
the red sorceress

in a world where magic and technology combine to form society, league is the first option/course for newbies and researchers. league provides a place for a startup career for heroes and study in magetech. however,for kratika it is the only way to prove herself to the world. as she is born as a blood manipulator, the darkest, most hated and the most feared form of magic there is. will she be able to redeem herself? or will she fall into the bottomless malice of a villain

ojas_khare · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

the alarming incident

The scene was tense as the group, cloaked in heavy clothing and armour, oversaw the loading of crates onto their airship. Each member of the mafia pointed their guns at the workers, who lay subdued on the ground, hands clasped behind their heads. Darkness enveloped the factory, heightening the atmosphere of impending danger.

"Is everything loaded?" the leader, obscured by their mask, asked the person overseeing the operation. The response came in a nod, confirming the readiness to depart.

"It's time to retreat," the leader announced, prompting the group to move closer to the airship, their guns still trained on the workers. The pilot initiated the engine, and as they turned to board the airship, a chilling sight stopped them in their tracks.

A shadowy figure loomed atop the crates, catching their attention. The leader illuminated the figure with the light on their gun, revealing Curse perched menacingly.

"Hey, what's the hurry? I'm just getting started," Curse taunted, his voice echoing through the darkness.

"SHOOT!" the leader commanded, but it was too late. Curse swiftly drew his mage tech magnum, firing a fatal shot before they could react.

"BAM!" The leader fell, and chaos erupted among the guards.

Panic swept through the remaining members of the mafia as they desperately scanned the area for any sign of Curse's whereabouts. Confusion reigned as they shouted, "WHERE'D HE GO?" Their frantic search yielded no results, and tension escalated as they feared another attack.

"STAY CLOSER!" one of them yelled, attempting to regroup and maintain a semblance of control. But their efforts were futile as another gunshot rang out, claiming another victim.

As chaos threatened to consume them, the sudden return of light brought clarity to the situation. The Fire Riders, silent and deadly, emerged from the shadows, their guns trained on the disoriented mafia members.

"You're all surrounded! Drop your weapons and surrender," Survi commanded, her voice cutting through the chaos with authority.

Defeat washed over the mafia members as they realized the direness of their situation. With no other option, they reluctantly dropped their weapons, knowing that resistance would only worsen their already situation and who knows? there can be mages behind, further making their death even more inevitable and painful. Surrender became their only recourse as they faced the inevitable consequences of their failed operation.

 Curse emerged from behind his crew as the police arrived to arrest the mafia. Survi informed him, "The crates seem to be full of source stones."

"Source stones?" His tone was troubled.

"Were any of them mages?" Survi questioned.

"No, they must be smuggling it for a higher authority or they plan to sell it all on the black market," Curse replied.

"Then they're not a mafia... They're just a bunch of thugs," Survi remarked as she watched them being carried to the police truck.

Curse moved towards the people who were held hostage. "Are all of you safe?" They nodded in affirmation as the medical team arrived to check them. Curse noticed a little girl, about 10 years old, in the corner, still showing signs of fear. He knelt down to her, speaking gently, "Hey there, little one. Is there someone with you?"

The girl, saddened, replied in an innocent voice, "No one."

"No one? You're here all on your own?" he asked, confused, while observing the other workers turning away, hiding their eyes in shame. Disgusted, Curse realized that the girl was just an orphan, forced to labor for her basic needs.

"Don't worry, there is nothing to be afraid of," he assured her, trying to comfort her. "Say, do you like bikes?"

The girl shook her head, indicating no.

"Uh, well, then do you want to have a ride on one? Trust me, you'll like it. I will take you to a place much better than this one. A place full of friends to play with, exciting books to read, amazing food, and so much more! Do you want to come?" he asked, hoping to give her some hope and excitement.

The girl, slightly feeling better and trusting him, nodded her head.

Survi, observing from a distance, smiled with satisfaction. Anil appeared from behind, his hand on her shoulder. "Who got you smiling like that?"

Survi, slightly annoyed, retorted, "Quit it."

Anil teased, "Ooh, our cap? I knew you had a thing for him."

Survi poked him in the arm, "Not that! It's just... he's so caring towards children, it just melts my heart," she confessed, smiling.

Anil, smiling as he watched Curse interact with the girl, agreed, "Well, that is true."

As they all left the industry, Survi handled the paperwork and maintained the situation with the police, while the team headed out. They hopped onto their bikes, with the little girl riding with Curse. As they rode, the girl clearly enjoyed the experience, her fear fading away with each passing moment.