kirana's presence in the entire room. He was worried that Zayn would do something terrible to Kirana. Zayn pushed Adrian's hand away with a slight smile.

"Are you worried about her? You have nothing to do with her anymore. Are you jealous because she's with me?" Zayn asked.

Adrian, who had been looking uneasy all this time, became angry with Zayn's attitude. Sintia was leaning with her arms folded in front of the door, watching her husband's panic. She is increasingly convinced that Adrian cares about Kirana.

Julia immediately interrupted Zayn's words. "Don't be ridiculous! How can my son be jealous? He wants to ensure that the woman who claims to be pregnant with Adrian's child is wild. So that Kirana will realize that she won't keep bothering my son again."

Julia herself was surprised because she didn't find Kirana there. Kirana couldn't leave the apartment under the influence of a drug.

When the situation is tense, some people come to distract them. One of them was the restaurant waitress who had given Kirana a drink. Julia and Sintia were suddenly surprised and worried about seeing the waiter's restaurant there.

"Who are they?" asked Adrian.

"They are the ones who will give us an explanation. And about that maid, you can ask your mother for sense!" Zayn pointed at the waiter, who was bowing his head.

"What does all this mean? Mama, what's wrong with that waiter?" Adrian asked Julia.

"A-Adrian, he must have set us up. That guy wants to slander me, and he must have planned it." Julia began to defend herself.

Adrian asked the restaurant waiter. He ignored his mother because he could tell she was hiding something. "Say, what's wrong?"

"That madam told me to put this medicine in a woman's drink." The waiter took a small bottle and the money Julia had given him from his trouser pocket.

Adrian took the medicine bottle from the waiter's hand. He knew what kind of medicine it was. His eyes turned, glaring at Julia. "Is what he said true?"

Julia was terrified because she had been found out. However, she still tried to dodge. "No, Adrian. He's lying. It must be that man who told this servant to lie to slander me."

Zayn smiled and raised an eyebrow, realizing how cunning Julia was. He then gave orders to show the restaurant CCTV footage, which showed Julia giving medicine and money to the waiter. In addition, other recordings show the behavior of Julia and Sintia following Kirana and Zayn.

Adrian is angry because he feels cheated by his mother and wife. "You have to explain this to me!"

"Adrian, I don't know anything about the medicine mom gave Kirana." Sintia avoided getting involved.

Julia was disappointed by Sintia's words and looked at her, annoyed, for trying to save herself and throwing all the blame on her. She glared at her daughter-in-law.

"Isn't that right, Ma? I don't know about Mama's plan to give Kirana medicine," asked Sintia to Julia.

"You'd better finish your family business outside! I don't want a commotion here," said Zayn.

Adrian, curious about Kirana's whereabouts, asked Zayn again. "Then where is Kirana now?"

"Kirana is none of your business anymore. She has become my responsibility!" Zayn replied.