
The Start

Chapter 1: The Start

"In the beginning there was nothing. Concepts such as time and space, life and death, chaos and order simply just did not exist. In the beginning, nothing existed until 'it' simply popped into existence. A primordial egg that contained an enormous amount of energy.

 No one knows how it came to be. No one knows how it popped into the realm of nihility. A void devoid of nothingness. As it sprouted into nothingness it became the very first thing to exist. 

This 'egg'...or 'seed', no matter what people decided to call it, had no features or defining shape. It was in a state of instability as if it could not support its existence. It walked the threshold of existence and non-existence both at the same time and had an ethereal, transparent appearance.

Soon, it began to create concepts such as space and time, as the mysterious energy, what we call "Taiju"  spread itself, originating from the orb throughout the realm, stretching it in size. The concept of time appeared as the orb rotated each time it did, visibly changing its form and shape and gradually, turning from the once featureless orb into something that was gaining form. Becoming more stable and perfect with each second.

The concept of light came as 'it' emitted a bright luminosity that brought light for the very first time in the dark and null void. Many more concepts started to sprout in existence as the orb only rotated and rotated in the center of nothingness.

As time passed on, the orb only rotated faster and faster until one day, everything simply stopped. In a sudden movement the primordial energy that had spread itself throughout the realm, time that had only gone further and further in a never-ending way, crawled back. Light, darkness, heat, cold, space, size, and many more of what was brought into existence rushed back into the orb.

As everything came back into the source of what made existence, the orb lost its ethereal appearance, becoming more solid. More denser as all of existence recollected itself. 

Once everything was back inside the orb. Once all that dwelled in existence was 'it'. 

The most wonderful event in the universe had happened. It had imploded.

The orb, fully condensed, released everything out into nothingness changing from a singularity into everything. 

Stars started to form and galaxies were created.  The wonderful world was born as the explosion spread itself throughout the infinite realm.  parts of the universe broke apart and shattered due to explosion, and while over time the universe recovered- no, it had regenerated and gave birth to different planes of existence with varying laws and rules.

As what is now known as the universe formed, shards of 'it' that started it all drew each other in and the fragments started to meld into one another. As the shards took on a liquid form and fused with each other 'it' had started to give itself shape and defining features. After an untold amount of years, it had fully formed and solidified itself amongst the bright stars shining in the vastness of space. 

Still maintaining its ethereal appearance it had gone from a small orb of instability into a massive humanoid figure that dwarfed the very galaxies around it. 

A being that truly existed and didn't walk between the lines of existence and nonexistence.

The being formed in a fetal position as the last of its form and existence fully finished to stabilize. For the first time, it had moved, and for the very first time. His eyes opened and his mouth widened.

A large scream resounded itself across the universe as the first being basked in what is known as life. It gazed around the void and was drawn into the very sight of the universe. 

'Beautiful' Was what the first being thought as it stared in awe around the universe that was born from it. After billions of billions of years later, the first being is still a mysterious figure. Despite being the creator of the universe, the originator of all, and the parent of all. Little is known about it. No one even knows what the first being looks like as no one has ever seen it. 

The first is after billions of years of dwelling inside the universe, watching as its creation grows and grows with the passage of time it grows discontent. It had thought of what was missing. 

It was a feeling that rested in the first being's heart as it lived in the universe. It was nearly perfect but there was just one thing missing.

One thing that was vital but not created yet. One thing and soon after billions of years, it felt like a fool when it finally realized what the universe was missing. Life. Other beings like him, not necessarily in power but in having what is known as life.

And so, with but a thought he chanted "Let there be life." A bright green energy emitted from the first being and spread throughout the universe. It was after this that life started to form on planets. Trees and flowers started to bloom and sprout. Microorganisms that given time would shape into a variety of fantastic beasts and creatures roamed around the air. 

 Lions and bears walked under the stars, the moon, and the sun and soon humans were born as the First Being who created life throughout the world. 

