
The rebirth of the winter moon girl

kiluba · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

Ever thought about your life will that what I had in my head I always thought about when I'll finish school,find my true love get married and have as many kids as I can and live happily ever after with a good job that when I die with my husband our kids could a happy life at least that's what I thought until I died out of the greed and foolishness of my family. Hi my name is Mimi I was born into a really bad family I'm the only young lady of the family when my father found out my mother gave birth to a baby girl he killed her on the spot I could see the blood that covered me like red water after that my 12 bothers treated me like trash I wasn't allowed to enter the household of my brothers and father I lived née there hoses bout Maine was a cabin on the mountain one day as I was walking down I found my father down the mountain and was covered in blood yes my father is a killing monster bout once he saw me he came after me and asked what I saw bout I was frozen so I started running bout I couldn't get that far so he get me bout I don't wanna die like this I still have so many things to fulfill I was being grabbed by the neck it felt so painful bout what was I ever thinking in this family everything is cruel and pain at least now I can Rest In Peace and won't have such treble things happen to me huh aren't I dead yet what with this light voice 'looks like it a girl your highness' huh what's up with this have I been reborn or is it my memories voice 'congratulations your highness' I opened my eyes and there were so many people I've never seen before bout if this was my dream then shouldn't they act the way I want them to so I thought of the dancing or saying something wired bout they didn't then a voice said 'my darling child you have been reborn as this baby girl hope you can be happy though this life is smiler to the life you had that why' and I didn't hear it again then the doors opened everyone said "welcome his highness then he yelled 'how dare you woman !!!you still dear give me another girl you shill die with her!!!!!' What bout I just been reborn then my mother came to me and said 'no!! You can kill me bout you can't kill her please' then I saw she was cryingIs she crying for me I ask myself for me a girl who's never had anything auger have always been about it I've never been loved because you cry for me just then I realized she did love me she was the only thing I had that time and in that moment I just saw a knife and blood a lot of blood a lot of it she had been killed by that cruel men standing in front of me so at that very moment tears filled my eyes like the ocean but that woman Told me to stay safe to not let other people to get vantage of me she told me she loved me I Felt very angry so I cried looking at her licking her pressure face I curved my finger on her face is blood is on my hand I cried like a baby even though I was a baby what was it that made me cry so much what was it that every time he touched her but I screamed and screamed even though it comes out like a baby crying I could feel the pain that I felt but I didn't understand her side side the man standing in front of me elected and then decided I said please bring her back but it came out as blah blah blah why can I speak and I look at myself I was a baby I was sitting up but why am I a baby it's a dumb voice tell me that I was reborn as a girl but I'm re-point as a baby and then I took the knife and give it back to him and pointed bring her back but again it came out as blah blah blah and then a man said 'is she trying to tell me something ' even though everyone didn't understand me and could not believe a baby was just born to walk and could try to speak while they were trying understand I was busy crying about my mother she told me those things I want to ever told me that what what made her tell me was because I was your daughter and then just then I spoke in my brain came my real mother also died this is my real mother to put that died is this like an abuse the same as the last one no I don't want it to be why why me why do I have to leave the same life was back then but then he sinus or should I say my father tell them 'take care of this insulate child' and then they took me away I still cried after that I was taken to someplace called the cold palace in the palace it had everything well I thought at least I don't have to live in a cold place or anything I was taken care by two made even though those two maids didn't like me I still try my best to make them like me my father didn't come to visit me what made him not come visit because I was a girl because of my mother and then I miss daughter then thought maybe I could run away from here but this is the world that I was reborn in I'm runaway so I started leaving my life as a baby princess one day The maids were saying that I was just an unwanted child so how could they have to take care of me and then somehow I just screamed shut up and came out correctly I've been trying to say that for the last two months but somehow to make the baby say that word they were all shocked in the room I'm gonna say I can speak I can finally speak even though I didn't come out like I wanted it to but it came out for a person to just understand what I was saying everybody was shocked the people who were living with me they were all shocked as if they just saw a ghost anyway two days later news got out but in those two days I try to walk I mean if I could talk then maybe I could walk but one day I just heard everyone screaming His highness is cutting his sinuses coming they all said so I was shocked it's the first time he ever come I thought what is the planning is he planning to take me away is he planning to tell me that 1 million thoughts running through my mind what is the planning the time but that's myself but then as the steps got louder and louder came out the door I was just waiting waiting to see what that horrible of a father was planning to open the door opened no idea what I was waiting for me