
Chapter 1

<Coming back from their high school.

Ygghs Phoeneol and 2 of his friends met a young woman wearing an eloquent white dress.

This person caught Ygghs' attention. So much so that he couldn't take his eyes off.

The 3 students passed by the side of this lady then resumed their journey as if nothing had happened.

When the 3 friends arrived near a river under a bridge, Ygghs saw this woman again. A new time. She was staring at Ygghs.

Ygghs had called his parents but no answer for nearly 10 calls.

He even got a call: this number is not assigned. Please redial your number.

While the 3 friends were motionless. The young woman came to them and more precisely in front of Ygghs. And Ygghs would understand why his parents didn't answer him:>

"_ Young Man, are you Ygghs Phoeneol?

_ Yes, it's me, what can I do for you?

_ I have rather disastrous news to tell you.

_... What is it ?

_Your ..... Your parents are no longer of this world "

He cried all the tears that were in his body

"_Is it true ?

_ My condolences ... Really "

<And that's when the young man fell and curled up on himself and he was so touched that he was paralyzed>

<Later that night>

<Ygghs Phoeneol awoke with great difficulty with what he had heard then he saw further a vial with unknown contents adorned with gold surrounding the glass with pills attached with it, in addition there was a "simple" pendant , simple he said. But he did not say to himself that the one who will allow him to know who was this "eloquent Lady" he called him. >

<He felt so bad he didn't care and walked on.

It was not until the next morning, when he had digested his parents' death a little better, that he thought about what he had seen and set out in search of what he had seen.

But unfortunately for the young man, he hardly found what he was looking for, distressed to have lost something that could be important for his life he asked his friends to help him as much as possible. >

<They helped him as best they could. Not finding her on earth, they decided to look in the river that was right next to them:>

"_red lines ?? Hey guys I might have found what we're looking for

_? Or this ???

_in the river, there are red lines

_ let's go find "

<Thus, by dint of looking towards these red lines they found a vial, in any case it strongly resembled it, after having taken it out, they noticed that it was indeed a vial but with 2 particularities :

_the first is that the vial was decorated with gold around a very resistant but transparent glass

_the 2nd is that there were pllilules hung

Ygghs' 2 friends refused to take a pill that was in one of the 3 pill bags. And yet there were 12 per bag. >

<After collecting the vial and the pills, Ygghs returned home and he tried to find as much as possible on these 2 elements to find out where they came from

And looking carefully he saw a writing on the flask:>

"_wood it". He read it very easily until the moment he looked more precisely at the inscriptions because he had a doubt about what was written.

And he didn't understand at all, so where did that "drink it" come from? Would he have dreamed? Suddenly he looked again and he understood what was written. But he wonders why he hadn't understood just before?

Ygghs followed the words written on the bottle to the letter so he drank the entire contents of the vial. But nothing happened. Then he looked at the 3 dozen pills that were next to the vial also had a message on what covered them but this message had a particularity that the message left on the vial did not have:>

"or you take all the pills at once

either you take one a day

Up to you to decide "

<And that's what he did, he made up his mind to take them all at once but only when he had recovered from the death of his parents. >

<Out of bizarre resentment after deciding what to do with the pills, he went back to cherishing her in the river but this time much further than the last time and for hours on end until he stepped on Something.

A necklace ? Bracelet? He ignored this and set off to search further again. It falls on a necklace or a bracelet but this time which had exactly the same shape as the other necklace. Intrigued, this time Ygghs took the necklace and he noticed that the pendant was eye-catching since the material that adorned it was transparent and shiny at the same time but still colorful. >

<Out of pure curiosity he put it on. >

<Putting it on, he had a kind of vision where everything was familiar to him and he didn't know why or how it was possible.

The only thing he saw at that moment was something that Ygghs believed to be a star since it was shining a lot, but he was illogically looking her in the face and without even blinking. From that moment he heard a voice saying to him:>

"_ made ??? a ??? ??? me ??? ??? ??? and you retr ??? ??? ??? ???


what should I do ? Well at worst I'll keep the pendant and see what happens "

<After this incident he woke up and noticed that nothing was the same as what he was experiencing before! >

"_but what could have happened? Could I have dreamed? Was it real?"

<It was from this moment that he understood that where he was is by no means his world. >

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