shirou emiya dies and is reincarnated as narutos twin brother who as a baby is transported to our world years later he returns to the naruto world with his memories regained follow him as he takes the world by storm and by blade
: Shirou Emiya you are hereby sentenced to death by hanging for your treason against humanity:
the villagers were not against this proposition in fact they loved it '
some even demanded that he be faced in a crueler death
they even went as far as torturing inflicting unimaginable pain unto his body
they hated him they all looked at him with murderous gazes
the same villagers that he risked his life to protect
"YOU BASTARD" one of the villagers cried out in anguish my family was in those villages you destroyed
"my husband was in those villages you destroyed how could you take him away from me"
"I hope to see you in hell monster"
"how could you do this to my siblings"
the people that he had risked his life to save now all turned against him and now he was looking at them {what was this evil he was feeling}
{is this the true face of humanity}? he thought sadly as he looked around he saw the looks of disgust thrown at him and glares of hate he looked at people with a face of no emotion
but inside he was feeling loneliness sadness anger confusion
TAKE THIS BASTARED a sudden force pounded against shirou's skull warm liquid trailed down his face he continued to look on but this time it was more hollowly
he then felt another and then another he realized that they were throwing rocks at him
how ever despite this unforeseeable future this did not stop shirou from his ideals despite losing his life for something that would never be appreciated he would die knowing that he had saved the lives of hundreds of people
he didn't do it for rewards nor for fame he did it because it was his reason for living it was his very existence and the end almost felt fitting for someone like him
sacrificing his life was a very small price to pay for the hundreds of lives he had saved
this was who he was this was his fate
as the rope suddenly got tighter around his neck he started to lose consciousness as he was losing consciousness memories of his life started flashing in his head as he welcomed death
the time were his pastlife ended and became shirou emiya
the look on his fathers face as he rescued him from the burning city
unforgettable times that he had spent with his father
The dreadful holy grail experiences
His decision to hunt down holy grail much like his father
His farewell to Rin who remained at clock tower
and finally the day where he was betrayed
as he was fading into the void his last thought entered his mind
{ I wonder.. did anyone ever truly understand me}?
Screaming seamed to echo across the room The screams seemed to belong to two young babies . the two babies both weighed three kilograms
One had spiky blond hair and pair of dark blue eyes. Pretty much a carbon copy of his father Minato Namikaze.
And the other looked just like him the only difference was that he had red hair
"Congratulations Kushina-san, you Have two beautiful boys" said the nurse as she handed both of the new born babies to her mother.
The women in the bed could only be described as a red-head beauty. she had long smooth crimson red hair going all the way to her waist, blue eyes and a ample D-cup breasts adorned a her well developed body. She embraced her sons for the first time.
"Hello Sochi's…" – said Kushina.
Minato turned to his sons and said
"Welcome to our family, Naruto And Ryu"