
The Reimagining of the Bow Hero

Satoshi Sera, a prodigious law student, is summoned to the tumultuous world of Shield Hero. Brace yourself as he establishes democracy in a northern country and introduces modern industrialization and sweeping reforms! With catastrophic waves striking, gargantuan beasts awakening, and dangerous foes emerging, the only way for the small countries to survive is to unite. And who better to lead this new Confederation than the Bow Hero! (The Rising of the Shield Hero Fanfiction, Replacing the Bow Hero)

Alexanderctn · Tranh châm biếm
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56 Chs

Chapter 53 - Wooloo

Chapter 53 – Wooloo

Author's Note: Please don't bombard me for the direction that I'm about to take.

Indigo gave me a whole information dump, but I'll simplify what he said. After we jumped through the portal, he was whisked away and fell out of the sky into a water fountain in the middle of this country's capital. Swarms of people, mostly women, pounced on him, and it was through the hard work of the police that he wasn't clobbered to death by the ecstatic mob.

He was brought before a religious council, where they claimed that he was an angel sent by heaven. Not denying this, Indigo started preaching my ideals for a better society, which the council quickly approved. They said that if it was the word of god, there was nothing they could do to deny it.

The religious council quickly gathered a congress after holding quick elections across the country, and a national popular vote determined the new president. Everybody immediately passed every law that "the angel" brought up, most of them very similar to Arcium. One key difference was that Indigo introduced a bicameral congress to better suit the locals, and many Arcian laws were adjusted to better fit local customs.

Indigo came up with a new name for the country, the United Federation. He also drew up many blueprints based on the ones that I had drawn and sent them to the many existent factories around the realm. He remarked that the country looked much like late 1800s Germany, after I told him what it was like back then.

The people of this nation, according to Indigo, are very worried of an impending invasion by the country of Luvar. Due to this, and the fact he was considered a deity, everybody agreed to increase the military budget to create new weapons. While doing all this, the army ushered Indigo to a river to quickly gain XP by killing scores of fish, but due to his busyness he had only reached 40 or so.

"You know what, pal, you did a good job. I'm proud to consider you part of my family."

"Awwww, thanks!" Indigo purred as Kana combed his feathers, which was something she was very good at.

"Oh yeah, Satoshi." Indigo suddenly brought up. "You should make a shikigami. You can make one completely free here since I'm considered a deity, and they can prove pretty useful."


"I can explain." Kana jumped in. "Basically, you take a few things and the owner's blood, mix them together, and use a medium to create a familiar! I've never made one, but I hear they can be quite powerful!"

"That's great. Indigo, where can I get this done?"

"Probably at the dragon hourglass in the capital. It has more magical energy, and many wizards could help you out."

"Lead the way."

Indigo waded through the middle of the road, with roses and other flowers being thrown at him from all directions. Guess this country really did love angels.

"Oh yeah, Satoshi." Indigo whispered in my ear as we approached the dragon hourglass. "For some reason, I'm classified as a humming fairy in this world instead of a filolial. I don't know why, but that's a thing."

"Strange." I muttered.

"Feehhhhhh!" Rishia groaned as we neared the castle, clearly scared by all the commotion.

All the castle guards saluted as Indigo walked through the door, leading us to a large chamber where a dragon hourglass similar to the many that existed throughout the Confederation lay.

"Oh, great angel. What is it that you need today?"

"Well, my good friend Satoshi here requires a shikigami to be made. Perhaps you could make one for him?"

"If it's for the angel, I will do anything he requires. Do you have material for the ceremony, friend of the great angel?"

I rummaged through my inventory, not really finding anything of use except a few balls of wool harvested from the softest sheep of Arcium.

"Will this do?"

"It should work. Here, wait a moment, friend of the great angel."

The man bolted to a room behind the dragon hourglass and came out with a handful of wool.

"This is the sturdiest and highest quality wool in our Federation. Please, combine both wool for the shikigami ceremony. Also, please prick some blood on the mixture of wool."

"Could you help, Kana?"

"Sure can. I'll create a nearly invisible cut on your hand that should heal immediately."

In the blink of an eye, a single droplet of blood dripped out of my index finger and onto the mixture of wool. When I checked on the wound, it had already disappeared.

"Wow. That's amazing, Kana!"

The wizard sprinkled some magic dust or something of the sort on the mixture of blood and two different kinds of wool.

"We petition for one who will protect and serve the friend of the great angel. Oh, heavens above, please bestow us with a great familiar!"

I tapped my feet. This sure was taking a while. Suddenly, a tab popped up in my field of vision.

Shikigami Shield conditions met!

Shikigami Shield

abilities locked; shikigami servant: shikigami power-up

A large puff of smoke filled the room, causing everybody to cover their eyes. When it finally cleared, the cutest thing I had ever seen in my life flew out of the remaining smoke.


The fuzzy ball that had emerged landed straight into my anticipating arms. It looked exactly like a Pokémon.

It looked like a small sheep, having such a thick coat of wool that it looked spherical. It had a small, black head poking out the front of the wool, along with two short conical horns. Its eyes were a combination of yellow, black, and white, and it had two large ears on either side of its head with gray strings of wool between the ears and the head, resembling pigtails. Stroking its fur, I could feel that it was soft and sturdy, a combination of the two wools that had created it.

