
CHAPTER Twenty One

  Ariana's POV

  I opened my eyes at the beeping of my alarm and stretched lazily on my bed, my eyes caught the time by my bedside, it was 6:39 am, "damn, why does this always happen to me?" I quickly stood up from my bed, I must have sleepily snoozed my alarm to this time, it was supposed to ring and wake me up by 5: O'clock, I quickly changed from my robe and ran to Dylan's room, I had been up most of the night worrying about him, I raised my hand to knock on his door just as it suddenly swung opened as if he has been expecting me, he was all dressed up and I was puzzled by that, "are you going somewhere?"

  He stared at me for a moment and raised a brow, "you must be suffering from loss of memory, let me remind you that I have a business to run"

  He was going to work? Although he looked all Hale and fully recovered but that doesn't mean that he shouldn't rest a bit to make sure he has fully recuperated, "I have my memory intact, I just don't think it's the right thing to do"