
The Reincarnated Cursed Saint

Kanan lived a lecherous and illicit life and he lived it proudly. So proud that he was struck down by the gods for his hubris and in turn swore carnal revenge upon all the heavens. After being reincarnated into a world of cultivation, heroes, and magic he learns that every mortal and god is out for his head. So he sets out for their women! In this tale of eroticism, violence, and conquest, watch as chaos incarnate litters this world and those above with his conquered. “Long live the villains!” ————————— Fair warning to all: There is absolutely wife and mother stealing in this story. I love netori and it will be prevalent (not the only types of relationships but they will be abundant) I may or may not introduce bimbofication at some point in the story I don’t know. Depends on if it will fit the tone. ————————— Kanan is BLACK if there is anything about that that rubs you the wrong way or throws you off, you are free to leave and read something else. I am Black as well, now some of my kin folk won’t like this but I do love the cliche of gangster takes the housewife so going to be making that happen in some form as well. Just wanted to let this be known so in the future if anybody does fan art they are well aware Kanan is a BLACK MAN with long dreadlocks don’t draw him as anything else. ————————— Major shoutout to my inspirations for this story: Profane Prince of Darkness and Hero Party Must Fall‼️

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5 Chs

I Will Devour You

Hm? I am in a black space again? Wait, no… Kanan thought as he heard the pattering of heavy rain near him.

Am I still in that world? I should hold off showing that I am awake for a few moments first. He concluded. Most people believed they held the same skill, but regular humans always had a tell. Kanan through years of having to avoid clingy or complacent women had mastered such a technique to the point he could even bluff a coma if necessary.

Soon his senses began to gather, and a voice could be heard muttering close to him. Though for some reason her voice sounded clear as if she was whispering in his ears. 

"I cannot believe a pervert appeared outside of my hospital! A nonhuman at the looks of it. Oh! If this gets out my practice will be in danger!" The voice complained.

The woman from before? I didn't get a good look because of the heavy rain and still not being used to my body. Now that I think about it… 

After waiting for some time Kanan heard no extra footsteps or sounds indicating there was anyone besides themselves within the immediate vicinity. Reaching such a conclusion Kanan decided to take a gamble and open his eyes slightly. 

As they creaked open ever so subtly his vision cleared and absorbed the image of the woman before him.

Blazing red curly hair, very well proportioned as well. Clearly well fed from her plump shape. From her earlier comments, a doctor perhaps? She doesn't look different from a normal human outside of her odd attractiveness. Kanan observed as he wondered inwardly.

The more he saw the hotter Kanan's blood felt. For some reason he felt his body reacting strongly to this woman. Even more so than he would on Earth to an attractive woman. Thus, his body reacted the natural way. At least at first it did. His body felt as if he had just finished lifting weights or running miles. A running high, but another sensation was taking place at the same time.

"Ah! He has an erection! What type of pervert is so determined that he enters such a state even while unconscious?" The woman yelled.

Under normal circumstances Kanan would retain his stoic and unconscious appearance to escape any possible danger or unwanted scenarios. But for some reason, this woman…

"You are just so cute and funny." Kanan said as a wry chuckle left him. Feeling his dry throat, he sat up slowly and looked to the woman of his intrigue and asked. "Do you have any water?"

The woman looked at him with an angry face that could emanate no real rage even if she had felt any as she responded. "Of course I do- W- wait! You are awake?!?" She screamed as she instantly looked around for something. 

When her eyes finally landed on the nearest syringe, she sprung for it without hesitation.

I must put him to sleep, else he might attack me! She panicked internally though she did her best to show a face of strength in front of this stranger.

For Kanan however even for a desperate woman who he could tell was trying her best to survive. Her movements appeared somewhat sluggish.

  Determining so he decided to take advantage of the situation and stood from the bed clasping her hands into his own. Holding the captured womans hands above her head Kanan opted to use a move he had long since sealed away.

His signature smile! A skill that prevented many disastrous situations in his past life. Even once sparing him from being tattled on by the maid of a certain madam of a great family. He had ceased using it because there no longer stood any obstacles that required it in his past life.

[Innate Pheromones Activated]

The woman gasped as she had not expected the stranger to be so fast, grasping and capturing her in moments. As she opened her mouth to scream suddenly her will to retaliate became weakened. Instead, her body became heated and her senses excited.

"Nh~ What are you doing to me?" She moaned as her body's core grew warmer.

Seeing the notification appear in front of him Kanan thought, Pheromones? I'll think on it later, for now I'm thankful they at least halted her. 

He looked the woman up and down thoroughly before speaking, still his smile on his face. "Please calm down. I mean you no harm, I promise. My name is Kanan, please can you tell me where I am?" He asked.

Approaching a woman with honesty and open intentions as Kanan learned is shockingly one of the best approaches for a womanizer like himself. He truly meant her no harm, so he spoke the truth.

The woman continued to moan though she answered him as best she could, "Y- you are in my hospital. Within the human continent. N- now explain what you are doing to me! Is this your Intent?" She struggled to retaliate not wanting to accept defeat so easily.

Kanan sniffed his nose as a new smell reached him. Though it was slightly different from the women of his world Kanan knew this smell very well. Bringing his face to her neck he whispered to her.

"You smell absolutely delicious~" He growled into the womans ear causing her to jolt. 

"Ah! Help somebody! He means to raid my body! He's going to eat me! Anyone please, it is Elane! Help!" Elane screamed but alas the rain drowned her out as well as it being night. Though Kanan would not take the chance and covered her mouth with his other hand.

"Be calm, I am not that type of man." He said after retracting his face and looking into the woman's eyes. 

"Elane is a pretty name. Can I trust you to answer some questions without making a ruckus, Elane?" He asked, she nodded vigorously in response. Kanan nodded and set her free though he did not release her hands.

"First question, what do you mean by human continent? Are there non-human continents as well? If so, how many?"

Elane looked at him with a perplexed expression, "Huh? Do they not teach you magical beasts about the world outside of your continents? Don't look down on us humans so much!" She answered causing Kanan to frown.

A proud one huh? Alright, let's make some magic. Kanan thought as he replicated the feeling he had when the last notification appeared. Feeling as if his stomach could float in his own body, he brought such a feeling to the surface of his skin. 

A mental trick he learned from a MILF guru that studied gastronomic health. Soon the room smelled of something akin to lavender and brown sugar as Elane was made to moan again.

"Y- you are doing it again! You pervert what kind of Intent is this?" Elane shouted as she attempted to wriggle free.

"Intent? What is an Intent?" He questioned as he heard the term repeatedly as a noun. 

"You really know nothing? Do you have amnesia or something? What race even are you?" Elane questioned still leaving his own unanswered. Kanan decided he would stop being so delicate with the situation if the woman would continue in such a manner.

Bringing his teeth towards her neck he followed the unfamiliar primal drive within him and opened his jaw. Feeling fangs form for the first time he wondered exactly what else was different about his body but took no time to ponder on it in the moment.

She believes I am non-human. Then I will be her monster. Kanan thought bringing the tips of his fangs to Elane's neck.

"Answer my questions without further delay, or I will devour you."