"It's adorable!" Kana shouted. "What are you going to name it?"

"Wooloo! Wooloo!" The shikigami called.

"I'll name it Wooloo. Is that fine with you, Wooloo?"

"Wooloo!" Wooloo chimed as he nuzzled his head into my chest.

"Seems like he likes it."

"This must be the work of god himself!" The wizard roared. "God has blessed the friend of the great angel for this success!"

"Thanks for helping us out." Indigo said coolly. "Satoshi, do you want to check out the country?"

"Sure thing! I'd love to! By the way, Indigo, we should probably form a party.

I sent Indigo a request, which he quickly accepted.

"Ooh! Ooh! Can I join too?"

"What do you say, Indigo, Rishia? I'd say yes."

"Fuee! I love Kana!"

"Sure thing! We do need more pretty ladies, after all."

I punched Indigo in the stomach. We broke down laughing. Afterwards, I sent Kana a party request, and I was absolutely shocked at the level she was at.

150. That was leaps and bounds higher than my own level back in Arcium. That was pretty reasonable though, considering that she had been training for her whole life while I had trained for around half a year.

Indigo acted as a tour guide, though he didn't know that much about the country himself. He showed us the factories which were producing dumbed down versions of Arcium's weapons, and the Angel's Gate which deeply resembled the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. The Angel's Gate had the flag of the United Federation flying above it, which consisted of a white flag with a pair of angelic wings in the middle to symbolize peace, prosperity and the nation's deeply rooted belief in angels.

As we explored the city, Wooloo lay in my arms. For some reason, he really didn't want to walk, so I had to cradle him like a baby. I didn't mind it very much, though, since he was soft and adorable, kind of like a cushion.

Unlike the cultures of neighboring countries, there were no Japanese influences in this country. Everybody dressed like a German, ate like a German, and drank like a German. Other than the traders who wore Japanese-style clothing selling their merchandise in the streets, everybody was like a German.

By the way, the reason why this country was called the United Federation was because after Indigo's arrival, a few other small countries adhering to the same faith all volunteered to join. Not a single drop of blood was shed, and the country grew much larger. If anybody was to attack the country, however, they wouldn't be in for a fun time, since the country apparently had the most advanced technology in the world. With the new Arcian-style weapons, the United Federation would become even more of a world power.

One reason for the Federation's advancements in technologies in all aspects was its involvement in the waves. The country kept sending expeditionary forces to combat nearby waves for the sole reason to learn more about them and to level up their army, and nothing more. This was still better than not fighting the waves though. There was a wave that had happened just recently, but the Federation troops under Indigo had quickly dispatched it, which led to even further respect of the supposed angel by the citizens of this country.

The Federation Army made me quite jealous. Since the country wasn't beleaguered like Arcium was, it had a much larger military. It was at least a few times larger, and more experienced. In terms of naval technology, however, they were very behind, not even having a flotilla of gunboats. To be fair, we didn't have a single warship at this point, but a bunch would be completed pretty soon after the remodeling of the wooden ones. I was eager to test them out.

The industrialists of the Federation were really interested in the products that I talked to them about, especially Serade. Since it was partially made of soul healing water, it was ridiculously helpful for spirit people such as Glass. They would pay a few kinhan for it, the currency of much of the world except the Federation which used marks instead. Word had spread of Naofumi selling his own soul healing water in the country of Mikakage, so I gave the formula of Serade to the Federation in hopes that they could mass produce the product and make a lot of money.

During this entire time, I had quickly felt more and more drawn towards Kana. I didn't know if she felt the same way. To really find out, I wanted to schedule a date, but with Rishia tagging along, that wasn't going to work. I needed Indigo's help. After whispering into the filolial's, or should I say humming fairy's, ears, he agreed to execute my plan.

"You cheeky bastard. That might just work. You Rockstar."

"Yo, Rishia!" Indigo tapped on her shoulder. "Have I told you about the great Federation library? You won't believe what strange and ancient knowledge is in there!"

"Fueehhhh! Really! Could you bring me to it?"

"Sure thing, Rishia. Anything for a fellow party member. Just this way."

Indigo grabbed Rishia's hand like an older brother would and dragged her away. This would be my chance.

"Kana," I asked. "Would you be interested in doing some extra training in that forest over there? Indigo said that there's some really tough monsters out there."

"You bet!"

The forest was a short distance away from the capital. As it was nearing nightfall, the stars shone down on us, the constellations clearly different from what Arcium had. Plants and trees grew freely all over the ground, and a strange species of tree took up most of the forest. Kana and I took a nice evening stroll through the forest and eventually ended up in a clear area in the center, where there was a stone table with a few boulders acting as seats.

"You know," she said. "It's pretty dark now. Do you still want to train?"

"Just a bit. I'm getting a bit tired after that long tour."

"Wooloo! Wooloo!" Wooloo nudged my calf.

"Well, looks like Wooloo wants to go too. What are we waiting for? Let's go!"

How will the "date" go? Find out in chapter 54, coming soon to a fanfiction site near you!