
the red sorceress

in a world where magic and technology combine to form society, league is the first option/course for newbies and researchers. league provides a place for a startup career for heroes and study in magetech. however,for kratika it is the only way to prove herself to the world. as she is born as a blood manipulator, the darkest, most hated and the most feared form of magic there is. will she be able to redeem herself? or will she fall into the bottomless malice of a villain

ojas_khare · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

first meeting

"So, you got on the ship illegally. refused to pay for the ferry or in this case, the bribe and used magic for terror and planned to do so in future for your other expenses" The voice echoed through the empty metallic room as a light flashed upon the girl who was tied to the chair with ropes. she sighs and says in a tired voice

"No, I was not planning to use that tactic anywhere. besides I did pay my ferry that guy was trying to get some money out of me because he thought I was a defenceless girl"

"And you think I believe it?", said the guy interrogating her who revealed to be curse.

"Of course you don't. CUZ IF YOU DID WE WON'T BE SITTING HERE FOR TWO DAMN HOURS!!" she says annoyed. She relaxes her body and looks at the interrogator.as for him, he notices her looks. brownish colour, medium-length hair and scaringly scarlet eyes, and a little oval face with slight sharp features suggested to him that she was not an immigrant on the way. she probably came from the middle parts of the Indus. 

"so, what do we do with you?" curse asks

"Why are you asking the victim that?" she says

"You're right. I am... awkward" After a second of silence the girl asks

"So erm who are you again?"

" A-ranked hero, from the team called the fire riders. codename is curse. so erm... you?"

"Scarlet..." she says awkwardly

"Scarlet and?....."

"no last name," she says looking him in the face

"so scarlet, you know what? I will let you go, no pressure or report since catching petty criminals isn't the kind of job we are paid for," he says lazily

her face almost smiling "Really?"

"but" he added sharply and continued "you have to tell me what are those useful things that you used on that sailor? is that mage tech? or pure magic? "

she shimmers for a bit as almost as if she does not want to tell him but her choice is torn between letting go of the truth or staying in this cell for who knows how long. She feared if she stayed for too long, some other secrets would spill out which she clearly could not afford. With her resolve, she opens up

"Fine, those are the real deal"

"The real deal?"

"Yes." She replies defeated

"And where did you get them," he says interested

"Out in the mid-indus" she replies

"Well I still don't believe you but I think you won't have a reason to lie. Then, How about I keep these and you can go."?

Her eyes widen she needs them

"What? NO!, I cannot give them to you"

"But you're not giving them to me. I am simply holding them under my custody"

"NO, YOU CA-" Before she could finish her sentence a loud buzz came from the metallic hand wrist of his, it was the emergency siren. Something had gone wrong. He quickly says while walking away

"Oh I am being called, I will come back later"


Curse was already gone from the scene. Alone in the cell, she surveys her surroundings, spotting a desk tucked in the corner, her backpack atop it. "What an idiot," she muses, eyeing the setup. Though she suspects the rune stones remain in her bag, she ponders her next move. Suddenly, she begins to murmur incantations, her fingers dancing with purpose despite being bound to the chair. Abruptly, a shimmering blade materializes, slicing through the ropes that bind her, setting her free. Now pulled with excitement she exclaimed

"Seems like he didn't know much about pure magic anyway"

Her gaze swept over the distant end of the iron-barred corridor, fixating on the gleaming outline of the exit door. With agile grace, she slipped through the bars, her body fitting snugly. Racing towards the door, she fumbled in the darkness, searching for the knob, her patience waning. Realizing her only option might be to blast through, she retraced her steps to retrieve her bag. Returning with determination, she pressed her palm against the door, murmuring the incantation once more, conjuring a vibrant red light. With a resounding boom, the door shattered, granting her freedom. As she reached into her backpack, her heart sank – the rune stones were missing. Her suspicions confirmed annoyance surged within her, but undeterred, she pressed forward.