The universe was in a never-ending race. It didn't stop for a single second and slowed down for nobody as it kept moving and developing. 

This naturally applied to all life forms and beings across the universe and different planes of existence. 

Soon, after a period of time beings came across the mysterious energy known as "Taiju"  that was present everywhere and discovered that by a process which was named cultivation. This energy can allow one to become strong enough to split the very seas in half and render the mountains to dust with a single punch. 

To live longer than what is naturally possible and perform many fantastical supernatural abilities beyond comprehension. We call people and beasts capable of utilizing this energy a variety of names but the most common one is Taijutsu Soccerers.  The art of Taiju became prominent in all the worlds and planes since then. Being an art all wished to practice and perfect to its peak.

In this world, those without the ability to practice Taiju are less than trash, and those who possess the ability to sense and use Taiju will soar to heights never seen before." 

An old man read aloud on a small wooden chair close to the fireplace. On the rug in front sat children, just about over a dozen ranging from 6-to 8 years old all sitting with dirty torn clothes staring at him wide-eyed as they listened to the first chapter. The [Immortal Tale] The Start." 

A rather simple name for what is rumored as the start of everything. The old man had read it many times but his repetition of the book never bored the kids. It always drew them in like moths to a flame. As he finished reading the story the old man stroked the ridiculously, but fabulous long beard that went from his chin down to the ground beneath him. 

 He stood up from his seat and closed the book in his hand.  The book was black on both sides. There were no covers or titles. The book that many taijutsu soccerers considered as a holy scripture never had any authors or official titles to it. The children in the room let off a sound of applause and started chattering with each other about the story 

Just like the first being, it remains a mystery. No one knew how or when it was made. Only that it exists and that it is a tale of the world...or at least thought to be by many. 

"As you all know tomorrow is an important day for your lot. As tomorrow is the ceremony day and we will see during the awakening whether you possess the requirements to walk the path of Taijutsu."  The old man told them, breaking off all the chattering and setting a bleak tone through the room as he stared at them with his yellow eyes. He loomed over all the small children 

and in their views, he seemed like a giant despite only being 5'8 (172.72 cm) 

"Hmm. I hope for the best for every one of you brats and wish all of you would awaken the ability to cultivate but sadly reality is never as we wish. Most of you bloody cunts won't awaken and will forever be at the bottom of society, always working hard for scraps while those above you receive the finest things life has to offer and benefit from your suffering. Is that fair? No, but that is simply the way things are." The old man started to walk out of the room and all the kids followed him in silence. 

The kids didn't say anything and simply followed him as he walked out of the room and led them to their living quarters. Croaks and creeks sounded every time they walked across broken wooden floorboards the hallways and walls surrounding them were cracked and half peeled. Holes and tears everywhere. 

Their eyes were gloomy and dim but there was a faint burning light of determination as they all knew tomorrow would be the day that determined their fate and they knew better than anyone what being at the bottom of society was truly like.

This place they lived in was an orphanage and so the building wasn't properly maintained nor was it exactly safe. Their parents either died or simply did not care and threw them away like trash. No one cared for them, not even the kingdom they dwelled in. They hardly knew when they would receive the next meal, and due to them not having money, sickness was akin to death. 

Lying, stealing, conning, they did whatever it took to survive. They knew what it was like to be weak. To be at the bottom and they were all determined to do anything to get out of this hell hole.

In the back of the group, a young boy's eyes shined far more bright and determined than his peers in front of him.  He clenched his fists with all his might. Failure wasn't an option for him. The ceremony was his only chance to get out of this place.

 To become someone worth more than a dog's shit and not end up like the old man nor the other older kids at these orphanages, forever stuck at the bottom always having to resort to treachery just to make ends meet. 

Just to get out of here, he was willing to do anything. anything to rise to the top, to become the king amongst kings and reverend across all of the lands.  

He was willing to do... anything.
